I feel like rambling about this anime I have. >.> I will prolly update again today, so you may skip this entry without a comment. xd
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/Leamony/Journal/Texhnolyze.png" align=right> Have you ever heard of Texhnolyze? It's an anime, if you haven't. The artwork is beautiful... so such that it's almost entrancing. I'm doing my best to watch it right now... I'm trying, I really am. But it's so... confusing. If you've ever seen (or heard of, for that matter) Laine, it's confusing like that. But a bit worse... because there's little to no dialogue. Now, to explain what I gather from the first episode. domokun Spoiler thingy, possibly, ahead!
From what I can tell, the main charecter is a guy. Who also happens to be a boxer. >.> I think he killed someone in a fight. Well, either way, this gal apparantly 'buys' him for a bit of 'adult fun'. Yesh. During this experience, she sticks her finger into his eye. >.o As shown in that picture. Except she pushed her whole fingernail in there. And the guy's all trying not to scream from pain, y'know? So he just kinda punches her off. It's what any normal person would do... if you can think of him as normal. ._. Then there's this thing with a girl... Who looks about 12 or 11, by the way. Dunno what that's about yet. gonk But I can tell that she's an important charecter that can kinda see into the future. And I think someone kills her grampa. domokun Ughish. I can't really tell what's going on. Then, about that time, this gang (The Yakuza) find the guy from earlier. Apparantly, that girl was appart of the gang. And they all cut off his arm for punching the girl. And it's all bloody, and stuff. End episode 1.
I tried watching it before, when we first bought it last year, but my parents wouldn't let me. For obviouse reasons. But we didn't know what it was when we bought it... We were weak-minded people with fat wallets at an anime convention. whee And we went to an auction. We bought this thing in a press box thingymabobber. The pictures on the press box were the whole reason we spent $200 on it. Inside it was this metal notebook thing that we shan't use, or touch, seeing as the creator's fingerprints are on it. And the anime, along with the soundtrack. I think that there's a catalogue in there, too. I can't remember it all.
I just realized... I'm kind of a fan of the makers of this anime. I really enjoyed Haibane Renmai, and from what I saw of Laine, I enjoyed that too. I may just go out and buy NieA 7. XD Okay, rambles done.
Leamony · Wed Feb 16, 2005 @ 12:51am · 2 Comments |