If you can figure out who James Ensor is, I think give you 500g. =3 In fact, I think I'll do this:
500g- Tell me who he is, when he was born, were he lived, some random facts, and what he did. 300g- Tell me if he is dead now, were he lived, and what he did. 200g- Tell me were he lived, and what he did. 100g- Tell me what he did.
I know very little about this guy, but prolly more than you. xd PM me your guess or knowledge, so that other people don't copy you. I'm on a quest, so the less you know, the better for me. xd sweatdrop
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/Leamony/47j7v.gif" align=right>Andy and I got into a very interesting fight last night. About the word alot. Alot. Not a lot. ALOT. It's in my dictionary. Why not his? Andy, your dictionary sucks. Big time.
Well, my grandfather passed away today. He was a great man, but the cigarets killed him. I'll miss him dearly. So if I'm not on much the upcoming week, that's why. I've got to go to Montana and attend a funeral and stuff. *black armband*
Leamony · Sun Feb 06, 2005 @ 04:15am · 8 Comments |