Still Falling...
I'm falling now...
At this point, that's how it feels. It feels as if I'm falling out of the sky and I'm just waiting to hit the ground. I still manage to keep my sanity and find some form of peace.
rhetorical question to the void, or maybe to the spirits listening, what does it mean when you are the last voice someone hears every night before they go to sleep?
I really hope this friendship/feigned relationship doesn't end up with me hitting the ground. I am really hoping someone has a parachute for me, or someone with wings is going to swoop in and save me from a grisly demise. I hope this story has a happy ending. Well, on the bright side, if it doesn't, it will still make a good book. Maybe this journal will become a book one day. Maybe...
The days are just flying off of the calendar and I have no clue where they have gone. This time next month, I'll be sore as hell and too tired to want to do anything else but sleep. But I guarantee I will still manage to get in a conversation with her. Hopefully, it won't be a 172 minute conversation like tonight because I'm going to need every bit of sleep.
and she is still on my brain...
I'm still falling...