So one of the Magi Admins found out about the fights we've been having all week. whee And they're all "Grr. mad " And we're all "WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE NEEDED YOU?! scream " We're tearing ourselves apart, and everyone's all moody and angry right now, and this could have been kept from happening if the Admins were simply there to tell us what they thought on these matters. ; 3; It's so sad that we'll fall apart over something simple. But I'm waiting for things to calm down again, because I feel there are some issues that need to be taken care of. Things that probably only I care about, but I want some feedback from the other mods just because.
... D< If another mod just had that thought process, some confusion could have been avoided.
My fourth of July was pretty fun. x3 We went over to Seattle to watch the fireworks show, it was really cool! It's one thing to watch 20 minutes of flashing lights on TV, it's another to see these explosions, hear their boom, and feel their thunder. whee But my mum was feeling ill, so she didn't go, and my brother is a stick in de mud, so he didn't go. It was just my dad and I, and we don't always make the best team. xD We ended up walking 40 blocks around Seattle, 20 of them uphill, and 20 of them uneeeded. My legs still hurt~
Pirates of the Carribean comes out soon, right? O: Midnight tonight! My friend Craig called and asked if I wanted to go, and I was all "GOOD PIRATE MOVIE? YES." I should have asked if he meant midnight tonight, or midnight tomorrow. >__> He said "Friday" and "Midnight". Hm, I should have asked if he meant this to be a sort of date, or a casual outing. xD Hah, I was blinded by pirates. Either way, I'm paying for my ticket and crap. D< Even if I have to fight him for it, because I know he's quite the gentleman.
Hm. Why don't I just call him and find all this out out? > o> Naah.
whee Did I mention that a couple days ago, I watched a *really* bad pirate movie on TV? I can't remember what it was called, something about the Jolly Roger, and it was on SciFi. Everything about it was just terrible. They said Jolly Roger was the name of the pirate ghost, but really that's the name of a pirate flag. D; And the acting was terrible. And it was kinda funny how people's heads would be cut off. It was just like "AAAAAHH--" sploosh, squirt squirt thump. o__o Sploosh being the sound of the cut. Because everyone's necks had *no* spinal cords. xD The plot was terrible, and you could totally see everything coming. though, the thing I hated most, was that the pirate sounded like a normal guy, and not all rusty, and old, and dead, and mean.
So I wanna see this good pirate movie. D<
Should I wear my leather pirate hat? > 3> Oh, what about my eye patch?
Leamony · Fri Jul 07, 2006 @ 04:49am · 0 Comments |