odd schoool day again!
The only thing I'm going to say here is that my friend Dennis was putting on pink nail polish in class. He jsut walked up to a girl and said "i'm gonna paint my nails, kay?" (note;this dude is a football player and use to box!) and sat down in his chair. I dared him to do it, so he said "Alright, im only gonna paint the pinky nail." and he did. The teacher said "Dennis! Put that nail pollish away, QUIT PAINTING YOUR NAILS!" "IM ONLY PAINTING THE PINKY, MA'MM!" he said in his regular loud voice. (note: the way he said it was so funny! can you imagine a boy talking to a teacher as if he was taking to a general in a army that he "was only painting his pinky"? rofl ) this really made my day