I guess I could stop being lazy and tell you something about lil ol' me:
1. My first name is Arielle.
2. I hate it.
3. I hate my middle name more
4. I won't tell you my last name.
5. You probably couldn't pronounce it anyway.
6. I love the Beatles.
7. I say "********" alot.
8. I hate Georgia.
9. If I'm honest...I hate alot of things.
10. I hate my Uncle Joe...I want that known.
11. I think highschool romance is stupid.
12. I hate makeup.
13. I still wear it sometimes.
14. I love Goldfish crackers.
15. I haven't had any goldfish crackers in over a year.
16. I have no idea what I look like.
17. Everytime I look in a mirror I look different.
18. I don't look in mirrors much anymore.
19. I'm a feminist.
20. I hate when people open doors for me when I am perfectly capable of doing it myself.
21. I hate biggots.
22. Does that make me a biggot?
23. I wish Martin Luther King Jr. was still alive.
24. I adore him
25. I believe that Gay couples should have equal protection and rights from the legal system.
26. They shouldn't care if it's called marriage or not, as long as they are treated equally.
27. Technically, my parents have a civil union.
28. One of my favorite websites is NOW.org
29. I'm relatively short.
30. I'm the shortest one in my house.
31. I'm also the meanest.
32. Dr. Mom thinks I'm neurotic.
33. She's probably right.
34. I'd die before I told her that.
35. I love movies like The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth.
36. Jim/Brian Henson rox my sox!
37. I hate New Jersey.
38. That's where most of my family lives.
39. I spilt boiling water on my foot once.
40. I only burned one toe...go figure?
41. I've broken my arm three times.
42. Once, I didn't even know I'd done it, and it healed....oh well.
43. My closest confidant is short, purple, furry, and has wings.
44. I don't talk much...that's probably a good thing
45. I hate being lied to
46. I lie reallly well.
47. I'd be a really good actor.
48. But I'd probably kill some paparazzi...which shouldn't be illegal...it should be considered a civil service.
49. I believe that one week out of the year should be dedicated to hunting humans.
50. This would make me happy.
51. I don't eat meat. (i.e. poultry, pork, beef)
52. I do eat fish.
53. Go figure?
54. I like literature better then real life.
55. Maybe because real life doesn't have melt-in-your-mouth-sexy vampires.
56. If I find out which cat just bit a chunk out of my own kitty (Pogo) I'll throw them in the microwave.
57. The more people I meet, the more I like my cats.
58. The more cats I meet, the more I hate my dog.
59. I'm going to be a junior in highschool.
60. Whoopee. ( That sarcasm is almost tangeable, no?)
61. Bad grammer bugs the s**t out of me.
62. So does chat speak, or whatever the ******** it's called.
63. I hate L33t.
64. Letters and numbers should only be mixed in Algebra class.
65. And even then the teachers should have a permit.
66. My shoulder hurts.
67. I was in the car for fourteen hours yesterday.
68. It was not fun.
69. I don't have a boyfriend.
70. Don't pity me for it.
71. I don't want one.
72. I wouldn't know what to do with one anyway.
73. My Aunt Randi is cool.
74. I wish she lived closer.
75. When I say closer, I mean less then 10 hours away.
76. She has two kids.
77. I hate kids, but I like them
78. Some little brat flushed one of our tiny shampoo bottles down the toilet.
79. I went looking for my toothbrush soon after.
80. David Bowie sorta scares me.
81. Well...more like he freaks me out a bit..
82. I'm not scared of much.
83. What I am scared of, I'll never admit too.
84. I won't let people bully me.
85. It's the principle of the thing.
86. Last summer, I poisoned myself on too many painkillers.
87. Don't look at me like that, it was an accident.
88. Cutting is stupid.
89. Clawing the ******** out of ones own arm is even more stupid.
90. I was stupid.
91. Alanis Morrisette is cool.
92. My sister hates her.
93. That's ok...I sometimes hate my sister.
94. I have a cell phone.
95. I hate it.
96. It has a Georgia voter sticker on the back.
97. I'm not old enough to vote.
98. I would if I could.
99. I hate cheesey-I'm-so-depressed poetry.
100. I don't like raunchy music.
101. That might be why I don't like rap.
102. I hate nicknames for genitalia.
103. I like the way Herbal Essence smells.
104. I miss being religious.
105. I used to want to be the first female priest.
106. Catholosism is my favorite branch of Christianity.
107. I don't have crushes.
108. Wesley thinks I'm abnormal, sorta subhuman because of it.
109. It doesn't bother me.
110. I couldn't be a lesbian.
111. I'll fight for female rights, but I hate us.
112. So the guys don't feel left out, I hate them too.
113. I think sex is over rated.
114. I think falling in love with the first p***s who doesn't treat you like s**t is one of the most stupid things anyone could do.
