My ear won't pop! gonk
I made an entry complaining a little bit that I have problems with my ear popping. I've been focused on that a lot lately, because I really hate feeling deaf in one ear. I looked up some ways to get your ear to pop, but most of them I already know. There are two that I just tried, though, that are pretty powerful. o _o Such as... Hold your nose, and try to blow through your nose. This causes a bit of air to leak from your eyes, and ultimately your ears to pop. I tried it, and my eye whistled before my ear could do anything! So I'm not doing that again. Then there was another--hold your nose and swallow. That one seems kinda dangerous. I tried it, and my ear got pulled in too far. Any more and my ear drum could have burst. D:~ I don't need that. A little more research and I found those two techniques can bull bacteria into the tubes in your ears, and cause an ear infection. That must be why I've never heard of them before, they weren't good.
Just felt like sharing. surprised
I'm getting braces February 8th. D: I'll probably have them until part way through college. I really don't want them--My teeth in front are straight enough, and I can eat just fine! When I smile you don't see any problems, other than the multitude of chips on my two front teeth. Or are they chips? They've been like that since they came in. And I know I'll be fine without those nine missing teeth, I've never had them before, why need them now? whee Especially since three of them are wisdom teeth. (Three less teeth I might get pulled!) ... sweatdrop But if I ever want those two teeth replaced that they pulled out all those years ago, I'll need braces. They promised me I'd have those teeth back when I'm eighteen. ; ~; Really, I've just been waiting until my jaw stops growing so that I can get my teeth back. They told me back then I wouldn't need braces--Those liars!--Until after I get the fakes, and that would only be for a year or so, and there was a possibility I'd only get a retainer.
D: Waahhh, I don't wanna have braces in my senior picture!
Leamony · Thu Jan 04, 2007 @ 04:26am · 3 Comments |