the excuse that men need to watch porn for sexual release is such bullshit. don't get me wrong, i'm all for masturbation. but why does it supposedly become inferior if a man doesn't have something to look at? that's called... A LACK OF IMAGINATION. if you want something to look at, look at the woman you're with!
the excuse that men watch porn because they want "sexual variety" is perhaps the biggest bullshit excuse. if you're still looking around, WHY ARE YOU IN A ******** RELATIONSHIP??????
if your partner is modest and unwilling to do certain sexual acts with you, then FIND A NEW PARTNER. if you're not being fulfilled by your current partner, then ********. MOVE. ON. objectifying women in porn so you can put your lady on a pedestal should never be considered the solution.
however, if your lady IS fulfilling most of your desires, yet ONE DAY OF THE ******** WEEK she isn't willing to have sex with you because she's tired/whatever.. ******** suck it up and stop being so selfish. your woman deserves better than for you to result to jacking off to random chicks in porn.
and this attitude that it's "normal" for a man in a satisfied relationship to masturbate to porn is exactly the kind of attitude that perpetuates the habit. if you're in a satisfied relationship, why do you need porn? if you're in a relationship, male OR FEMALE, it is unacceptable to masturbate to porn.
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