Nezumineko: I'm good.
Fox Tail: Wonderful, now who is this with you?
Nezumineko: Oh, this is Rage, My summon.
Fox Tail: Oh a summon, your a summoner?
Nezumineko: Conjuror! But same thing.
Fox Tail: Right! So do you have any other summons?
Nezumineko: Yes, but I like to have Rage with me at all times.
Fox Tail: And why is that?
Nezumineko: Well he get very jealous, heh heh, but really he is just really strong, and he is also my boyfriend ^^
Fox tail: And how did this come about?!
Nezumineko: Well, My boyfriends old body got destroyed, so I decided to conjur up a new body! Sadly fire is my main element, and all I could do was this fiery human looking thing...
Fox Tail: Well now that's a story! Do you still go on dates?
Nezumineko: Not like we used to, now its mainly crushing orcs up side the head, and gathering zombie brains, hee hee...
Fox Tail: O.o; Umm well now, that's uhhhhh... interesting.... Well I think its Zaiaku's turn.
Nezumineko: Oh right, I will go tell her she is on!
*Nezumineko walks away and a few seconds later Zaiaku walks out*
Fox Tail: Everyone, ZAIAKU KATAKI!
Zaiaku: Hello world, I will one day rule you!
Fox Tail: Heh heh, well that's a lovely message for the world. Now then I heard you are a Shadowknight, who is out to get revenge on some Freeport assassins for killing your idol, who you literally walk in her exact same foot steps, is that true?
Zaiaku: Yes, but I alrady got my revenge.
Fox Tail: Oh really?
Zaiaku: Yes, I went out on my own tracked them down and killed them.
Fox Tail: Don't you live in Freeport?
Zaiaku: Well yes, but they don't know that I did it, and besides, I am protected by the Gorowyn people, After I got the revenge for one of their fallen, the love me!
Fox Tail: Really? Wow, that is something... Ok ok, now I want to know who this is, this person standing next to you.
Zaiaku: Oh that's Trace, My squire.
Fox Tail: You have a squire?
Zaiaku: Well he is standing right here isn't he?
Fox Tail: That is true. What can he do?
Zaiaku: Well anything I tell him really.
Fox Tail: Can he go make me a sandwich?
Zaiaku: Sure just write what you want on it, and give him your order.
Fox tail: Oooooo!
*Fox Tail Takes out a piece of paper and writes down a sandwich combo and hands it to Trace, Trace looks at it...... glares, and walks way*
Zaiaku: What did you ask him to make?
Fox Tail: Well you will see.
*A few monets later, Trace returns holding the most foul looking sandwich anyone has ever seen*
Zaiaku: OH GAWD WHAT IS THAT?!!?!??!
Fox Tail: That my dear Sin, is a sandwich made from rotting bread, discarded pairs of socks and underwear, rotting fruit, meats, cheeses and covered in rotting zombie blood.
Zaiaku: And you Going to eat that?!?!?!!?
Fox Tail: No, Trace is.
Zaiaku: O.o; Well I should start looking for a new squire...
*Trace looks at Zaiaku looking for some help, but all she could do is pray that he lives*
Fox Tail: Less staring, more eating!
*Trace looks at the sandwich, starts to take a bite*
Zaiaku: I can't look.
*Trace takes a bite, his face turns a sea sick green, runs off*
*Trace comes back, sits down, still looking sickly*
Zaiaku: Are you-
Fox Tail: Finish it!
*Trace picks up the rest of the sandwich, shoves the whole thing in his mouth, face becomes a even worse of a sea sick green color, Fox Tail I laughing his @$$ off, then Trace pukes alllllllllll over him*
Fox Tail: We will be back with Nifeisu, after a looooong clean up.....
*Trace is still puking*
Zaiaku: Now, hahahahaha, Will someone, hahahahahaha, Call a doctor, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!