Well now that we have THAT settled, Yesterday it was really quite the reverse. I was actually really depressed. I failed my math test in 11-2, and it wasn't even a close pass. It was 32%. I was really upset about that. IN my other math class, Of course I didn't understand any of the work we were doing, which didn't add to my mood. Neither was I able to go to Cadets. I was up to my eyeballs in homework. Which really sucked, and clearly that was a slight exaggeration. But yeah, that really dropped my mood and even after school, When I spent time with Mike, my mood was still pretty crappy. I was laying with him, and talking to him, and I can feel tears coming, and I held it in except for one. And he saw that, wiped it from my cheek, and tried to make me happy. That was my highlight of the day for sure. But yeah. I'm tired. I'm absolutely exhausted, and I feel like s**t. NOt as bad as yesterday, but still pretty lame. And of course I don't want sympathy from anyone, I just felt the need to speak out, if anyone wanted to spend their time listening to me.