Name: Caliope
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Species: Unknown
Past: See the top of the page.
Weapon: None

Powers: Caliope cannot fully control her powers yet. She wields wind, ice, water, and light.
Moveset: general attacks: Nereid- ejects a blast of water from her body that knocks back anyone in front of her.
Boreas- Releases a gust of wind that blows back anyone nearby, sometimes for miles.
Frigid- Freezes anything she concentrates on.
Divine safeguard- emits a blast of light that blinds anyone nearby whether they are looking at her or not, and transports her to safety.
Combined moveset: Freezing winds- a frigid gust blows through the area, freezing anything it touches.
Ultimate moveset: Divine cleansing- uses her light powers to create a shield around herself and expand it outwards, pushing back and severely damaging anything that does not have good intent in it's heart.
Water veil: uses light to manipulate water into a shield.
Personality: Sweet and caring, but very frightened by Manevolance. she is almost constantly on the run from him.
Name: Manevolance
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, but looks to be in about his 30s.
Species: Unknown
Past: see top of page.
Weapon: He forges his weapon from the darkness he summons. It can be a range of things, from throwing knives, to katanas, to a ball and chain.

Powers: He is a skilled fighter, and utilizes his elemental abillities to their full extent. He wields Fire, wind, darkness, and lightning.
Moveset: General attacks: Leaping blaze- pillars of fire erupt from his body, either forward or from the ground around him
Shocking intervention- electricity and light bolts leap around his body, making it impossible to get close without taking damage.
Prevailing gusts- two hurricane-force winds blow in opposite directions at different times, easily knocking his opponent off balance and putting them off guard.
Corrupt manifestation- Points of darkness form around the enemy, hovering and moving perfectly in sync with him/her. it matters not if they teleport, the energy will always be there. On Manevolance's command, they trigger a massive explosion,and release dark energy meant to rip apart the opponent. This is usually indicated when he says 'give in to the dark.'
Combined move set: Searing lightning- four bolts of lightning converge onto one point, then erupt into balls of fire that spread about the area.
Burning gusts- this is simply meant to heat up the area, increasing the power of his fire attacks.
hellfire- Pillars of fire erupt around his body, one after the other. wind draws the opponent in towards the attack.
Devilish benevolence- darkness spreads across the ground, and lets off bolts of lightning at random intervals that criss and cross about the area. it covers a very large area, and is very difficult to escape from.
Ultimate move set: Sin harvest- gauges the amount of hurt the opponent has performed upon the innocent, the amount of sin he has done. the more sin the individual has committed, the greater the pain.
Manevolant ultimatum- a very hard attack for him to land. it fires a single shot from his body, it travels in a straight line. it cannot turn, but if it connects, the opponent is done. the attack drains all of the energy from the enemy, all of the power, everything that made them who they were, gone. Manevolance absorbs it as power of his own, and it leaves the opponent barely alive.
Darkness reigns- Multiple meteorites streak from the stars, smashing into the ground when Manevolance directs them to go.
Personality: He has an unreadable face, and never shows any emotion. He appears indifferent to catching Caliope, and his voice is always calm and collected.