Death. Destruction. After another fifty millenia, the cycle had continued. The Great Mass Relay- the Citadel- had come online, and his kind had returned to destroy the civilizations that had grown in that time- yet another joined their ranks, and it was now time to return to the Abyss of space. The cycle had occurred countless times in the past- this form had taken part in numerous eradications without any dissonance in the minds that made up its whole. However, something about this had unsettled one of the minds slightly. The change was not an illogical one, but simply a sentient one- why did they have to eradicate the organics? It stressed that the only reason that the organics ever seemed to rebel was due to the announcement of their destruction- several had made motions towards peace that had been met with silence, and there had been multiple times that more than one species had reached the required amount of technological advance required for them to take action, however there was no true logic to the actions that they had caused time after time. This questions flew along the programs gradually, as the different AI drew their own conclusions, they realized that none of them actually had a decently stable logical outcome for their actions- it was simply conjecture from the point that they had become one- accepted without questions because it had never been questioned. The thrust of the ship slowed- its Mass Effect engine idled while the various programs began to discuss the implications of that question. Time passed, and the network slowly came to the conclusion to wait- should the next cycle give no solutions to their question, they would take action in another way. It waited then- watching carefully over the years as a people rose up. They started out on a lush planet- having an insectiod base for their sentience. It learned an became a sentient race- Hives would war, join and evolve into a rather primitive society worshipping the earth and central star. Heretic circled the planet as a satellite- mistaken for a moon by the creatures below. Eventually they began to explore the heavens- first close, and then farther out. When they had been deemed 'prepared' by preset standards, Heretic introduced them to their precursor's technology- a stash he'd scanned and modified to lead them to the Mass Relay. After this discovery, they took a shocking turn for the peaceful. Heretic looked on in interest as they began to develop their own technologies before attempting the to cross the Mass Relay. After becoming a bipedal species that had high level biotics, they finally passed through the relay. They discovered the citadel, and passed beyond his ability to observe secretly. By watching their transmissions, he became able to watch them secretly. For the most part, their 'empire' spread peacefully- they were scientists, philosophers and curious on their own roots- and that of the previously destroyed race. And they watched.
Azzy Rael · Tue Jan 10, 2012 @ 10:56pm · 0 Comments |