Everybody dance! ~:D!
You might remember how I was complaining some weeks ago about how my hardrive crashed and I lost all of my files which I was still in the process of recovering. For some odd reason, my brother put a new hardrive into his computer (We have computer parts all over the place). He was told that it was from mum's, but after closer inspection, he found a folder with my name on it. All of my old files were on there! :D All of the artwork I lost, all of the pictures I saved, all of my games, my music, everything. I just transferred over my 'My Pictures' folder, which was rather large. But it containes almost all of my artwork, so it's rather important to me. My brother's taking his computer over to a LAN party right now, so recovering all of my other files will have to wait. But he said he won't delete anything untill I give him the okay.
I don't know if that's my old hardrive, or if all of my files were backed up onto someone else's computer, or what, but I'm just glad I got all of my stuff back. :,3
... But, you know, this only helps to prove that my life really is one big planned-out TV show, and that this is really just another plot twist. >_>
Leamony · Fri Sep 30, 2005 @ 10:24pm · 1 Comments |