Life is a game how we play is up to the one who control's the pieces. I have for see everything and plan to use this to help me out active me goal's. The perfect one shall be brought back and the weak race will be enslave by her hand and i shall be second in charge. This game is set up time to play. Winners take all.
CH 1 First moves
I slowly pick up my paper and started to read were i last left off. "neferet are you sure its wise to start are operations before the date?" I slightly smiled as i place the paper down on the desk and stood up from my nice soft chair. "shino its best to start its the right time also... dont worry the game has started its just a matter of times before we make it to are next part of her plans." I said while walking shino slightly bow. shino was a very close friend of my she had on a maid outfit and had been with me almost throw my hole life. Shino just walked next to me with no smile she never smiled and i was okay with it for me and shino new when one and other were happy. "Dont worry about me just make sure my son starts his mission and so do the others. If we fail to active are goal's then everything will fall." She smiled as she started to walk. "we managed to change the route with that one fight and we all due owe Kain and the widow for that one." she said with a smile as a person in a black cloak appeared right next to her. "im heading head of you... i hope you have your fun so fare i heard that no team has made it." I just smiled as i heard the figure talk. "what do you think are race is getting weaker and weaker." i said with a smile as the figure just nodded its head and disappeared like it was never there. shino just nodded her head as she walked away. I just smiled as i open the front door and walked out with my red hod on. My feet touch the snow which had been falling all day. "time to get this all started." I said while I open a portal.
The game had started i was the behind everything I just need to make sure that i insure that nothing would stop my plans this time. As i step into a lab I just smiled as I Started to walk. "Ada james you two will be mine." I said with a smile as i heard a guard shot out Vampire. I just laugh "weak human." I said as i just looked at him. He raise his gun and started to open fire. I just quickly ran on the wall and pulled out a couple of needles and throw them at him. Two hit him in the eye's while one hit him in the throat. The guard dropped on the ground moving around but was not able to yell. "Like i said weak." I just kept moving as i walked into room room after room killing everyone that i saw. I soon maid it to the top floor "this is were they are." I just nodded my head as i pulled out a couple more needles. There were only two rooms on the top floor of this underground lab. The control room and the cell room. Luckily for me the label the rooms. "very smart humans." I said with a small laugh as i open the control room and quickly took care of the trash. I looked around on to see someone sneaking into the elevator of the parking lot. "It seem's they sent one... and by the looks of it hes a new born." I just walked out of the room and head to the cell room. I could hear gun fir in the lower floors that I didn't even go to. "i cant wait to see what this kid will be like." I said as I looked at james and ada with a smile as they new who i was and didn't even dear move i just sat down and started to read what ever papers were on the desk. "soon... i might have a little bite fun soon." i said in a low voice as i read.
The gun fire soon die down and the sent of blood could be smelled. "I wonder did he make it." I said with a smile as I listen to hear a small item fall on the ground on the floor below me. "nope the widow is walking in... stupid humans cant even know if one of there staff is a vampire or not." I said with a smile as heard 6 dumps noise. I just slowly got up and got ready for the little game i was about to play. It didn't take long for the door to open i was on the side. "watch it dont get any closer to us she will kill us like the others." Ada said as she looked at me i just laugh slightly. "well it took you long enough young one." Elliot turn and looked at me. He had bullet holes in his cloths and some blood on his lips. "i see you had a hard time... so should i just end your weak life or toy with you?" Elliot eye's sharpen. "im not weak you old hag ill kill you." he said as he grabbed one of his daggers and rush to me. I just nodded my head as i grabbed his hand that held the dagger. "one thing you dont hold the dagger like that you wont be able to use it right." I just punch him in the face sending him into the air and right into a wall. Elliot got back up and just looked at me with hateful eye's but somewhat shock. He move his hands to his side making manny different items out of the darkness. I just slowly throw my hood down to the ground and looked at him with both of my eye's. "kid ill let you have your fun... winners takes all." I smiled as my other eye started to look at his attack. "Crystal eye." I said with a smile the eye that i had always kept cover was my crystal eye it was something no one had seen for more then hundreds or even thousands of years.
Elliot laugh "your going to need more then some kind of trick to win against me." he said as he aim his arms to me everything he made with the darkness flew at me. I just smiled as i saw everything coming. As soon they got in a 2 meters ratio they disappeared. "kid im not using some kind of trick this is the gift I was born with. This is may mark." I said with a smile as i just ran towards him. He didn't stand a chase(sp) but i wasn't real aiming to kill him but see how strong the 6 generation was and so fare they were weaker then the last one. My theory was right with ever generation we grow weaker and weaker soon we be nothing but humans with powers. I grabbed Elliot by the hand and throw into a wall leaving a hole were he was thrown. "your not even worth my time kid." I said with a smile as i just looked at the hole. I just open the door to see him on the ground trying to get back up. "why dont you just stay down at less save your self the trouble of being put back on the ground." i said in a cold tone for it made me angry to see we were getting weaker and weaker. "I wont lose not on my first mission." He said as he got back the smell of new blood could be smelled. He has some blood running down his face. "As you wish kid.." I just turn around "shino you can have your fun with him." Right when I said Shino's name she appeared right next to me. shino just pulled out a couple of needles. "you want him dead or alive.?" Shino asked while looking at Elliot Shino didn't care for the child at all as long as she was with her lady she was all right. I just smiled and whisper, " Alive he might turn out to be something great at the end but do make it look like we want him dead... and make it fast others are coming." I said as i head back to the room. Shino just bow as she ran on the wall still in her maid cloths. I could smell more blood in the air. "I will never get tired of that smell." I said as i walked up to Ada and James. "you two have your options. "one come with me or two be thrown into a volcano pick." I said just looking at both of them. Ada was the first to answer in a an angry voice. "ill go." She said as looked away. James just nodded his head. "Ill go also." They both want to live which was good. I just smiled as i move my hand the both fell into a portal that would take them back to my mansion. I just turn to see elliot thrown throw the hole again. He lay on the ground cover in needles. "well well it seem's she did a number on you." Shino just walked in throw the door she had no makers on her cloths only a little bite blood drops here and there but that was all from elliot. Right when she close the door a large noise could be heard. It came from the elevator door's. "well there here." I said with a smile as I just looked at the door wait for the others to come. I just want to say hi to an old friend that i play the game cat and mouse.
