Well, summer is not just for movies. For those of us in the Gaming community, it's been a wild ride for us, too. With everything that happened at E3, many of our worlds have been turned on their heads and gained a standing ovation. As for my personal life, not much has happened
1: I nabbed a PSP with FF Dissidia. It is awesomeness incarnate. I have beaten every storyline including Inward Chaos. Kuja FTW.
2: Still hoping for a response from Gamestop or (as my last resort), Farm Fresh. (why do I keep trying to add an A in that word?) Nothing yet, but my parents are nagging me. I want to say if they want me to get a job that badly, they should get the App. Forms themselves and give them to me so that I can fill them out, but I'm not sure if their reaction would be...pleasant... sweatdrop
3: Eagerly awaiting the 3DS, KH Re:coded and September 7th. Birth By Sleep releases, and I got it Preordered at Gamestop! I will be there on the 7th, wearing my Organization XIII cloak with pride. blaugh
4: No Wi-Fi for me for a while...I have decided to exercise patience and wait for the 3DS. It should contain the WPA capabilities I need. I don't feel like getting a DSi or DSi XL because 1: I have a Lite, the standard DSi has shorter battery time and the XL is too expensive at the moment and 2: The 3DS will be a new system that can play all sorts of cool new games like Kingdom Hearts 3D! I am willing to wait for Epicness, but that doesn't make the wait any less excruciating. biggrin
Okay, so that is more than "Not Much", but still, Aside from that it's been a lazy summer...sort of. The occasional yardwork keeps me busy, along with the standard chores around the house. That, and beating Inward Chaos was no picnic, even with Kuja. It must've taken me over 20 tries to beat him, and the ending was epic. I dodged his Utter Chaos and Brink of Delusion, then he tries to use Soul of Oblivion. Big mistake, since I had Kuja's Ultima equipped. I dealt the final blow practically screaming "YOUR END IS HEEEEEEEERE!!!!!!!". It was fun. I really wish I could've saved a replay of it, but alas the option is not open for Chaos battles. I also spend some time playing my dad's Secret Agent Clank game. He gave it to me because he can't get past the button pressing of the Stealth Takedown. I can do it with ease, but that didn't make the Klunk battle any easier! Well, hopefully I'll have a job for my next journal entry. For those of you who miss the Xashowd Stories, feel free to head to the Xashowd Wiki I created on Wikispaces. It has Xashowd's true story on it, but is a work in progress, something I should get back to writing...but Dissidia is so fun....Ah well, Until Next time!
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Xashowd's Ethereal Text
Xashowd's text of assorted happenings. May be written by the Reaplings on occasions.
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RIP Socks the Cat. 09/15
Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes

Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
The Eternal List of Scythes