Well here are the e-mail response of both "Bob" and I as I attempt to buy a new wacom tablet. These are unaltered (except the one that has my address in it). Pink is me, blue is "Bob"
Hello, I would very much like to buy this item but I have never purchased on ebay before and my feedback is at 0. I'm not sure how to proceed other than that I know I needed to contact you first before attempting to buy. I live in Canada and do have a paypal account so I am able to pay right away smile Thank you
Thank you for writing to me first. Have you taken the time to confirm your PayPal address yet?
I would preffer to ship the item to a confirmed address.
I use FedEx for shipping to Canada just so you know.
Yes i am a Canadian but the warehouse is in the US. Just to clear up that question before you ask it LOL!
Hello, My paypal account does have an address on it but it is a box number and I hope that will not be a problem for you. As far as I know FedEx does deliver to box numbers ^^
If the box number isn't a problem just let me know that I can buy and I'll get to it ^^ Thank you
I have seen the deliver to some Boxes. We can try it worst case senario is that they will have a problem with it and you might have to go pick or something.
I will provide the tracking number to you when i have it
Hello, I got an email from FedEx, it turns out that they didn't like my Box Number so the item is being returned to you >.<. Sorry about that. I do have a home number they can send to and I can make sure someone is home for the delivery. This is the address: (address goes here)
Let me know if something else is needed.
This is going to be a problem now.
I will have to ask you to pay for the shipping cost. I originaly asked for your physical address and you asured me that the Box address would be fine. When i get the item back I will let you know .
Hello, The tracker has confirmed that you should have the package back with you now. I do not have a problem with paying you for reshipping but for the fact I had asked if a Box number would be a concern and you had said that you had seen FedEx deliver to box numbers before. The worst case scenario you introduced to me was that I would have to go pick it up. As I have already paid 45 dollars for shipping and handling I don't feel that I should have to repay for it. The error was unforseen by both you and I and all cost I was responsible for were paid. The 45 dollars given for shipping and handling seems to be more than enough for the package to be resent without any expense to you. Thank you
I don't think I'm out of line for asking that he re-send the package without my sending another 45 dollars US to him.
krysil · Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 08:37pm · 3 Comments |