+Quote:"What sense is there in yearning for truth? Close your eyes. Lie to yourself. Live in blissful ignorance... It is a much smarter way to exist."
✞✞━ General Information ━✞✞
+Name: Masame(Ma-Sah-Meh) Kurumada
+Nickname: N/A
+Gender: Male
+Age: 1479
+Height:6'1 when on ground 6'7 when levitating.
+Appearance Age:22/Physical State
+Sexuality: Heterosexual
+Yakuza Gang: Neutral
+Yakuza Rank:N/A
+Species:Creux Kin [Cross Child]: A Creux Kin in its spirit state only has one objective that is to reproduce to create a conduit. A Creux Kin is a spirit that has rejected to crossover and has become permanently earthbound. A recently unknown being until most of the the mythological beings began exposing themselves. Neither being able to be judged for condemnation in hell or salvation in heaven. Rather its destined place is oblivion, achieved after 30 passing days without a conduit or host. A Creux Kin survives through two forms. One is the form of a symbiotic relationship with a host much like a parasite. Whence given consent, a Creux Kin will possess the body of its host and live a pseudo-life until the next form of survival becomes available. People who have a Creux Kin within them are often confused to be people with split personality disorder or schizophrenia. The Creux Kin's presence will eventually begin to siphon it's hosts sanity if it is unable to reach its next form of survival. A parasitic Creux Kin is weaker than one who has taken a conduit but goes through great lengths to protect its host. The second form of survival for a Creux Kin is the essential, embodying a conduit. That is through childbirth, through either itself or its host. Upon the birth of a newborn the Creux Kin fuses its soul with the infants taking its body and accelerating its growth into a full fledged adult within a matter of days, the newborn inherits all the Creux Kin's memories and influences along with knowledge. Seen as ethically wrong, do to its robbing of a babies childhood and life in general. This often makes it difficult for a Creux Kin to find a conduit. If a Creux Kin can successfully repeat this method it creates a form of false immortality on the physical plain. A common Creux Kin is a romancer and polite. It treats people with fairness and only provides reassurance. A desperate Creux Kin nearing it 30 day expiration time, having yet to find a conduit, host, or mate will wander the streets panicked searching for an orphaned infant or will often resort to treachery, trickery, and bargaining in order to survive. In some cases a host Creux kin will manipulate it's hosts sex drive causing a distinct need for sexual stimulation or intercourse by sending pulses of extreme pleasure or happiness similar to a high or when , in order to attain a conduit. If a Creux Kin fails to find a host or conduit it fades into oblivion hazing and emptying all traces of its existence from peoples memories and minds even from past sexual partners. It takes a great amount of commitment and will power for a Cruex Kin to be remembered after fading into a oblivion. There are conditions that need to be filled for Creux Kin possession of a being other than a newborn.
=The Host must be willing to accept the Creux Kin
=The Host must maintain a strong will and conscious
=Be comfortable with the fact over a length of time they will begin to loose their
There are four stages of Creux Kin
=Conduit:= A Creux Kin having taken possession of a newborn child aging it to the age of its death.
=Symbiotic:=A Creux Kin taking possession of a willing host until a conduit is discovered. The Creux Kin protects the host while often the host promises permanent residence until they've lost their sanity and submitted their body and soul to be fused with the Creux Kin or birthing a conduit for the Creux Kin.
= Materialized:=Only a materialized Creux Kin can mate. A Creux Kin can only attack and make physical contact in its materialized state.
=Spirited:=A spiritual Creux Kin can choose who he wishes to see it aside from the eyes of experienced ghost hunters. It is quite simply a ghost. Going through walls, creating a chill in the air, and creating an ominous feel. Naturally in its spiritual state physical attacks are pointless. It is however, more frail and susceptible to attack from those who make a living in hunting the living dead.
✞✞━ Jobs/combat Information ━✞✞
+Jobs Tracker: 00 / 00
+Weapons: None
+Fighting Style: Keysi Fighting Method(Conduit Only)
+Health points: 190/190
▬ Pressure/Gravity Control:The minute to grandiose manipulation of an area's current gravitational pull:
Being tied to the earth for so long Masame has almost mastered the art of it and various gravitational pulls, classifying him as a gravity manipulating spirit. Thus allowing him to form his own pockets of lesser or heavier gravity. Unfortunately if used improperly can destroy objects that cannot resist the weight almost accidentally. Lightening the gravitational pull of a large area can also if not often cause the air to thin making it difficult to breathe, this adverse affect has a greater effect on Masame above all others because of his weakened self if not properly maintained can cause him to choke or worse asphyxiate, when not within a conduit. Skills cast without a conduit consume twice the hp. While others get the feeling of being up in the mountains or physically uncomfortable. General abilities of this would be granting flight, shaping liquid, and pseudo-telekinesis. Triggered by incantations.
