Lately this has been starting to really bother me. I mean I have nothing against people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual. What does bother is me is that it seems like everyone and their mothers are now claiming that they're bisexual since singers like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Fergie are either using their sexuality to promote their music or they just decided to follow every other bisexual, gay or lesbian and actually tell people. But what you do behind closed doors is your business. It seems like every famous person now is like following in T.A.T.U's foot steps. Be orginal, stand the ******** out from eveyone else. Don't do something because it sells your ******** CD's or songs on Itunes.
Because really after this whole bisexual, gay, lesbian-famous people using it to sell things is it really going to be as world known? I don't think so.