well i have a boyfriend and his name is travis and we had been going out since friday ... i have to go to the gym in the morning and so does everyone else so yeah i went there but i had to go practice for the talent show with emily and melody so the bell rang for first hour right so my stuff was already in there because thats where we were practicing so i sat my stuff by my desk and ran nto the gym to tell travis i love him and ill see him after class he was sitting next to zach emilys boyfriend i ran up there and said " hey honey whats going on" he never even looked at my face " hi" " whats wrong" " nothgin" i reached down to give him a hug . he shoved me back " ill talk to you later " and he waved his arm for me to go away .... i went back to the health room and we had to watch a movie about you no sex ed but it was to graphic so we got to go to the gym were everybody else was travis didnt come near me and when i went up the steps to the bleachers i tripped scrapped my knee and bent my thumb all the way back , i was crying caus my thumb hurt and travis walked by looked at me and cept walkin so we all walked around the gym because we had to then everybody decided to have a race i joined in and raced barbra i almost beat her but at the end i tripped and slid about 4 feet on the rubber cement floor skinning my knee , i sat there hair in my face not saying a word except a n ow with a fake laugh everybody was like )_) travis didnt seem to care i stood up and sat ont he bleechers and the bell rang so i limped to class and that class i had with travis and he didnt walk with me nothing was said i tryed to talk to him after clas but he wlked out of the class i went to 3rd period not talking at all then i went to lunch i sat next to him and " hey travis whats wrong why have you been ignoring me" he had his head down and was turned away from me , i got up nowig i wasnt wanted and threw my plate away i wasnt hungry at all when i looked back over there his head was up i went over to him " travis come on talk to me whats wrong why are you ignoring me?" " becuase my dads mad at me because i have a girlfriend and i dont want him to be mad because weve been so close for so long" i looked down" well if you want to split because you need to be friends with your dad i understand ( i hope to god you all kno im lieing my brains out i loved him and didnt want to lose him) " ill talk to you during tetorial" i got up and sat by myself thinking i went to 4th hour then after the bell rang it was tetorial i walked out of the class and he was standing there i thought hey were ok now he still loves me and he made a decision to stay wth me woot ... man i was wrong " hey i think we should be friends i dont want my dad wrong " i could hear the cracking of my heart i turned to walk away , he grabbed my hand i thought maybe he changed his mind " hey still be my other half on bebo you no friends" i choked " yea" he smiled and walked away i wonder around the school untill finally i went into the bathroom and cryed amnd cryed i went to art and i was mute untill 6th period i started talking a bit ... its just my heart no big deal right ... well there was a dance that night it was suppose to be me and travises first dance i went with emily dressed as a pirate because thats my nickname , i saw him there he was flirting with other girls , i was alone , well i was dancing to a fast song in the middle of the dance floor when Lips of an Angel by hinder came on i clearly had no right being out there so i started walkeing back to the tables when joeseph comes up behind me grabs my hand walkes in front of me and starts slow dancing with me , i almost cryed , so now were going out but it still hurts , and i dont no if i can get close to him....
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A Guide ? A Journal ? Maybe ... Maybe Its Just My Life!!
Basically im gonna talk about alot of things from events that have happened to what i like to what ticks me off!!
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My Webcomic: www.Drunkduck.com/Uncomfortable_Situations
Warning: Pg-13 + sweatdrop
; ^ ; I Like Friends! heart
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