Range: 0-20feet
Drawbacks:The casting process of most of Masame's attacks is they require an incantation to trigger them. Once used the same technique cannot be repeated until after a new attack is released.
Description: A fast paced ball of what looks like condensed air to common human perception is thrust out forth from the sleeve. The ball once making contact with something solid will either immediately bring it down to the ground creating a feeling of being crushed. Or send it spiraling upward until the sphere dissipates into non-existence. The attack is triggered with the incantation
Incantation:"Un Bara Bara Bazaradan Khan x3"
▬Weight of Grief
Range: 0-10feet
Drawbacks:The casting process of most of Masame's attacks is they require an incantation to trigger them. Once used the same technique cannot be repeated until after a new technique is released. This attack is particularly slow and after use leave Masame slightly ill feeling slowing his movements all the more.
Description: This technique summons what is almost equivalent to hammer of gravity. Quite often it's weight is based on the targets current state of alliance. Those who live a neutral life swearing themselves to neither good or evil deeds find themselves simply slammed into the ground. Those who bear great moral sin and have shamelessly murdered will feel as if countless greek columns were smashing them into the ground continuously. Those who walk the path of truth and innocence will feel little to nothing. The mass of gravity is manipulated by the movement of the forearm. If in the air the gravity has yet to be dropped. If coming down the gravity will follow. Many can see the amassed amount of their sin and anguish above them before it falls.
Incantation:"Un Bara Bara Basa Bahn Endan x3"
Range: Selective
Drawbacks:The casting process of most of Masame's attacks is they require an incantation to trigger them. Once used the same technique cannot be repeated until after a new attack is released. This attack is purely for escape purposes and consumes hp for each individual ensnared. It also does not last long.
Description: This technique binds peoples feet to the ground and disarms them. Their bodies will become heavy and drawing a weapon or preparing an attack will be significantly difficult to pull off before the user and allies make an escape.
Incantation:"Un Bara Bara Un Hata x1"
▬Weight Of Denial
Range:Surrounding Self
Drawbacks:The casting process of most of Masame's attacks is they require an incantation to trigger them. Once used the same technique cannot be repeated until after a new attack is released. If not being cast from a conduit this is tasking on Masame's body and leaves him drastically ill afterward.
Description: Sends a slamming force of heavy gravitational pressure down fracturing the ground around Masame and surrounding objects then sends Masame floating backward hastily in a shockwave. It is often used to end a stream of close range attacks and grant Masame distance and time.
Incantation:"Un Bara Na" x1
▬Listless Materia
Range:Selective Vicinity
Drawbacks:The casting process of most of Masame's attacks is they require an incantation to trigger them. Once used the same technique cannot be repeated until after a new attack is released. This incantation in particularly long. If not being cast from a conduit this is tasking on Masame's body and leaves him drastically ill afterward.
Description: Produces orb looking pockets of gravity that float scattered around the area. When touched they detonate launching whatever touched it backward, into the ground, or sends them flying. In addition it launches shrapnel of what the gravitational pull has gathered over time.
Incantation:"Un Bara Bara Han Bazaradan Ba Endo
✞✞━ Biography ━✞✞
My birth took place during the medieval era. Here I spent my time trying to grasp the concept of masonry and when not constructing these buildings you could say I dabbled in a few dark arts and alchemy. As time progressed I abandoned my families construction trade at age seventeen. I solely focused on what was labeled as taboo, though the concept was interesting. I had conjured demons and angels of the like, spirits, undead, and all manner of beast. One might question how I became so proficient at this art. I had attained knowledge from the beings I summoned rather than use them for misdeeds and chaos. I discovered much, one however caught my attention the most at age 22. The spirit I had conjured called itself a Creux Kin. It promised me immortality in exchange I would offer something that he described as a CONDUIT. Foolish as I was I accepted assuming that this CONDUIT would be easy enough to attain taking into account the Cruex Kin said I was already in possession of one and we would make the exchange in due time. Until then I agreed to allow the Creux Kin to strive in my body.
