Fill in the _____ about me! Can you do it? I bet you ____! Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always dreamed of being __ _ ____ ____. I’d travel all over the world and eat lots of exotic foods! I have ____ People in my family; my mom, my dad and ___ sister(s) and ___ brother(s). M best friend in the whole entire world is ____ ____. He’s a(n) ________! My favorite classes in the day are ______ ______, ________, and last but certainly not least __ _____ ______ believe it or not! I fear a lot of things, sad… I know… but one of my most ridiculous fears are(is) ____________! My favorite kind of music is _______. (By the way, good luck with that one seeing as how I’m the least picky person when it comes to music!). My favorite place to hang out with friends is ___ ____. If I ever play guitar hero or rock band against you, beware, I play on ______. MY two favorite colors are ____ _____ and ________ _____! I’ve run out of room for things like posters and sayings on my wall that I’ve resorted to pasting things on my ceiling. My favorite thing on my ceiling is _____ _____ from my sweet sixteen birthday party, the theme was Pirates! When Sabrina and I are really board or we just need an escape from reality, me and her go to the Golf course to just talk and eventually wind up playing ____. I am the _______, ______, _______, ____ ________ Person you will ever meet and I like it! My dream right now is to get a book published! I hope my writing skills ______ from this piece and people will understand me more then!
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