It was spirit week at school this week. The theme was "Pirates," which is pretty cool. Usually the theme is something like "nothing." Tues-a-day was dress up like a pirate day for spirit week, but I was sick. Dx Bah! Stupid cold. I would have loved to dress up like a pirate to support our school by disregarding the dress code. @__@
I'm learning to tune the guitar. :D I'm so happy. All this time I've been afraid that I'll break the strings, but they're holding up nicely. x3 But the guitar is still way out of tune. D: Gah.
My hair is unusually nice today. :3 So I put a ribbon in it.
... I made dinner because my parents are out on a date. D:
. . . . My toes are very cold. But I'm thinking aout painting my toenails.
We're... repainting the bathroom.
I've had a very uneventful week. Dx
Leamony · Sun May 14, 2006 @ 04:26am · 1 Comments |