It was a period of two weeks when my wife Cecilia gave birth to my son. Needless to say as any father would be I was excited yet reluctant at the thought of the responsibility that would soon be placed upon my shoulders. Something was different however, I had become more prone to wild outbursts and my levels of irritation began to escalate over minute things. I was sure that I was losing my sanity. It was only until later that day that the Creux Kin politely apologized for deceiving me as he never appropriately defined the side affects of him residing in my body. Then he explained the offer he had made. He would take possession of my child and in turn I would become a Creux Kin upon my death. Needless to say I was unhappy regardless of how polite the Cruex Kin presented itself. Then I proposed my own proposition. It being the Creux Kin to take my body instead of my sons and if my son truly had to be part of such an unethical process that I be the one becoming a part of him. The Creux Kin shook his head that it would have to be either one or the other. So, I vouched to surrender my body and soul.
Then like a rush of ecstasy memories of the Creux Kin flooded my mind, my old self lost its consciousness and yielded to the other. I became the Cruex Kin. I remember this because of the memories of the Cruex Kin that became a part of me was retained. However, I lost the respect of my people, my wife despised me, and never got to caress my son, seeing as it was no longer me but the Creux Kin in control now and the Creux Kin wanted to live it's life how it pleased. This resulted in a rather short lived life as it foolhardly charged into battle getting killed within a mere days of attaining a new body.
When my old self died. I found myself regaining control of my consciousness. Apparently I was lucky and it proved stronger than its predecessors in death. I was denied passage into either heaven or hell. I was told how a Creux Kin must survive and I have been doing such for the past fourteen thousand or so years. I did not personally enjoy that my immortality had to come at the expense of others but when desperation sets in it is simply something that cannot be ignored. Rather than fade into the curious unknown a seeked out mates to provide a conduit or hosts willing to sacrifice their mental state until they conceived a child for me. I can't say I'm proud of some of the things I had done in order to survive but there is a greater fear than death, and that fear, is to know you will become nothing.
Over the course of years I've found myself in the gang torn streets of Tokyo. Initially I kept my existence secret but as more and more creatures that seemed to be only of myth began to make themselves known, I took it upon myself to make the Creux Kin known among the many that roam the streets. I had changed my name several times in order to suit my time period and surroundings and so Tokyo was no exception. I've attained memories upon memory from my past bodies. My existence was like that of being infinitely reincarnated. I wish to continue living and I will do just that. Using whatever method necessary. Be it joining one of these insidious gangs or roaming aimlessly for mates.
✞✞━ Background Information ━✞✞
+Personality:Masame is generally kind and understanding he is patient with all types of beings even ones who they themselves are impatient. Often romantic and considerate in order to find a mate willing to produce a conduit or a host willing to accept the conditions. Much like his predecessor he can resort to deviant tricks and bluntness if in desperation and will likewise be cloaked in fear. He also come off as ominous if not mysterious and a strange individual simply because of willingness to do things others won't. He seems void of fear when not nearing his thirty day expiration date. He blindly executes orders but does have a sense of Justice and refuses to kill others unless they truly have committed shameless deeds. Apologetic and capable of showing emotion in dire or saddening situations makes Masame somewhat of a psychologist. Masame can range anywhere between extremely philosophical to flat blunt. Sarcasm is a common indicator of showing dislike in someone but he can crack the occasional joke...usually cheesy and not said very excitedly. He is picky about who he mates with unless desperate and will avoid prostitutes and less refined women.
+Likes: Living, Understanding, Philosophy
+Dislikes: Evil, Vulgarity
+Hates: The thought of becoming nothing, Death, Shameless misdeeds
+Theme Song:Untitled Song

Quote:"To Clarify, I only Clarify, no more, no less."
