(1)Your full name: Ari %@#!$ Munitz
(2) Are you happy with it?: ******** no...
(3) Are you named after anyone?: Only my middle name.
(5) Your User name: erm...Luridan and Djoli
(6) Would you name a child of yours after you? ick....offspring.
(7) Then what would you name your children?I thought we already discussed this...
(icon_cool.gif If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? Googoo Plex!
(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would it be? Nothing generic.
(10) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? YES! All the F@#King time!
(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? No....I want Barbra Walters to stumble over it...MWAHAHAHA!
(12) Your gender: female
(13) Straight/gay/bi?Buggered if I know...
(14) Single? Yes...thank bob.
(15) Want to be? What do I want with a boyfriend?? Dont answer that...
(16) Your birth date: October 24, 1988
(17) Your age: 16
(1icon_cool.gif Age you act: under what circumstances?
(19) Age you wish you were: 18 when it comes to voting...other than that i'm glad i don't have to pay taxes.
(20) Your height:Like 5'1 or 5'2
(21) The color of your eyes: FIVE FOOT TWO, EYES OF BLUE.
(22) Happy with it? don't see it that often to tell the truth...
(23) Hair color? I think it's auburn..
(24) Happy with it? Do I give a ********?
(25) Left/right handed? right
(26) Your living arrangement? w/ my family...gah
(29) What's your job: Professional hide and go seeker.
(30) Piercings? have: 2 in one ear. three in the other.
(31) Tattoos? I wish...
(32) Obsessions? none
(33) Addictions? none
(35) Do you speak another language? I speak Ari...that's hard to learn.
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it...
(3icon_cool.gif Do you live in the moment?Depends on my level of frustration
{39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?Hell no.
(40) Do you have any secrets? many i'm sure ::rolls eyes::
(41) Do you hate yourself? no...we have a mutual understanding.
(42) Do you like your handwriting? see, I brokey my wrist...what the ******** do you think?
(43) Do you have any bad habits? lol
(44) What is the compliment you get most from people?
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? RUN AWAY! actually, My World, My Rules.
(46) What's your biggest fear? I'd be more secure if I knew. Oh...I have a good one. Stupid people in large groups controling the government!
(47) Can you sing? Of course I can. The question is, does it sound good?
(4icon_cool.gif Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? What does this word cool mean?
(49) Are you a loner? yes
(50) What are your number 1 priorities in life? ::sigh::
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I don't this hypothetical other stupid?
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? my complete nonchalance to life.
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I want to be less flawed.
(5icon_cool.gif There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity: Creativity is the only one that serves any purpose.
(59) How do you vent? Lately I write. Or I throw things or stab my sister with a fork.
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong? and your meaning would be?
(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? being born?
(62) Do you think life has been good so far?no
(64) What do you like the most about your body?It's tangable
(65) And least? it's tangable
(66) Do you think you are good looking? so i've been told
(67) Are you confident?am i mad?
(6icon_cool.gif What is the fictional character you're most like? I don't know...nothing is quite like me
(70) Are you perceived wrongly? yes...quite frequently.
(71) Smoke? erm...asthmatic?
(72) Do drugs? ew
(73) Read the newspaper? yes
(74) Pray? no
(75) Go to church? no
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you? no...weirdos
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals? YEPPERZ
(7icon_cool.gif Take walks in the rain? love them
(79) Talk to people even though you hate them? only when they approach me or i am seriously debating killing them
(80) Drive? sorta
(81) Like to drive fast? refer to above question
(82) Liked your voice? no
(83) Hurt yourself? ...
(84) Been out of the country?for like a second
(85) Eaten something that made other people sick? yep
(86) Had sex? no
(87) Been unfaithful? never had boyfriend like person.
Been in love? don't believe in it
(89) Done drugs? I thought i answered that already.
(90) Gone skinny dipping? not yet
(91) Had a medical emergency? I think so
(92) Had a surgery? yes
(93) Ran away from home? want to
(94) Played strip poker ? not yet
(95) Gotten beaten up?sorta
(97) Been picked on? ...yes
(9 cool Been on stage? yes
(99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and then you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? no...
