Andy: Hello Fox Tail ^^
Fox Tail: So Andy as I've read in Zane's stories, you and the other.... *gulp* uhhhhhh.... girls (I should have known, ok Fox don't F*** this one up) are the "spirits" of the chaos Emeralds?
Andy: That is correct ^^
Fox Tail: And you the Red one?
Andy: ..... stare Duh, I'm red aren't I?
Fox Tail: Oh right..... *Faceplam* Right Zane did the color thing, duh Fox Tail...
Andy: So are you a Fox or a Cat?
Fox Tail: I'm a cat, you would be surprised how many people think I'm a fox, but i guess its just the name sweatdrop
Andy: Right.......
Fox Tail: So Andy, I haven't looked at all of your your profile, because I want everything I hear from you to be a surprise ^^
Andy: o.e What did you look up?
Fox Tail: Just your Name and power, that's all ^^
*Rachole's head slams through the wall*
Andy: WHAT!?!?!?!?
Fox Tail: !?!?!? What?!?! NO!?! I would never!!
Rachole: My job is done ^^ *pulls head back through the wall*
Fox Tail: Wait till I get my hands *a shadow looms over Fox Tail* Oh... right.... *turns head to find a very angry Andy* ok ummm, I NEVER HAVE SEEN YOU IN A BIKINI, NOR DO I PLAN TO!! .... Oh wait..... Wrong choice of words....
*Andy takes in a deep breath*
Fox Tail: Oh s**t... (damn her natural ability for sound....)
Andy: KNUCKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fox Tail: Well that answers that question.....
*Knuckles comes up like the road runner, Fox Tail holds up a sign that has "Halp" written on it*
Andy: Let the beating commence biggrin
Fox Tail: gonk Oh gawd.............
*Knuckles starts to beat the living s**t out of Fox Tail*
Fox Tail: Hurry- OW!! Someone get security!! OH GAWD MY ARMS!! AND GET GINGER ALE!! s**t MY LEGS, I NEED THEMZ!!!
Andy: Ok Knuckles, I think hes learned his lesson ^^
*Andy and Knuckles walk away, Ginger Ale walks out*
Fox Tail: Ladies and gentle-ow men... Ginger Ale... the Yellow Cat... oh ow...
Ginger Ale: What the hell happened to you?
Fox Tail: Aren't you a little young to be-ow swearing like that? *trying to get up*
Ginger Ale: I'm 7
Fox Tail: Exactically! Now ummmmmm, what is your power? (plz be healing)
Ginger Ale: Illusions ^^
Fox Tail: (damn) ummmmm ok, Well it is written here that you a based off of Flap Jack, from Cartoon Network (gawd what is Zane thinking)
Ginger Ale: Yes that is true!! EXPLORING!!!!!!
Fox Tail: So, hmmmmmm lets see, uhhhhhhh.... oh! If your based of Flap Jack, you must like Candy then ^^
Ginger Ale: ......o.e;
Fox Tail: What?
Ginger Ale: Are you.....? O.e; *stands up, starts to back away*
Fox Tail: What? confused
Ginger Ale: A-a-a-a-a-a-........! *Runs off* ANDY-CHAN!!!
Fox Tail: What? It was just a question! ...This is not going to end well..... Anyway folks Come join us next time when we have Arain with us on the show.
*Andy, and Ginger Ale walk up*
Ginger Ale: There he is Andy!
Andy: I should have known......
Fox Tail: Oh hello ladies, what can I do for ya?
Andy: Stay Still.
Fox Tail: Wha-why?
Andy: For THIS!! *punches him*
Fox Tail: Ow! What was that for?
Ginger Ale: For being a perv!!
Fox Tail: What? ...Oh s**t.......
*And So Fox Tail got another Beating*