♔♔━ General Information ━♔♔
Last Edited:August 29th
+Name:Jonathan A. Needleheim
+Nickname:Social Status
Onimusha: Well Trusted
Moju: Well Trusted
Roiyaruzu: Well Trusted
Tenjiku: Well Trusted
+Gender: Male
+Age: 23
+Sexuality: Heterosexual
+Yakuza Gang:~Forever Neutral
+ Yakuza Rank:~None
+Species: Herald:A Herald Is much like an angel, it is also much like a demon and of a spirit with a physical body. It is however, very human, in both its lifespan and other behaviors. It rests in between, serving all sides without bias. It's position is that of high ranking official in the land of Purgatory. A Herald is respected by many and hated by many. A Herald because of its title and lack of one true loyalty cannot lie. It can choose to remain silent but it is incapable of producing a false statement. Opinionated questions also apply to that Herald's opinion. A Herald is also stripped of its ability to fight it has sworn to pacifism. To compensate for this weakness a Herald is gifted with an impenetrable form of protection. Although a Herald will often loose its use quickly. In this case those that hired the Herald, send them to wander until they die of old age living their lives as pseudo-humans.
♣♣━ Jobs/combat Information ━♣♣
+Jobs Tracker: 00 / 00
+Weapons: Livre de l'émotion (Book of Emotion)
+Fighting Style: Stasis: Not a fighting style per say but it is a method of combat that involves not fighting. It is taught to members of the Herlad division who have sworn to pacifism and a life of servitude delivering information and packages for otherworldly beings of high nobility.
+Health points: 190/190
---Weakness---"Pacifist":Jonathan Refuses to Fight or Defend anyone from assault unless they are integral to a conversation or as he sees fit. Even if they are in possession of his butlering, he tries to remain unbias in turn if he blocks an attack for one he will block an attack for the other. Livre de l'émotion and the Négation fighting style cannot be used at the time. In other words he is exposed whence it is in use. When using Seuil he is susceptible to injury.
▬Gêne (Hindrance)
A power granted by the Grimoire "Livre de l'émotion" the user can influence another's emotions or feelings for a short period by emitting a wave of energy to do so. It does not forcibly make them abide by this emotion or feeling but it sends vibes to influence them to encourage the emotion or feeling. However, this often does bend the will of others to a point. It is normally only used for positive purposes and never to antagonize.
▬Seuil (Door)
A gesture that allows doors to be opened from thin air. Thus allowing instantaneous transportation between any place and anywhere. A Lariat need only to see the face or name of the person they wish to seek out or even a physical description is enough. As a fail safe Seuil cannot be used if the Lariat has ill tendencies. This includes spying, assassination, and the lot.
▬Livyatan de l'émotion (Leviathan of Emotion)
The Grimoire has the ability to single out a persons specific emotion. This can be done up to four times for a single person. They then appear as familiars used to assist the target rather than having Jonathan fight personally. The drawback, should the familiar of the emotion removed where to die that person becomes void of that emotion. In addition the familiar returning to the body will have its user feel that emotion strongly for a course of 24 hours. Ex. Member A. Hates being sad. He requests Jonathan remove this emotion. The book takes away Member A's ability to become sad. His sadness becomes a card which then summons a owl like familiar who helps him in combat by launching balls of condensed pressurized water at the opponent. In the fight the owl familiar dies. Member A will never be able to show sadness for the rest of his life. Member B. Same scenario but his familiar lives. He can shed tears again but immediately after becomes incredibly sad for the remained of the day. The simple removal of the emotion is simple and should the familiar not be needed the cards they produce can be stored within the book for safe keeping. A person can have one active familiar at a time and up to four missing emotions. However, returning of emotions removed takes a day for each removed and they cannot all be returned at once. This method pf emotion removal can also be used to give emotions to another at the cost of sacrificing the like for oneself.
▬Liens qui unissent (Ties that Bind)
The Grimoire "Livre de l'émotion" has the ability to link two minds together. Much like telepathy. Making it a lie detector among two parties. It allows the two affected to understand each others true intentions, motives, emotions, and feelings for one another. It also allows them to communicate within their minds alone. This proves viable to enhance tender loving moments between couples or sealing the deal with a newly introduced business associate. It also is a good way to secure privacy in a crowded room between two people. A trained mind however, can still fool one that is naive.
