<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/Leamony/Journal/Wowza.png" align=left>My week's been kinda busy and both of my parents got sick. I haven't had a night completely at home all week! D=
Monday was Anime Club and Girl Scouts, nothing too interesting there, but I got started on Kiodie's sketch. It turned out really weird. XD
Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment. Drew another one for Kiodie during class, and decided the first one was just for fun. xp
Wednesday I had to go shopping to get dinner for the next coupla nights. My parents are too sick to leave the house. I drew nothing, since my sketchbook was officially full, and I didn't bother to stop by an art store. By which I mean, my brother didn't want to drive into town just to get me a sketchbook.
Thursday, even though it was early release from school, I had piano lessons. xp I soft-shaded the second pic I drew for Kiodie, and people ogled it. It seems I have "amazing talent" and my artwork is "Crazy", to which I promptly responded "Your FACE is crazy!" Many thanks to Andy. D= I'm thinking of burninating it, since I really, REALLY dislike how it turned out. >.>--x
Friday (today! =D) I had a field trip all day long. My Orchestra went to this festival thing at a college, were they rate how well you do, and you get to play for the other people attending the festival. We were the only group that got hoots and hollers with our applause. rolleyes Methinks we did well. the bus was late arriving at school so my brother ended up sitting in the school parking lot for 30 minutes. >.<!
And, somehow, through all of this, I never managed to scan in Placebo man. And I got a detention for doing the wrong pages for my math homework. WTF? ;___; I tried so hard to get all of my homework done this week, too!
Notes on today's pic: It's very freaky how much that girl looks like me. I found it about two years ago, I'm not sure where, but I saved it because she resembled me a bit. But It's getting kinda scary, because as I grow older, I begin to look more like that painting. gonk I dunno who painted it, there's no signature on it or anything, but it's kinda pretty, the full thing.
Leamony · Sat Mar 26, 2005 @ 04:14am · 4 Comments |