People can't stop learning things, right? .__. You can keep learning things untill the day you die, right? It's not something that just stops, out of nowhere? 'Cuz, that's what I always thought. But i'm questioning that now. D:
Because there's this girl. On Magivolve. The forum that I help to mod? She doesn't get what she did wrong~ I want to go into detail about what she did, but that would be rude to her. ;__; I've tried explaining it clearly to her. I've tried hard. I take different approaches, I make analogies. I take it from private to public. And still she doesn't get it. D; I've lost hope. My patience with her is gone, and I used to be able to deal with hundreds of people asking the same question constantly. But I can't deal with someone like that. I thought it was hard training a cat not to stand on elevated surfaces. They don't understand what you're saying, so they don't know why. They just know that bad things happen when they do. D: So it shouldn't be too hard to tell a human not to do something, right? Especially if they speak your language. Just tell them what they did wrong, usually the kowledge that it is something wrong will get them to stop. But if they keep doing it, you punish them, and they realize that bad things happen when they do that certain thing.
But noooo~
I've lost hope. Hope that someday she'd understand what she did wrong, and why the things that happened happened.
Leamony · Thu Jun 01, 2006 @ 03:16am · 1 Comments |