(100) Slept outdoors? yes
(101) Thought about suicide? ...
(102) Tried it? ...
(103) If yes, what is your record? well obviously it didn't work dumbass
(104) Gone one day without food? or three...
(105) Talked on the phone all night? does till twelve count?
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? not that i can recall.
(107) Slept all day:no....ansomniac
(10 cool Killed someone? don't tempt me
109) Made out with a stranger? no
(110) Had sex with a stranger? not yet.
(111) Thought you're going crazy? yeah...i guess o
(112) Kissed the same sex? does my mother count..mind you, this was like when i was four.
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex? as a joke or for real.
(114) Been betrayed? yes...but then, who hasn't?
(115) Had a dream that came true? I don't dream
(116) Broken the law? ::tries to remember:: Did you know that it's illegal to go down on someone in georgia? not that I have, but it's an interesting tid bit wouldn't you say?
(117) Met a famous person? does Paul James count? I've been in the same room as ex Pres. Clinton before.
(11 cool Have you ever killed an animal by accident? bugs
(119) On purpose? bugs
(120) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? no
(121) Stolen anything? yes
(122) Been on radio/TV.? no
(123) Been in a mosh-pit?yes...but the idiots were gorrilla moshing and they looked stupid
(124) Had a nervous breakdown?...
(125) Considered religious vocation?
(126) Been criticized about your sexual performance? refer to some above question. this is so repetitive ain't it?
(127) Bungee jumped? not yet
(12 cool Had a dream that kept coming back? refer to some above question.
CLOTHES and other fashion...
(129) Shoe brand?eh
(130) Brand of clothing? eh
(131) Cologne/perfume? eh
(132) What are you normally wearing to school/work? clothes?
(133) How about parties? party? I hate parties
(132) Wear hats? i think so
(134) Judge other people by their clothing? people wear clothes? wow, what a novelty.
(135) Wear make-up?no
(136) Favorite place to shop? where I get clothes?
(137) Favorite article of clothing? Underwear...definately. It's like having a party in your pants! lol
(137) Are you trendy? eh?
(13 cool Would you rather wear a uniform to school? do not get me started on issues of conformity forced onto the younger masses in an attempt to strip them of every little molecule of individuality! oh got me started b***h!
skipped sum!!!
(142) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? yes
(143) Who is your best friend? Mary, Candace, Amande, Dotti
(144) Who's the one person that knows most about you?Mary or Dotti
(145) Think you're picked on the most: by them or in general?
(146) Newest? Candace
(147) Shyest? Candace
(14 cool Funniest? Mary
(149) Sweetest? Candace and Mary
(150) Closest? All
(151) Weirdest? Manderz
(152) Smartest? Dotti
(153) Craziest? Do I count?
(154) Friends you miss being close to the most? Candace
(155) Last person you talked to online?Don't remember...probably mary or candace.
(156) Who do you talk to most online? Candace...Mary too.
(156) Who are you on the phone with most? I hate phones.
(157) Who do you trust most? Mary and Candace.
(15 cool Who listens to your problems?...
(159) Who do you fight most with? Until recently noone
(160) Who's the nicest? Candace
(161) Who's the most outgoing?Dotti
(162) Who's the best singer? Mary's the only one I have heard her.
(163) Who's on your crap-list? Nathan
(164) Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? no
(165) Do you always feel understood? ::refuses to answer::
(166) Who's the loudest friend? Nathan, If he counts as friend.
(167) Do you trust others easily? never
(16 cool First person you fell in love with? DON'T LOVE!
(169) Name one person whose arms you feel safe in:I don't ever feel safe, never vulnerable either.
(170) Do your friends know you? ...mary would the most.
(171) Friend that lives farthest away: Amber and Ashley.
LOVE, and all that...
(172) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? Does annoyed count?
(173) Do you remember your first love? Jesus Christmas, if i have to say it one more ******** time...
