Age: 23
Race: Mutant (Human)
Education: Highschool dropout. Went on to receive the GED, and dabble in college, but he never earned a degree.
Wealth: A silver piercing, in his lower right lip.
Likes: Studying. Cigarettes. Alcohol on occasion. Philosophical Conversation. Rivers.
Dislikes: Solitude. Alcoholism. Being unable to get his point across. Dullness.
Personality: An easy going guy with a thirst for knowledge, Berach enjoy's libraries and academies that specialize in religions or dark arts. Despite the fact that all his own powers come from within. Often found with at least a faint smile, if not a full beam of one, the man is hardly what one would call over dramatic. He bears some strong signs of carelessness, but in reality it is more an overpowering yearning for experience that drives him to do reckless things at times.
Flaws: He is almost too free spirited, often disappearing for long amounts of time. Enjoying the risk and trials of danger. He can be semi selfish, and a bit narcissistic at times.
Also, if he goes too long without expelling psionic energy, his mind will become too concentrated on keeping it all at the ready to mind himself. A.D.D. and obnoxious rudeness often are the most noticeable of symptoms. Another, his inability to keep his eyes off women.
Biography: Berach grew up in middle class society. At the young age of ten, he was first able to manifest. By focusing on a limb, usually his hands, he learned to concentrate his own thoughts, and create weapons. With a mother and a father that worked, and he too picked up a job when he was only sixteen. This went on until he was about 20 years old. Since, he has lost his job for a small mishap in the kitchen, where he accidentally inflicted several hundred dollars worth of damage, and was kicked out of home simply because his parents could not afford to keep him. This was not something the young man fought about at the time, eager to fly from the nest. Even now he is happy that he is out on his own, regardless of how day to day it can be.
Powers: Mind Blade Manifest: Berach can focus his mind and create a blade of pure psionic energy. This energy appears as a brilliant florescent green. Total, he can create eight feet of blade. Dividing it among his limbs as he chooses, though generally this means six on his right arm, and two on his left. (5 Post Duration)
Inertial Armor: The same way he can focus to create a weapon, he can create armor. Currently, this is only a 1 foot diameter circle, and cannot be activated at the same time as his Mind Blade. (Always active when Mind Blades aren't manifested)
Minor Telekinesis: He can only lift five pounds, or apply five pounds of force. Though it can be distributed however he chooses. This can be used with Inertial Armor or Mind Blade
Weaknesses: His only weakness, is likely that of bribes. Though he rarely takes material items, the offer to have a home for a short time is one he seldom passes up.