January 2009
[01/17/09 12:29am] I Thought I Heard A Scream[01/04/09 07:59pm] BORED!!![01/04/09 05:40am] Let's Be Honest
July 2008
[07/03/08 11:18pm] What the Hell????
April 2008
[04/26/08 04:04am] Ungh.... Ah.... Oh.... Oou... ouch...[04/25/08 02:13am] O_o ah o_O[04/07/08 12:33am] Won't You Be My Assassin?[04/03/08 06:05am] Euphoria![04/01/08 03:07am] Stupid Band...
March 2008
[03/29/08 09:24pm] ARGH!!!! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!!!![03/29/08 02:14am] Bands I need to check out[03/18/08 09:22pm] Fending off people... fun...[03/17/08 10:24pm] Multiasking...[03/15/08 10:02pm] Weird experiences...[03/15/08 02:00am] wtf man!!!?!?!?[03/14/08 03:11am] AH!!!!!!!!![03/13/08 03:38am] Haha....idk[03/12/08 02:49am] I may have found the problem...[03/11/08 02:42am] vampireism... goofyism... inspirationlostagainism....[03/09/08 11:47pm] There's An Pain Stabbing Me in the Heart[03/08/08 04:57am] lines and iTunes[03/07/08 02:45am] argh stupid freakin' computer[03/05/08 03:14am] no... bad, bad... gah... ugh... awful... essay[03/04/08 12:31am] here's a couple good questions...[03/02/08 11:04pm] shoot them, cut out their tongue, then shoot them....[03/01/08 01:12pm] Sci Olympiad today.... stupid subject....
February 2008
[02/29/08 05:32am] i suck[02/28/08 02:41am] stupid rebellious instincts...[02/27/08 12:51am] i gtg [02/26/08 02:21am] i am who i am who i am. that will NEVER change.[02/26/08 01:14am] What it means to be free...[02/25/08 02:45am] i'm bored, hungry, and want just finished a drawin...[02/24/08 01:24am] you know what? i don't know...[02/23/08 10:42pm] a prayer to god[02/23/08 03:48am] So... um....[02/22/08 03:07am] wanna see my house? okay, here:[02/21/08 02:27am] zoning out again, leave me alone, no feel like tal...[02/20/08 02:08am] man, i have got to get some bodyguards[02/18/08 04:19am] tired.... so so tired...[02/16/08 09:10pm] haha... haha... yeah, no, i'm bored[02/16/08 05:30am] why? why? why? no!!!! the sun! it burns! lol... jk...[02/16/08 04:44am] 2 things[02/16/08 04:41am] Why?[02/15/08 03:04am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/14/08 02:17am] the dog that's been hurt too much...[02/13/08 04:16am] I am a liar, and a failure at that too...[02/11/08 05:47pm] mreow....[02/10/08 08:35pm] To my editor- del....[02/09/08 11:15pm] Preview of chappie 2 of a book with an unknown title[02/09/08 02:40am] I have only one thing to say[02/08/08 01:50am] Confusing[02/07/08 04:40am] The Failures of a Hypocritical Teen Student[02/06/08 02:17am] huh, i wonder...[02/05/08 01:42am] How come?[02/03/08 09:56pm] the curse of the trailing off dots.... :P[02/03/08 05:42am] What I got on the emo quiz is enough to scar me fo...[02/03/08 03:23am] i am not a PEOPLE PERSON!!!! and i say this with n...[02/02/08 05:14pm] I wonder why...[02/02/08 01:57am] Awesome! Fire! Fire! Awesome![02/01/08 02:29am] I don't feel so good....