♣♣━ Biography ━♣♣
Jonathan was born human, A Butler and servant by trade to a wealthy family. He resided in the small town Uzès in a flamboyant glimmering mansion. That is before the chaos struck decimating everything in his hometown. It was here he came upon a bickering demon and angel. Mesmerized by this event that was unfolding eighteen year old Jonathan paid no mind to the street post that landed atop him ending his life. Both the demon and angel could not help but feel responsible for this situation seeing as they caused half the damage in the vicinity, the angel wanted to give him a second chance at life, the demon cared less and wanted to damn his soul putting it in a state of eternal servitude. They then settled on an agreement. Being sent into the gates of heaven he was granted the ability of Stasis then cast into the Demonic residence he was given a book or rather cursed Grimoire to manipulate peoples emotions. Then being sent to Purgatory was given the title Herald and given back his physical body serve all plains without bias. An interesting situation had befallen Jonathan but who was he to complain to these "higher beings" he accepted the title and in two years his use was expended in exchange for a new Herald. With a distinct need to serve having been embedded in his psyche Jonathan began to seek work. With his family dead and the rise of gangs he began to affiliate himself with the four gang heads. Knowing them all and deciding to serve them all personally. He has remained a trusted servant among all four of the Kumicho since. He is now attempting to become the servant of The Keeper of Sin's Crater. Though he has proven difficult to find.
♣♣━ Background Information ━♣♣
Jonathan's personality is one that wishes to please everyone. He can be humorous and bitter at times though he tries to avoid the second. His goal is to understand the wishes of others and execute them so long as he is capable. His voice has a serious but respectable undertone and treats everyone as though they where his superior. He provides unyielding compassion for even the most violent of people. His duty is believed to serve all equally showing no bias for any division or its inhabitants. Though there are people he favors more than others he does them no tactical advantage. He can be cocky and a bit of a snob when it comes to conversing with less intelligible beings.
+Hobbies: Cooking, Gardening, Dressing Others, Carpentry, Delivering Messages, Consoling,Logical Debate
+Likes: Unbias
+Dislikes: Unbias
+Hates: Unbias
+Theme Song:Mad World
Current Gang Employed Temporary Butler: Tenjiku/Next in Rotation Onimusha>Moju>Roiyaruzu
Jonathan serves as a part time butler among the Kumicho and a messenger. His sworn duty is almost like that of a news herald and expose non-discreet information among the four territories and proves especially useful when one needs to send a message to the Moju who reside in dangerous terrain.
Earthling Template
Name:Nathan Stevenson
Birthdate: 12/28
Gender: Male

- Height: 6'3
Weight: 147
Body Type: Lean
Skin type: Pale White
Eye Color: Medically Blind/Mechanical Retinas/Sees things in Ultraviolet,Infared,Visible,and Night
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Nappy
Unusual Markings: Back covered with scars from the lashes of a whip revealing an unsavory past.
Clothing: Despite his profession and job Nathan dresses in formal attire.
Theme Song(s):
- I Am A Rock- Simon & Garfunkel
The Golden Automaton-XXX12
Significant Trait:Painfully Oblivious
"We could... Never mind"
"Stupid, No, Really Stupid."
"Shut the front door"
"They may be hunks of junk but they're my hunks of junk."
"Wow you're slower than me...that's an insult by the way."
Good/Evil/Other: Good
Element: Non-Elemental
Weapon: Baroque Driver/Fist Type/Appearance
Job Class: Machinist (Lvl 1)
Physical Strength: 7
Physical Resistance: 7
Magic Strength: 7
Magic Resistance:3
Action Speed: 4
Evasive Reflexes: 4
Outright Speed: 4
Endurance: 7
Mounting does not stack stats. Nathans stats are altered in accordance with what he mounts.
Koliat:Mag Str +3 ,Mag Res +3 Phys Str -3, Phys Res -3
Cruex: Mag Res+3, Phys Res +3, End +3, Eva -2, AcSpd -2, OutSpd -2
Sirius: Phys Str +3, End +3, Act Speed +2, Out Speed +2 ,Mag Str -3, Mag Res -2,
Matala: OutSpd +4, Eva +4, ActSpeed +5, All other Stats -2
Skill Definitions:
Deploy razz seudo-summoning for a machinist. It is the act of calling forth his creations. When deployed a machinima can use its own set of skills free of the machinists total control. Only one machinima can be deployed at a time otherwise chaos ensues. Albeit under the influence of a level 1 limit break. When deployed unless mounted the machinima will use a single technique through out the entirety of combat.
Mounting: The machinist takes full control of its machinima by taking manual control. This normally involves wearing it almost like a body suit aside from Koliat which is ridden and controlled from the top. Each machinima is roughly the size of semi in height and a general automobile in width. Being machines they do not have personalities.
