Blah, I don't want to go to school tomorrow. = 3= I had a final in pretty much every class today, it was horrid. I did really well on my PE and Biology final, but not so great on my history final, and I only got like, four answers right on my math final. No English final, though--But I just finished a project and earned myself 20 extra credit points. <3 Which reminds me, there's an English extra credit project I want to do. I have to research authors, and put information about them on a notecard. And on the other side of the notecard I need to put a picture of the author. It's really lame, and really tedious. But if I do the maximum number of cards, I can earn 50 points! And then each card has another extra credit point I can earn, which could make the total 60. whee I need those sixty points--I didn't do my 50pt essay. > _>~ And the extra ten couldn't do any harm.
I've really had a drive to do my homework this past week. I haven't really done much homework, but the fact that I'm thinking about it after I get home is really good. Usually I keep my home life and my school life separate. So separate, in fact, that once I drop my backpack down I don't think about school until the next day, when I'm in first period. I'm not exaggerating at all--I've actually been wondering if I might have some sort of mental problem because I completely forget about school at home, and my grades are hurting because I don't do my homework.
But really, I just think I'm normal. O: Keeping one life separate from another. But is it healthy?
I drew a really cute picture of myself today. <3 I don't draw much anymore, but this turned out really great and I want to finish it. Maybe it's because I'm drawing myself, as opposed to drawing someone else. I am pretty vain. *stares deeply into the mirror* But whatever! I'm gonna finish it, and love it.
Leamony · Thu Feb 01, 2007 @ 04:49am · 0 Comments |