Dark side
Congrats. You have succeeded in almost driving me to the breaking point. Are you really that power hungry to even make your own daughter fall? What about your Son? Your husband? Yourself? Just let go. It's not worth the mass homicides. You need to stop trying to prove that you are better than everyone because look where you are. You are lower thatn you have ever been. Look where you live. See what you cause. You aren't successful. You aren't all there. You live in this ridiculous bubble that everyone is so damn happy.Stop making dumbass decisions where you think everyone will benefit. They won't. They will only rot faster. If I rot any faster I won't be able to make it by myself. You already succeeded in moving me to hell. Killing my friends. Some in which i Found out weren't at all. I can't wake up and feel like I have someone to smile at. To hug. To tease or argue with. So thanks. You did make me successful. Successful in failing.