Etc: Before deployment machinima are stored if forcibly dismounted/defeated they will return to their small triangle like forms and be unusable until repairs are made accordingly. (think pokemon and pokeballs). Likewise I would like to make it clear they can be stolen. It also is not difficult to steal from someone as oblivious as Nathan. A simple slight of hand can and will leave Nathan near helpless until a replacement machinima is made. Which could take days of solitary work.
Status:Mounted:When mounted the machinist cannot use any function aside from the abilities provided from mounting albeit Analyze.
Status biggrin ocking: Turns Machinima into functioning weapons for combat. It is currently in the process of development
Attack Abilities:
Deploy: "The Strength of machinist is solely reliant on the strength of his mind.": Summons designated machinima from a small triangular device that results in a small disruptive shockwave.
Deploy:Koliat- Deploys Magic Augmenting Mobile Unit Koliat in preparation for mounting.
Deploy:Creux- Deploys Defense Augmenting Mobile Unit Creux in preperation for mounting.
Deploy:Sirius- Deploys Attack Augmenting Mobile Unit Sirius in preparation for mounting.
Deploy:Matalan- Deploys Speed Augmenting Mobile Unit Matalan for mounting.
Fissure: A fierce punch to the ground splits it horizontally then sends out a high pitched frquency. Is initially used to bide for time. Can cause confusion.
Upheaval: Drilling into the earth causing debris and dust to rise from the ground. Attempts to inflict blind as rocks are catapulted forward.
Steam Works:The drill like weapons whir rampantly it eventually cloaks the area in a thick steam like fog causing blindness.
Thunder~Low level lightening spell
Thundera~Mid level lightening spell
Fire~Low level fire spell
Fira~Mid level fire spell
Support Abilities:
Heat Riser- Mount Required Sirius:Symbols glow on Sirius as an invigorating aura is emitted. Increases Melee Capabilities of a target by a fixed amount +1 To Non Magic Related Statuses temporarily. If used on self Sirius gains status Berserk.
Ventilate- Mount Required Koliat: Symbols Glow on Koliat as an relaxing aura is emitted. Raising magic resistance and magic by a fixed amount +1 temporarily. Cannot be used in unison with Refresh. If used on self Koliat gains status Slow.
Refresh- Deploy Required Koliat: Symbols glow on Koliat as a therapeutic aura is emitted. Cures status ailments
Poison,Petrify,Paralyze,Blind,and Confusion and provides temporary health and mana regen.
Ignition: Mount Required Matalan: Symbols Glow on Matalan as an odd aura is emitted. Surrounding allies and enemies are granted flight temporarily.
Dust off A non-violent, some would say wasteful, use of magic to clean ones attire of filth instantaneously. It does however, cure slow petrify and petrify.
Cure:Low Tier Healing Spell
Esuna:He can cure basic ailments with this
Analyze:AoE version of Scan and Libra that detects things around the perimeter and discloses its location
Lie Detector: Built in receptors analyze a targets heart beat to tell if an individual is lying. However, does not force the truth out of a person and ineffective on liars who know how to monitor their heart rate.
Passive Abilities:
- Null Blind-Mechanical Eyes with different frequencies nullify blinding effects
Dumb Luck- Fortune favors the Oblivious. It has proven to help in some scenarios regarding evasion...and other times. Not so much. All attacks made by Nathan and the Opponent have a 50% chance to backfire or miss unless otherwise described in the abilities description.
Shared Machinima Passives:
Iron Bodies:Immune to Poison,Blind,Paralysis,Confusion,and Petrify. Increased physical resistances but naturally all slow excluding Matalan with minimal protection.
Short Circuit:When hit with any form of Electricity or Water techniques machinima will Malfunction and respond as if they paralyzed there is a chance they will cease functioning entirely.
Overheat: If consecutively hit with fire type techniques will inflict berserk. Particularly useful against Koliat.
Super Conductors: If consecutively hit with ice type techniques will inflict slow but make magic stronger by one point. Particularly useful on Sirius
Abilities Sirius:
Full Salvo:Non-elemental lobbed explosives are fired in chaotic disarray in a perimeter.
Full Throttle: A devastating full body blow strengthened by distance to a max of a 120mph collision usually signaled by flashing rockets on Sirius's legs.
Rocketeering: non-Elemental miniature rockets fired front facing partially homing in on targets in front dealing physical damage.
Heavy and Metal: A devastating attack that causes the ground to quake where Sirius detaches a single arm and uses is as a club with the amplitude of a wrecking ball.