115. I don't think very highly of love to begin with, so maybe I'm biased.
116. I doubt it.
117. I hate when people don't trust me.
118. People think I freak out easily.
119. I don't.
120. ******** those people.
121. I'm more or less always angry.
122. I don't like being touched.
123. No one cares though.
124. It takes alot for me to say I forgive you.
125. I haven't forgiven anyone in years.
126. I told them I did though.
127. I think Mary is awesome!
128. I don't cry often.
129. I hate it when I do.
130. If you make me feel like crying, I'll be mad at you forever.
131. No, not literally.
132. I'll want to hate you forever, but grudges are too much work to maintain.
133. I don't have relationship issues.
134. I just don't have relationships.
135. That's probably better all around.
136. I hate being ignored.
137. I get ignored alot.
138. You'd think a girl would be used to it by now?
139. Not at all.
140. I like...no, scratch that, LOVE the way gardenias smell.
141. We have a bush in the front yard.
142. We have alot of cats.
143. 14 of them
144. I even know all their names.
145. Brownie point for me.
146. Misty, Pumpkin, Gizmo, Calypso, Magic, Salem, Archemeides, Lenore, Emily, Seaneen, Pogo, Sabrina, Peekaboo, and Twinkee.
147. Our dog is named Quark.
148. He pissed on my door in the seventh grade.
149. We haven't gotten along since.
150. Don't believe me? Ask Mary.
151. There is a cat outside named Oscar.
152. I think he's super.
153. I wanna keep him.
154. If he's still around when I move out, he's coming with me.
155. My back is tense.
156. I need a massage.
157. I hate massages.
158. Gizmo is stalking me.
159. I don't mind.
160. On principle...I will never date a guy who doesn't come up to me and ask me out himself.
161. So, for those people with weird enough taste who ever wanted to date me and were indirectly rejected, now you know why.
162. That's the first time I've ever made that thought public.
163. Bully for me.
164. My parents think I'm indecisive.
165. I've decided I don't care what they think.
166. How's that for decisive?
167. My cat Lenore is insane.
168. We get along just fine.
169. I like to cook.
170. I hate to eat though. Go figure?
171. My Grandmother says " Well at any rate..." alot.
172. It gets on my nerves.
173. I like Marylin Manson's version of "Sweetdreams"
174. I like Annie Lenox's original version better.
175. I liked how in the video her hair was bright orange.
176. I love her reasons for it.
177. Ani DiFranco is the s**t!!!
178. Everyone should listen to her at least once in their lifetime.
179. Your life will be better for it.
180. Ok, maybe not, but she's still awesome.
181. My Aunt Randi has tiny pinkies.
182. I love them.
183. I want to learn sign language.
184. My mother owes me a haircut.
185. I'm still pissed at her for it.
186. If you're boring me, I won't bother to hide it.
187. My father thinks he understands me.
188. My mother doesn't even try.
189. I've had some spectacular fights with them.
190. I think that if I had a senior superlative, it would be " Most likely to burn her bra on the White House lawn."
191. I doubt anyone is going to read this.
192. I'd appreciate it if you told me if you did.
193. Thanks in advance.
194. I think I'm boring.
195. I also think I'm stupid.
196. I can't say I think I'm ugly, because I honestly don't know.
197. Doesn't matter if I am...I don't care what I look like.
198. Have you ever read the poem "Resume'" by Dorothy Parker?
199. You should.
200. It's funny.
201. I wouldn't mind being a martyr for a really good cause.
202. If I told you I'd die for you, it means you're my friend.
203. If I say I'd kill for you, that's my equivalent to saying " I love you"
204. That's the best anyone could get from me.
205. I think I'm a horrible person.
206. I've been told I'm not.
207. I think that's funny, because you're told it doesn't matter what people think of you, it's what you think of yourself that's important.
