Name : Gruusk 'One Tusk' Wallbasher
Race : Half Orc
Height : 6' ft
Weight : 165 lbs
Physically : Hardly as bulky as his full-blooded cousins, but definitely well defined as far as musculature goes, Gruusk is a 'runt' among orcs, but a pretty built fellow among humans.
Notable gear : Armored lightly, with metal only covering from foot to knee. He nearly always wears a short-sword of Orcish make, thick and heavy for it's size, as well as a kukri with incredibly ornate etchings and design. Besides those, a few pound and a half throwing knives lurk tucked just out of eye-shot, for those hard to reach opponents. Hidden away is a nice sturdy tobacco pipe, and set of tools for picking locks and the like. Within his pack one finds most adventuring gear, cooking supplies and that sort of thing, oh...and rope. Always does he carry rope.
Memory Lane : Against the usual grain of 'half - orc' origin, Gruusk's parents were (mostly) consensual. Father being a human, and his mother a orc, the two crafted an offspring that was...less than both in the build department. A runt of sorts, especially in consideration to some of his relatives. Never the less, Gruusk's upbringing was swell for the most part, no shadowy or looming darkness. Of course not all things work all the time, and his father was slain around the his 8th winter. A terrible loss, for certain, but not as ill as the loss of his mother which soon followed. Severing his connection to the clan, and his connection to man, true colors soon flew. Such began the life of the average half-orc, not quite rough enough for the green skins, and just a bit too green for fairer folk.
Personality : Mild tempered, Gruusk is hardly as quick to anger as his green-skin kin, and pretty cunning as far as half-orcs go. The man prefers conversation to combat, despite his build and always-armed state. However, a stern moral code keeps his spine rigid, and he is not above cutting foes down who wrong the natural order of things.
First sighting:

Gruusk 'One Tusk'
- Where a tree had fallen, it's roots scooped up and curled out of the bank, a male sat idle. Disheveled might have described him, but probably fell a bit short. Planted rather comfortably in the dirt and mud, Gruusk seemed to of been there for some time. Possibly before sunrise? Small fish had grown tolerable of his feet, which were plunged just deep enough for water to wash over them, but not so as to keep his toes from poking through the surface. An incredibly simple fishing pole was stabbed into the dirt beside him, it's long line cast with a small bit of wood to keep the hook from sinking to the bottom. Occasionally his grey eyes would wander to the crude contraption, if only to be sure that nothing had bitten (for it had been long since the worm had been plucked from hook). From anyone's prying eyes' guess, the orc-blooded man was simply basking in the sun, with line out to act as excuse for his prolonged laziness.
Beside him sat a number of simple things that had apparently been making his stay on the lake-bed more pleasant;. A spent pipe, laid out on a rather large looking pair of fern leaves to keep it safe from further tarnishing and it's partner leather satchel with pungent but flavorful leaves of tobacco just waiting for their turn. That finely crafted kukri, with it's ornate etchings and very comfortable grip, it's heavy blade keeping the pipe and tobacco's bed from being blown by the occasional breeze. Last but not least, his rather large boots, which by the look of them reached half-way up the leg, with protecting iron guarding shin, and cups for either knee (not the best craftsmanship, but the metal sure is thick!).
With: The fish and inlet. | Ardee :Near
With: The fish and inlet. | Ardee :Near
:v: Character :v:
Name: Gruusk 'One Tusk'
Age: 28
Race: Half-Orc
Likes: Lounging, smoking tobaccos, fishing?, fighting and tales of adventure.
Dislikes: Dependence, total isolation, fanatics, cherries and blueberries.
Other: It should be noted that Gruusk is armed, with Short-sword and Kukri, as well as an assortment of throwing knives. However, he is also quite lazy, and carries with him only things that are suitable for survival or pleasure (fishing pole, and pipe, for example).
Bio: Against the usual grain of 'half - orc' origin, Gruusk's parents were (mostly) consensual. Father being a human, and his mother a orc, the two crafted an offspring that was...less than both in the build department. A runt of sorts, especially in consideration to some of his relatives. Never the less, Gruusk's upbringing was swell for the most part, no shadowy or looming darkness. Of course not all things work all the time, and his father was slain around the his 8th winter. A terrible loss, for certain, but not as ill as the loss of his mother which soon followed. Severing his connection to the clan, and his connection to man, true colors soon flew. Such began the life of the average half-orc, not quite rough enough for the green skins, and just a bit too green for fairer folk.