January 2008
[01/31/08 02:29am] Science Fair....[01/30/08 01:30am] Runaway... Do Your Best To Hide Your Face...... Ca...[01/28/08 06:21pm] :DDD[01/28/08 01:40am] UGh, Stop telling me. I already know![01/27/08 05:36am] There is definetly something wrong with me.[01/26/08 10:42pm] What the hell....???[01/26/08 01:57am] I'm confused[01/25/08 04:37am] They say that breaking up is hard...[01/24/08 04:00am] I'd Love to say somethin' but i can't[01/23/08 01:58am] Why? *sniff, sniff*[01/22/08 01:27am] Why is it that-...???[01/21/08 03:15am] I swear, I swear, I swear, I swear.....[01/20/08 10:16pm] Stick It....[01/19/08 07:38pm] It's time for me to start a new story.... and stic...[01/19/08 01:56am] GEEZ I SWEAR. SOME PEOPLE, GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!![01/18/08 02:19am] I'm Bored again......[01/17/08 12:40am] i am NOT a HOBO!!! lol.....[01/16/08 02:24am] Blind[01/15/08 01:21am] Okay, So, Um... Yeah I Forgot to Mention Something....[01/13/08 10:40pm] Fatal Truth.... my story... how sad....[01/13/08 03:05am] My Procedure Paper.. + My Mixed Math Problems Surv...[01/12/08 05:40pm] I'm soooooooooooo BORED![01/12/08 01:12am] Procedures[01/11/08 02:46am] Hm? Ugh.... Here, Your Special Sneak Peek of FATAL...[01/10/08 01:45am] Okay, I'm Pissed Off AGAIN!!! sheesh.....[01/10/08 01:37am] Shuddap Already![01/08/08 02:24am] I'll Let You Know How I'm Doing When I Can Catch M...[01/07/08 12:21am] Used To:[01/05/08 08:09pm] Hex.....[01/05/08 04:48pm] ...Haha... I'm bored....[01/04/08 07:40pm] Flood....[01/03/08 08:20pm] Liquid Emotion[01/03/08 01:47am] Geez....[01/03/08 01:20am] SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!!![01/02/08 02:19am] La De Fuckin' Da.... (:P)
December 2007
[12/31/07 11:00pm] Happy Almost New Year Peeps![12/31/07 03:57am] :P Boredome's Wings....[12/31/07 12:58am] Ow....[12/29/07 01:15am] Blue Lipstick, Cursed Rings, and Other Unique Things...[12/28/07 09:56pm] The EMOTIONAL Capacity of a TEASPOON!!![12/28/07 02:47am] Hush Today: Another Poem (i know annoying huh?)[12/27/07 06:21pm] I need you....[12/27/07 03:37am] I Hate ME![12/26/07 06:21am] Freakyness...[12/25/07 07:11am] This Poem: This Pain.... [12/25/07 02:48am] Christmas Eve....[12/24/07 05:21pm] ................????????????????????.................[12/23/07 09:22pm] Angels[12/22/07 07:09pm] Snazzyness... Tiredness... Boredomness....[12/22/07 02:27am] Pissed...[12/22/07 02:16am] Powderpuff...[12/20/07 12:35am] Bleh.......[12/19/07 12:18am] [insert fatal fear here][12/17/07 03:27am] Pain, Pain, Anger Infested Pain[12/17/07 01:37am] Involuntarily Cold....[12/15/07 08:35pm] Tired[12/14/07 02:48am] Music[12/13/07 04:20am] *sigh*[12/12/07 04:04am] New Moon[12/10/07 11:35pm] Mreow[12/09/07 11:35pm] Why Must Curiousity Kill the Kitty???[12/08/07 08:48pm] NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![12/08/07 12:49am] Hate Hate, Burning Hate. HATE! hate.[12/07/07 03:34am] AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nevermind....I Just Wanted Your ...[12/06/07 02:01am] I Have A Song Stuck In My Head!!![12/05/07 01:54am] IsThereAnybodyOutThere,ThatWakesUpWithABitterTaste?[12/02/07 11:11pm] Bleh....[12/01/07 07:33pm] IDK, IDK IDK, IDK[12/01/07 12:38am] Ugh... leaving soon.....
