Kal: Finaly did what?
NinjaZane: I FINALY beat that part on Tales of Legendia!!!!!
*I was stuck at the last battle on Jay's story*
Kal: Are you pulling my leg?!
NinjaZane: No, I really did it! *starts victory dance*
Kal: I wana dance! *starts dancing*

*Fox Tail Walks in the door and hears the rave music*
Fox Tail: stare Let me guess some thing stupid is happening... stare .... Ooooooo! Dance Party! I wana dance too.
*Fox Tail has a weakness for dancing*
*Fox tail Jumps in, So it makes the whole situation look like this*

Kal: Uhhhh what just happend there
NinjaZane: I don't know, hey where did we get four people in ower talk group?
Kal: Beats me....