Oh, I have so much to tell you about my week!
*turns on the TV and ignores you to death* > ___>
... Eh forget that, nothing's on. D:
Monday it continued to snow. :D And the news said that there was a 2-hour delay for school because of the snow. So we got to school 2 hours late, and there was a small sign on the door that said "School Canceled" x _x A bunch of kids were hanging around outside, as well as frustrated parents. And then my math teacher was inside the building, hanging around not too far away from the doors. Doing whatever it is he does when he's locked inside the school. (How'd he get in?!) So! I didn't have school on Monday! Tuesday the road were very slick and icy, but there was another 2-hour delay. It was really scary getting to school. D:~ I got there on time, though, and I wasn't late for class. But a bus crashed. Nobody got hurt, the school bus was fine, but the car it hit was VERY dented up. xD The bus had slid out of control on the ice in the turn to the school, and hit a car leaving the school. About half of the kids were late that morning. No school Wednesday or Thursday. A couple people from the school board got fired from their jobs. School buses everywhere had crashed. Friday was a full day of school. The school play has been delayed until the end of January. In a way that's a good thing--There was still so much left to do, and there was no way it could get done by the end of this week. Saturday was just another Saturday.
Then today, Sunday, my brother bought a Nintendo Wii.
... I don't know what happened to the rest of today. D: Did I ever even leave my brother's room?
Leamony · Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 05:42am · 1 Comments |