November 2007
[11/30/07 02:54am] Okay, okay, okay..........[11/29/07 03:54am] Frustration![11/28/07 02:22am] Yay!!!! Kinda....[11/28/07 02:11am] um... okay...[11/25/07 06:58pm] Mreow!!!! Back OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![11/25/07 05:34am] I Am...[11/23/07 05:11pm] I-I-I Can't- How Do You- I Can't- UGH!!! (part 2)[11/23/07 12:44am] hate this day with a burning passion, i hate it, i...[11/22/07 01:42am] I-I-I Can't- How Do You- I Can't- UGH!!![11/21/07 05:10am] RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...[11/20/07 12:30am] I Don't Know Anymore, I Just Don't Know[11/19/07 04:29am] Hm.... How Curious...........[11/18/07 04:30am] Ugh, The Perfect Place 2 Chat[11/17/07 01:51am] Uckyness[11/16/07 05:43am] "Portable Entertainment" A Whole New Meaning[11/15/07 04:26am] Black, Red, White... The Colors of My Life[11/14/07 12:15am] Band... Drummers.... Madness.... says it all[11/13/07 12:51am] HATE LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...[11/11/07 11:13pm] I'm Happily Depressed Thank You Very Much![11/10/07 05:14pm] Watching Cartoons...[11/10/07 05:11pm] More Boredome....[11/09/07 04:08am] And If I Die Today I'll Be A Happy Phantom[11/08/07 12:12am] Typical, Just Typical....[11/07/07 04:04am] YEAH![11/06/07 03:08am] Kill the Smiling Girl in the Picture.[11/05/07 01:14am] ARGH![11/04/07 01:34am] My Only Confession[11/03/07 01:55am] Please DON'T read this.[11/02/07 01:20am] The Romance of My Truth’s Day-Star[11/01/07 05:27am] Halloween, Halloween, Sounds Remotely Familiar.......
October 2007
[10/31/07 02:16am] Nighty Night Peeps, Nighty Night[10/30/07 12:04am] Just Walk Away, Just Walk Away......[10/28/07 08:24pm] Explain This to Me. !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@#$%^&*(*&^%$...[10/27/07 06:16pm] So.............. What Happens?[10/27/07 03:23am] Enough Said[10/26/07 05:03am] Dance, Dance[10/25/07 02:04am] [insert sigh here][10/24/07 01:20am] The Fixation of the Mind[10/23/07 12:34am] The Existance of Boredome[10/21/07 08:08pm] The First Door....[10/20/07 08:14pm] Yaya![10/20/07 01:30am] Drifting Off 2 Sleep Again!!![10/19/07 02:51am] Happiness Has Come 2 Show Me Up[10/18/07 12:07am] Today, today, today.....[10/17/07 01:46am] Calling The Skies[10/16/07 01:59am] Miserably Waiting For A Missing Friend[10/14/07 07:23pm] The Secret Is OUT!![10/13/07 07:09pm] Opposites...[10/13/07 12:21am] STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!![10/12/07 04:35am] In All Boredom![10/10/07 11:55pm] The Perfect Thing......[10/10/07 12:36am] Boredom, Boredom, Boredom.........[10/09/07 12:03am] Yep, I'm Officially Confused[10/08/07 05:23am] GR!!!!!!!!!![10/07/07 01:26am] I'm Just A Runaway........ Running Away From All M...[10/06/07 01:02am] Ugh[10/05/07 02:29am] Annoyance and Arrogance[10/03/07 11:50pm] Lololololololololol. O.o[10/03/07 02:55am] Yay For Me, Not Really :([10/01/07 05:10pm] Never Okay
September 2007
[09/30/07 07:48pm] 21 reasons i HATE my older sister.[09/29/07 06:19pm] Afraid to Speak[09/29/07 01:41am] Okay......[09/28/07 03:35am] GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![09/27/07 01:15am] Misery Before, Happiness After, Life Between[09/26/07 01:22am] Cutting and Other Harmful Things....[09/25/07 01:20am] Karma[09/23/07 07:45pm] Another Morning[09/22/07 06:02pm] Boredom Strikes Again...[09/22/07 02:02am] Therapy Session[09/21/07 05:09am] So...[09/19/07 11:38pm] Ack!