208. I want to go to college in Washington, D.C.
209. I have a snowball's chance in hell.
210. I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
211. I wish my mother would stop saying I did.
212. Mary saved my life.
213. You don't need to know how.
214. I hope she knows.
215. I've talked people out of suicide
216. I've been told I'm not easy to get along with.
217. I believe it
218. I wish I was 9.
219. I was happy when I was 9.
220. It seems so long ago, but it wasn't.
221. I don't even feel like the same person.
222. I'm not really into weird piercings.
223. I do want tattoos.
224. I don't suggest going without food or sleep for four days straight.
225. I promise you'll feel like Grade-A s**t.
226. I can't sleep at night.
227. I can't sleep during the day.
228. I don't sleep much.
229. I like playing The Sims.
230. I like building houses.
231. I like killing the people.
232. My dad thinks I would be a good architect/ interior designer.
233. Mother even suggested I was on the wrong track at school.
234. I like tomatoes.
235. Adrienne doesn't.
236. Pooh on her.
237. I'm wearing a hat.
238. It's too big.
239. I like it.
240. I like the store Villans and Vogue in Disney World.
241. I can't imagine anyone wanting to know anything about me.
242. I think I'm going to be murdered before I'm 35.
243. I think I'm going to murder someone after I'm 35.
244. I have alot of scars on my arm.
245. I can't stand to look at them.
246. I think I look to punish myself.
247. Mental Massochism.
248. I hate getting up in the morning.
249. I hate going to sleep at night.
250. I love Peter Pan.
251. I wish he was real.
252. I have wanted to run away.
253. I didn't.
254. I didn't because no matter where I went I would still be there.
255. I think I may be extremely Manic Depressive.
256. My moods are always extreme.
257. Extremely up.
258. Extrmely down.
259. I can be verbose, and I can go days without saying a word.
260. I hate feeling used.
261. I had seven missed calls on my cell phone yesterday.
262. I didn't get home last night until 3:30 in the morning.
263. I should have called them back.
264. I bought my cat a catnip toy.
265. He's a catnip junkie.
266. What's the point of trying to dream anymore?
267. I think suicide is the coward's way out.
268. If there is one thing I'm not, it's a coward.
269. I've thought about what I would want in a guy.
270. I'd want someone more or less....innocent for lack of a better word.
271. I would need someone who wouldn't be scared off.
272. He would need to leave me alone when I told him to ******** off, but not leave me.
273. I need someone with the patience I lack.
274. I guess I have impossible standards.
275. The thought of dying alone doesn't scare me.
276. The thought of being alone in general doesn't scare me.
277. I'm surprised I've written this much.
278. This is the most I've ever said about myself.
279. I'm not selfish.
280. Just the opposite.
281. I'm generallly too self-sacrificing.
282. I try to be dependable.
283. I'm always worried I'm going to let someone down.
284. I once spent more then three days with a friend of mine because she was upset.
285. It was my birthday weekend.
286. I think she's forgotten.
287. I hate being forgotten.
288. I'm hoping to get used to the feeling soon.
289. I liove Abbie Hoffman's book.
290. My cat peed on it before I could finish it.
291. Nathan is my feminine side.
292. Otherwise I wouldn't have one.
293. I have $25,000 in a college fund in New York.
294. I have to go through the uncle I hate to get it.
295. I hate that.
296. I like tye-dye.
297. I almost always scowl.
298. I don't know why...but's that what I look like when I'm thinking to myself.
299. I never thought I'd be able to write this much.
300. I don't like to watch T.V.
301. I hate leaving off on a number divisible by ten.
302. I hate fireworks.
303. I hate the vacuum cleaner.
304. I hate loud noises in general.
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^$#^ing Waste of time this is...
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Proudly Anti-Twilight
If Edward and Bella Cullen were standing on the edge of a cliff, 90% of Americans would freak, 9% would yell JUMP! If you're the 1% who would give them a final push, put this in your signature
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i learned alot about you..and yes i read everyon eof them..it says there are 304.. but it seemed so much shorter.. i luv u ari.. i just wanted you to know that.. im never gonna forget anything u or mary ever did for me.. i think ur an awesome person..who cares what nebody else thinks.. but first and foremost i applaud you for figuring out 304 things to write. i might have to try that one day.. idk if i could though.. all right wel i g2g ..gotta start packing.. ill ttyl i luv ya bunches
P.S. feel free to cal me netime 825-4956 heart heart heart