(174) Still love him/her? GAH! ::head splodes::
(175) Do you consider love a mistake? YES FOR THE LAST FREAKIN' TIME!
(176) What do you find romantic? nothing
(177) Turn-on?nothing
(17 cool Turn-off? people
(179) First kiss?never been...and don't you ******** pity me.
(180) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? tell the to ******** off.
(181) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"? I hate this section...
(182) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? GAH!
(183) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? grrrrrrrrrr
(184) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? I have boobs so yeah....
(185) What is best about the opposite sex?nothing unless they are gay
(186) What's the last present someone gave you?Mary gave me some awesome perfume! THANKYOU MARY!
(187) Are you in love? ******** YOU DUDE!
(18 cool Do you consider your significant other hot? GAH
(189) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?Ignore them
(190) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? no
(191) If you did experience that for one day, what would you do?Castrate myself.
(192) What do you love most about the other gender? nothing
(193) What do you dislike most? that they breathe.
(194) What do you understand least? I understand them pretty well.
(195) Honestly, what do you notice first in the opposite sex? not in a good way, but if they are breathing.
(196) That haunted you? what?
(197) You wanted to kill? Nathan
(19 cool That you laughed at? Mary and Manderz
(199) That laughed at you? above answer
(200) That turned you on? noone
(201) You went shopping with? Father person and sister
(202) That broke your heart? don't have one
(203) To disappoint you: the world
(204) To ask you out? they never have the balls to try
(205) To make you cry? I don't cry, my eyes water, but i never like bawl in childish misery.
(206) To brighten up your day? I've been mad for two weeks, and i'm still fawking pissed.
(207) That you thought about?Mary
(20 cool You saw a movie with?We watched a movie family excluding my dad
(209) You talked to on the phone? Dotti...she called, I hung up on her, then i called her back on karen's suggestion.thankyou karen.
(210) You talked to through IM? Nathan....yick
(211) You saw?Adrienne, my sister
(212) You went head over heels for? I feel the other day...that's the only time I go head over heels
(213) You thought was completely insane? Me...
(214) You wanted to be with? noone
(215) You told off? Nathan and Dotti
(216) You trusted: ...
(217) You turned down? Nathan and Dotti...wait...what do you mean?
(21 cool Smiled? sincerely? you mean out of happiness? I was nine.
(219) Laughed?not in a while...
(220) Cried? don't know
(221) Bought something? bought my moms christams gifts...saturday.
(222) Danced? I don't dance.
(223) Were sarcastic? everytime I breathe.
(224) Kissed someone? never
(225) Talked to an ex? never
(226) Had a nightmare? I don't really dream
(227) Talked on the phone? Friday night.
(22 cool Listened to the radio? everynight since friday night.
(229) Watched TV? today...although i don't watch anything other than the food network.
(230) Went out? To school....
(231) Helped someone? not in a while.
(232) Were mean? everytime I breathe
(233) Sang? today....
(234) Saw a movie? you want the ******** date?
(235) Said "I love you"?in seriousness?
(236) Missed someone? I miss Mary and Candace.
(237) Fought with a family member? everytime I breathe
(23 cool Fought with a friend?for two weeks. and still going
(239) Had a serious conversation?noone indulges me
(240) Had Sex? ******** YOU MR. MUFFIN MAN!
(241) Are you going to? WHERE THE ******** IS MY CHASTITY BELT. of course i will d**k head.
(242) Will it be with your significant other? don't want one.
(243) Or some random person? more than likely.
(244) What are you wearing right now?clothes...or am i?
(245) Body-part you're touching right now: wink
(246) What are you worried about right now? la dee ******** da
(247) What's on your mouse pad?a mouse..
(24 cool Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: annoyed to point of homocide.
(249) Are you bored?it's a perpetual state.
(250) Are you tired?it's a perpetual state
(251) How long did this survey take you? do i look like i ******** know? too damn long okies?
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heart Ru u talkin to Dotti again? j/w
I called u yesterday but u weren't there...