Fusillade Multiple Non-elemental beams are fired front facing which can reach a maximum distance of 600meters.
Back Burner: A charge required ball of fire is launched forward burning at temperature hot enough to melt ice, melt rock, evaporate water, and brave winds.
Abilities Creux:
Sluggish Saw: Creux Stumbles with each step toward its opponent as it uses its massive girth and blade like face fall then begin to spin tearing into its surroundings before it slowly rises for its next action.
Sluggish Exhaust:The spinning saw like head spins and begins emitting a nauseating smoke inflicting slow and poison on all who inhale it.
Scrap Shield The spinning saw like head spins sparks begin to fly as it protects Nathan within its confides from physical attacks and reflects any of the following once fire,wind,light,dark,nature and earth magics.
Bravery: Increases Physical Strength and Physical Resistance by 1.5x for varying amounts of time (2/3/4/5). Negated by Fear.
Shell Variants: Tier one and Tier two shell/Increases the target's Physical Resistance/Magic Resistance (respectively) by 4. Over-written by Wall and Wallja. Negated by Deprotect/Deshell.
Protect Variants: Tier one and Tier two Protect/Increases the target's Physical Resistance/Magic Resistance (respectively) by 4. Over-written by Wall and Wallja. Negated by Deprotect/Deshell.
Cure Variants Tier one and Tier two Cure'
Silence: Inflicts Silence through a cloud of green nauseating smoke that fogs memory
Poison: Inflicts Poison through a cloud of purple nauseating smoke that turns the stomach
Abilities Koliat:
Aim: Locks on to a target assuring 100% accuracy for the next attack. If stricken physically aim is lost.
Thundaga Shot: A ball of concentrated lightening is launched toward the opponent. May cause paralysis. Signaled by spinning numbers on Koliat's frame.
Thundaga: Tier Three Lightening Spell
Shocking Lashes: A long whip like beam of electricity is sent slinging in all directions with crackling intensity. May cause paralysis.
Numera: Numbers and an arm spin like a roulette until it finally comes to a close. A spell is cast in accordance with the number is lands on.
7:....Nothing Happens
8:Bio:Non elemental magic damage inflicts poison
9:Backfired:Nathan is ejected and Koliat returns to its miniature form.
10:...Nothing Happens
13:Backfired:Nathan is ejected and Koliat returns to its miniature form
18:Scan:Looks for weaknesses in opponent
19 biggrin arkness:Non elemental magic damage. Inflicts Blindness
20:Backfired:Nathan is ejected and Koliat returns to its miniature form
Abilities Matala:
Work in Progress Matala is one of Nathans projects he's yet to have complete aside from mobility it is deathly weak in the department of offensive and defensive functionality.
Limit Breaks:
[Level 1] Baroque Works- Deploys two Machinima at one time. Neither can be mounted but both let loose their singular attacks sporadically easily making a 3v1 scenario for the duration.
[Level 2] - A machinima is immediately deployed and mounted. A cannon based on the type of machinima is armed and fired with the following result. Koliat:Large AoE magic damage of four element types Fire, Ice, Water, Lightening. Matala: An Intense sonic boom that leave the ears ringing and the ground shaking reducing Act Spd. Sirius: a large non-elemental explosive equating to a bomb. Creux: A Bomb that releases a large toxic cloud inflicting any of the four ailments silence, poison, paralyze, blind
Drive Form(s):
Versatility: A Jack of all trades, Nathan does not excel or is particularly weak in any particular category so long as his machinima are available
Tactician: He may be slow but after a battle starts that slow reaction time is being applied to viable battle strategy
Slow Response:Heavily reliant on his machinima and endurance leaves Nathan doubting in his own abilities. When mounted and piloting one his response time is still rather slow.
Short Circuit:If he himself is struck directly in the face with lightening he will become blind and lose the skills "Analyze" and "Lie Detector" until healed.
Slow Starter: Enemy will always get first strike due to Nathans horribly oblivious nature
Summon: Iron Giant
Summon Appearance:

Summon Personality: Stoic, Hardheaded, Somewhat Brutish, and Slow to Act. The Iron Giant is a simple being all he wants is to be rid of anything that impedes him. He doesn't get along well with the others on account of his poor magical abilities and his slow personage but he sees his powers as something to rival even those of bahamut...poor fool.
Sample Post: