They spent the day with done and barthello, and in the evening got on the ship for luca. The next morning, they got off and started to walk around the building
koneko~what's this here?
ann~the stadium. I wonder if it's blitz season...
reiketsu~blitz? Blitzball? I think tidus said something on it
tenka~sounds hard because of how long you need to hold your breath
ann~they loved me because of how well I could swim. All the other blitz teams tried recuiting me after a practice match against the luca goers. They compared me to a hypello
kiba~aquatic race?
ann~yup. You'll see what a hypello is later.
The four followed her to the front of the stadium then down on the halls to the lockers
ann~doesn't seem like they're here...then again we didn't stay long in kilika for the aurochs to pass us...maybe the luca goers are here
koneko~so we're gonna play?!
ann~sure. I'm sure they won't mind playing a quick round
she went to the other side and knocked at their locker, and a player called out allowing them to enter
ann~bickson! It's been years. Hey guys, just about to practice?
kiba~it's like the village shops. I wouldn't be surprised if ann did favors for them after beating the s**t out of them first
abus~hey ann. You sure have grown since we've seen you.
graav~what brings you by?
ann~blitzball. Would you guys mind playing a quick round with me and the kids?
raudy~and your husband?
ann~well someone needs to look out for us
abus~sure we'll play. Let's go
a few minutes later ann won, 5-3
raudy~how were you still able to beat us?! You even had a handicap with your kids!
balgerda~i think tenka took after you too. He swam like a hypello
ann~hehehe I may not have blitzball where I come from, but we still train
koneko~when come by again can we play another match? W-without mom though?
bickson~sure squirt. We might actually win too
reiketsu~you're only saying that cuz mom beated you up then made you food
abus~she only did that once...but that was because he was closest to her when the other teams tried recruiting her to their teams
kiba~you actually scare me sometimes ann
ann~it's not my fault. Dad or wakka didn't do anything to me out either. I'm more surprised I didn't destroy half the stadium trying to get guys want lunch?
After lunch, they said their thanks before heading into the main part of the city. Koneko ran ahead to the fountain, with her brothers following close by. Not too far from the fountain was a lady with a cart shop with some balloons and vegetables
koneko~hi miss. What are these?
Shop keep~these are gysahl greens. They're for the chocobos
ann~oh, are they? How much each?
Shop keep~500gil madam. Would you like to purchase some?
ann~yes please. I'd like 3 of them and one of your balloons
shop keep~that'll be 1510 please
as ann took out the money, the lady put the roots in a bag and cut one of the balloons, giving it to tenka and the bag to ann. After they headed off again
reiketsu~what's a chocobo?
ann~a giant yellow bird
tenka~what exactly are gysahl greens?
ann~think of it like horse raddish. Pretty spicy if you eat it, but the chocobos love them
kiba~so chocobos are near huh?
ann~yeah, but I don't think there's a trainer this close though. Maybe over at rin's agency
koneko~what's that?
ann~an inn. We should stay the night here and get a morning start. It'll take all day to get to the in there
koneko~oh...that's a lot of walking...
ann~but I thought you like walks, like daddy
koneko~but we eventually get to go back home!
ann~true. You three go ahead and walk around. We'll meet you back here in an hour or so. So don't get into trouble
and then they ran off
ann~yup. Depending on how fast we go, sometimes it takes a week before we get to another inn
kiba~well it's a good thing we already taught them about rationing
ann~yup. Won't be too hard. We should be arriving there sometime tomorrow night
kiba~if they sleep?
ann~only rei will try to push himself. Koneko will just collapse hehehe
View User's Journal
annaliesalayoshi and zabuza momochi
i'm a super fananic of naruto. i even made my own naruto character, annaliesalayoshi (or ann), and i made her zabuza's niece (that is if he ever had one). later in the story i mix it with final fantasyX
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