the truth in my eyes
i am gods forgoten son i am not good and pure im the antihero i will creat and destroy one of my arms the one of silver controls and destroys my enmys heart soul mind and body my arm of gold takes away pain and darkness love is the only thing keeping me sain love of friends and family without love i am as a killers soul i am never free i have the patince of a choping block ready to take on the next oponet i am never free of my past it plays like a video on repeat like a bad record nothing has gotten past me people get in my way and are destroyed i will always stay here i shal always remain thoughs who hold me back shal feal the pain of a million years past i will always be here always waiting for a chance to be free for my eternal pain waiting for a chance to be happy only to have it taken away from me i wait and hope just to have it all fall apart in the end like a sledge hammer to the nuts i fall breathless wanting to know why why now why would this happen to me why would my only peace be taken away from me why is my freedom taken no anser but to fight on in a meainingless exsistance wishsing that my life was finished wishing to no longer fight just to have people to tell me to keep fighting for hope of the future to be a light in there storm just before i take there world away before i end time space earth everything in the existance of my being i try to make everyone happy just to fade to black with no meaning to know that even if i do remain it will all end why do people like me why do they care so much why do they love me so when im unforgiven when i cant be forgiven for my sins why i will feal as if i will forever be bound by my chains why i feal i deserve this pain so i can take the pain from them to most people pain is a weakness to me pain is my power i dont have weakness such as sadness anger i have no emotions most people cry when they lose some one they care for ive never cryed except as babby many people remember there past i have no idea of myne