Age:No one is really sure. he looks to be in his late teens, but he also looks old enough to be in his early twenties.
gender: Male
blood type: AB positive
Weapons: He really never finds a situation he can't handle with his fists and feet, but he does like to brandish a bow and arrow.
Personality: Luke keeps to himself mostly, but when he does talk he likes to mess with people a lot. Sometimes it gets him into a lot of trouble, but on his part, their reactions are completely worth it. He is a sincere friend to the friends he does have, and wouldn't hesitate to give his own life for theirs. other times he can be annoying.
Powers: Luke delights himself in his speed. While he isn't half as fast as vampires and other inhumans, he can run fast enough to level with their supposed 'slow' pace.
Bio:Luke grew up with a good life. he was born in a vilage that made a good income, and had a good defense system for keeping any attackers out. Everything seemed perfect, Luke's parents had his life all set out. there was just one problem. Luke, HATED it. He hated the way he seemed to be so controlled. His parents even planned out who he was going to marry. He went to the same school, wore the same uniform, did the same thing every day. No, he nedded a bit more spice in his life. So one night, when everyone in the village ahd turned in, he ran away. It felt so good to be free, to not have to listen to anyone telling him what to do or say. However, Luke had never been outside the village's walls. He had no idea what the outside world was like. The very same night he ran away, he was attacked by a group of fierce demons. He lay up, looking at the night sky, figuring he would die. But a girl found him, out in the woods. her name was Tsuki. She cared for him while he healed, and Luke secretly grew love for her. the day he asked her to marry him, she didn't know what to say. But she finally said yes, and the two were set to be wed. But Luke was not meant to be happy it seemed. Tsuki was fatally injured by an assasin sent by Luke's village to kill her. Luke saw the assasin and picked up the nearest weapon, a bow and arrow, and shot him straight through the head. The assasin, in the end, turned out to be Luke's own brother. Tsuki died in Luke's arms. he didn't speak for a long time after that, he hardly came out of the house. But when the memories became too much to bear, he left. he trained in his skill with the bow and arrow, and perfected his already skilled speed. He got into becoming a theif, stealing what he nedded to to survive. It's taken time, but Luke has grown to be like his old self again. Innocent, carefree, and sometimes obnoxious. But he still carries the deaths of his family heavy on his heart.