What's is up with ppl who don't believe in abortion? If they dont agree with it they shouldn't have it, but what gives them the right to tell everyone else that they're not allowed to make that choice? People argue that abortion is murder, but you cant kill something that never existed to begin with. 77% of anti-abortionists are men, 100% of them will never be pregnant. I think It's wrong to force a woman to suffer through morning sickness, pms, bloating, and labor for a child that will be unwanted and given away. How do you explain that to a baby? There are already so many kids in the world that already live in orphanages and are unhappy. Why should we force more into the world. Is it okay to assume that every child would want that? And what about mental children? Wouldn’t it be nicer to send them to god then to let them life a disfunctional life where they will probably be rejected by most kids their age? My mom works with those children; I wouldn’t want that for my baby, or any baby. And why do Politician get to decide whether or not it’s legal? Shouldn’t it be the mother’s choice? It’s not like there’s a lack of unwanted children in the world. If you argue that children that weren’t aborted can be adopted by someone who wants children but cant get pregnant, adopt the 6 year old whose parents died in a house-fire.
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