The plane took off and Stephanie put her ipod away. She leaned over and stared out the window. She loved to watch as everything seemed to shrink until it was almost out of sight. Stephanie rested her forehead against the cold glass. She turned her head slightly and glanced at the man sitting in the seat next to her. He was typing furiously on his laptop. Stephanie rolled her eyes and turned her gaze back to the window.
When they landed she quickly grabbed her two bags and hurried down the street towards her hotel. As she walked swiftly down the street she tripped, dropping her bags. “Just my luck” Stephanie muttered as the clasp on her suitcase sprang open, spilling her belongings everywhere. She quickly stuffed her things back into her suitcase and continued on to her hotel.
Stephanie checked in and got in the elevator. She set her bags down and hit the button for the fifth floor. Since the elevator was empty except for herself, she started humming quietly. As the doors opened she fell silent, picked up her bags and headed for room 35.
She unlocked the door and set her things down on the bed. Stephanie glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was almost 8:30. She wanted to get to see the beach before the sun went down. She quickly brushed her hair and changed her clothes, which were wrinkled from a day of flying.
Stephanie stood alone at the dock. Almost everyone had either gone to dinner or to the carnival on the pier. There were a few couples walking silently on the sand. Stephanie paid no attention to them as she gazed out over the calm ocean. It was a perfect time to be out here on the dock. Everything was so quiet and peaceful. Stephanie slid one hand into her pocket as she watched the sun set. A breeze started up and she turned around slightly as the palm trees rustled behind her.