Aich-skeet-skeet-skeet, skeet-skeet-skeet! Aich-skeet-skeet-skeet, skeet-skt-sktt... Dx
gonk My elbow hurts very much. And I dunno why. It's done it before and it was very painful then, too. But that was like, way forever ago last year. I think I even wrote a journal entry about it. But, I remember I had a friend over when my elbow was hurting, and I must have freaked her out that night because I kept rolling over and groaning in my sleet a'cuz it would hurt.
It feels like it's on fire, but there's no problem on the skin. It's turned red and angry as if there was a cut, but there is no such thing. And what strange is, I can rub it all hard like, and I don't feeling anything. But when it's just gently brsuhed against by, say, an armrest, it hurts so bad. Dx Blah!
For the past what...? Three? Four? Weeks, we've had to work on a debate in Pre-AP English class. We had to write a brief, which in the end was very helpful when it came to the debate. That assignment right there was about 50% of our grade, so it was very stressful. Not to mention it was very hard since nobody really knew what to do, despite the teacher's best efforts. Then for the past week we were supposed to be working on the debate itself. We pretty much just transferred to notecards what we wrote in the brief, but we were still confused on exactly what we had to do. but our team decided to all dress baisically the same; black shirt with a collar you can put a tie around, black skirt, tie, and not sneakers for shoes. I couldn;t find a good shrit to put a collar around, but I still managed to get a tie. Rae's tie didn;t match everyone else's, but that did not matter. Carrie couldn't find a skirt
But we still looked au'some. I'm particularly fond of the outfit I wore. :D Even though the heels were about 3-4 inches high and my feet really hurt. They still hurt.
The topic was Gay Marriage, and our team was for it. We messed up a little bit at the beginning when one of our partners said "Since when is marriage about commitment?" It was one of those anime moments, y'know, when everyone falls over and thier feet stick in the air. I was freaking out a lot about going up there and speaking my part of the debate infront of the whole class, but I think I did pretty well. I did use my notecards, but I only read off what was on there and then elaborated. I didn't get to everything that was on the cards, but I felt so confident. It was great. We won and eveything.
I hope I never have to do it again. Dx This project took about ten years off my life.
Leamony · Tue Mar 07, 2006 @ 05:25am · 2 Comments |