Hah! I love Ed Edd and Eddy. It's the dumbest show ever, but I still enjoy it. x3 I remember one summer when it was still new, Cartoon Network had a full week of nothing but Ed Edd and Eddy. I was kinda forced into loving the show. xD My favorite character is Double-Dee. But, for the longest time I thought he was a girl. O__o;; So did my mum. "Then how come she never takes off her shirt?" Har...
Did I ever tell you about how I bought Guitar Hero? Yeah. I did. Last Wednesday. I've already beaten Easy and Medium, and unlocked The Grim Ripper on Medium. As well as the other dude you can play as with big hair, and the double-headed guitar. :9 I'm well on my way in hard mode, but all of a sudden I'm really struggling with it. D: Perhaps I just need to play for longer periods of time to warm up more. Yeah... more warming up... x__x I just want to earn more money so that I can buy the unlockables, but there's only so much that you can earn. Not to metion you can only play a song once for money. And that kinda sucks.
O__o I thought for the longest time that I was failing my Web Design class. I took it for the easy A, but I am so lost on what the teacher wants us to do that I haven't turned anything in. Because I don't know how. I do stuff--at least, I think I am doing stuff. I must be doing something to pass the time. But I just found out that my grade is an A in that class. And in the comments section, he put "Student does excellent work" and "Good Effort in class." Comments are usually negative. x3 But this means that he either only checks over my shoulder to see if I am doing work, or he doesn't know who I am and doesn't care. I am unhappy with both of those. By only checking over my shoulder to see if it looks like I am doing my work, it shows that he really isn't taking an interest in my education. D: If I was paying for this class, he'd be getting an earload.
And the rest of my grades are doing so poorly. I've been trying hard to get more of my homework turned in. And for the most part, I've been successful. But it seems like everything goes wrong at once. Like a perfect storm. The very same day I'm assigned a project that's 60% of my grade, I am informed in three other classes that some large tests are coming up. I fail one of those tests and I don't know why, the assignment never gets turned in, and everything else just kinda goes *poop* Who even assigns such large assignments? Dx I'd have an A in that class if it weren't for that damnable assignment.
Leamony · Tue May 02, 2006 @ 06:02am · 0 Comments |