I currently feel like the dumbest human being on the planet. I just had my final exam in my Advanced Programming: Database class and I know I failed it. There isn't a chance I passed.
Part A: written...I gather I did about 50% to 60% of the answers correctly. Which kept me hopeful for passing with at least 50.
Part B: coding...I never got past the first question. I had a bunch of commented out code done but all if when implemented didn't work at all. Thus creating that I may get perhaps 2 or 3 marks out of 10 for that question and 0 for the second question.
Grand total of 40 marks for the exam and I probably got about 13/40
The rest of my life will be a horrible episode of many minimum wage jobs and my life will amount to nothing. I wanted to give blood today rather than do my exam...I wish I had given 5 units...which is all the units a human body has.
Why the ******** am I so ******** god damn stupid?!?
krysil · Wed Apr 12, 2006 @ 11:58pm · 0 Comments |