The sound of screaming filled my ears as I sprinted down the dark hallway. The sounds surrounded me, blocking out every other noise, including the sound of the axe coming down on prisoner’s heads. I no longer knew whether I was running to, or from the shrieks-
“Cameron! Are you writing again? You’re gonna be late for school!”
“I’m coming!” Cameron closed her journal and hopped off her bed. She grabbed her backpack off the floor and took the stairs two at a time.
“Calm down Mom. I’m ready to leave.” Cameron said, waiting for her mom at the front door.
“You’re sixteen years old, you’d think that you’d be responsible enough to get ready on time” Her mom chastised, unlocking the front door.
Cameron rolled her eyes and walked out to the car. Her mom followed after locking the door behind her. Cameron slid into the passenger seat and stared silently out the window while her mom lectured her about responsibility.
They arrived at Cameron’s high school and Cameron got out. With a wave to her mom, she walked through the gates that always reminded her of a prison. School went by slowly, as it always did when Cameron was anxious to get back to a story. Her mom picked her up in front of the school, just like she did every day. Cameron pressed her forehead to the window, ready to ignore her mom’s annoying chatter.
Cameron said nothing
“Cameron” her mom repeated.
Cameron looked over at her mom.
“What?” she asked.
“I forgot to tell you this morning. Your cousins, Ashley and Evan, are coming to stay at our house for a while because their school is on break. Please try to spend some time with them.
Cameron mumbled, turning back to the window. Her mom sighed and gave up, staring straight ahead.
When they got home, Ashley and Evan were waiting in the driveway, as expected.
“Why are you guys out of school?” Cameron asked, walking past them and into the house.
They followed close behind her.
“We go to a year-round school, remember? So we’re out for a few weeks on break” Ashley answered.
“Ah” Cameron said, tossing her backpack onto the floor next to the front door.
“How long are you staying?”
Evan answered this time.
“About a week.”
Cameron shrugged.
“Okay well see ya later” She said. Cameron turned and hurried upstairs, eager to get back to her writing.
I began to hear voices behind me. The guards had finally noticed that I was gone. But I wasn’t about to leave yet. Not before I saved my best friend, Eva. I went to the holding cell, where I had been only two days before. This was where the prisoners were kept until the time came for their execution.
“Eva!” I hissed, hoping not to be heard by any of the guards. I found her slouched in the corner closest to the door. This was going to be easier than I thought. I raced over and shook her cold, frail shoulder.
“Eva, come on! We’re getting out of here!”
Eva didn’t answer. Her head remained resting on her knees. I shook her again. She didn’t move. I grabbed a handful of her pale blonde hair and pulled her head up so I could see her face. Her eyes were wide open, and blank. She was dead.
“No!” I gasped, throwing myself backward, away from the body of my best friend. I scrambled to my feet, disbelief kept me from moving any further. Her head had slumped back onto her knees. By now, some of the other prisoners were looking at me. A few began to cry out for the guards, hoping to be rewarded for turning me in. I turned and ran, faster than I had in my life. Wanting to escape. Escape the prison, and the lifeless face of poor Eva. It was then that I heard the pounding of boots behind me. The guards. I sprinted down the hallway until I reached a large door. I shoved the door and-
“Hey Cameron, we’re going out to get pizza. You wanna come?” Ashley was standing in the doorway.
“Sure” Cameron replied, reluctant to leave her writing.