CH 2 Old Friends
Shino looked at me I just nodded my head. "go have your fun with them... but make sure he makes it here." I said with a smile as i looked at her. She just slightly bow," As you wish my lady." she said as she rush out of the room. I just sat on top of the desk and looked down at Elliot. He try to get up but fell back down. "I-Ill get you back for this." I just slightly laugh at him. "revenge is a poison it slowly kill's you from with in... are you willing to kill your self just to take me down?" I asked while looking at his blood cover body. He just slightly smiled "Hell I would do it in a hart beat... you old hag ill kill you thats a promises." I just smiled "then your fate is seal my boy... you shall die by my hands and to-" I stopped for the door flew across the room. I just stood up and looked at a young child looking man walk in. He looked at Elliot as soon as he saw how badly he was he rush over to him. "I new you were not ready for this mission." He looked up at me with hateful eye's. "aw Intel officer Kain." I said with a smile as i just stood there looking at him. "Its been sometimes... after all i was the one to attack your little friends kind and wipe out all but one... how is she doing." I said with my eye's just slightly sharpening. Kain just looked at me. "she's find and you wont get to her." He said as he got in front of the blood cover Elliot. I just smiled at him. "your an Intel officer how can you think to beat me here with out your man.." I said right when gun fire could be heard. "they have there hands full with Shino so how do you plan to win a fight you know you cant win." I said as i just looked at his eye's. He new about my crystal eye already. He smiled as he move out one of his hands. "Blaster Edge." A Round type blade that was strapped to his wrist appeared. "aw it seem's you got a new toy." I said with a smile as i pulled out a katana. "Well let are little game began again" I said as I ran to the side to side heading to him. He just nodded his head. "at the end you wont win." he said as he move his hand slightly up and shot the blade at me. I just smiled as I saw it coming at me I duck right under it felt a couple of my white hair get cut a little. "hum.." i said as i rolled to the side seeing how it came back to him. "thats a nice little toy." I said as i just throw my katana at him and quickly grabbed to needles that i had and throw them also at him. His eye's sharpen as he turn around and quickly push Elliot away from him. Right when the katana hit him in the back it explode.
I smiled as i saw kain fly to a wall and smash right into it. "See your Deity isn't coming to save you this time. Kain your still weak as always just give up and make this easy on your self. Who knows i might use your soul in of there body it wont be all that bad." She said with a smile as she just started to walk to were he lay on the ground. "Never talk about her like that she was once your friend and is still my friend." I just smiled as I looked at him. "she's gone thats the truth. I guess ill just end this." I said as I pulled out a needle right when I did she saw kain rolled to the side and aim his Blaster Edge at me. "I wont let you harm anymore it ends now." When he finish talking the blade shot at me. I just did a back flip right over the blade. "You know fully well you cant beat me that easily" I said as i turn to see the blade coming at me again i just smiled as i move my hand in front of me and caught the blade some blood drip on the ground as it had cut me but i had stopped it before it did any major damage to me. "This is just a toy at the end." I said as I just add more perisher to it braking it into two. I throw the two pieces to the ground and turn to him. "As much as i like to finish you off its to early to do that..." shino appeared right next to me. "Its done and more are coming do so i would say its wise to leave for we got what we want my lady." I just smiled as i heard her. "yes my friend its best we leave." I said as a portal open right under us and we appeared right back in my mansion.
I just smiled as i sat back down in my seat. "so Do you think Vayne and Mira had any trouble on there mission." Shino smiled and just nodded her head "no i highly thought they have any problems as to NIkku her mission is going well as to calera and Elda they havent started and are wait on the right timing to get in." I just smiled as I drank some tea that shino had brought me. "well glad to see everything is going well. The door open," Mom i brought him as you asked for." I just smiled as i looked at Vayne. "thank you son Mira must be sleepily after all im sure she had a hell lot of fun toying around with them." Vayne just nodded his head "yeah she's sleepily im going to rest up a bite and your right she did have a lot of fun. See you mom." He said as he walked right out. He left the door open a tall man about 6 feet walked in and smiled as he looked at me. "well its been sometime im shock to find your still alive and not under this cures that im in." I just smiled as i move my had for shino to leave she did what i want her to with out saying or making a noise. "well Draken its been sometime. After all after that fight which you were seal away by the widow i been looking for you." He smiled as he took a seat and looked at me his dark red eye's looked at my only eye the other one my crystal eye i had it cover with my red hood. "Well glad to see you been looking for me... but time isn't on my side i dont have long before i must go into sleep and the only way to brake this curse is to get someone to kill them self for me or kill the ******** b***h who put this seal on me." I just smiled as I heard him. "Trust me finding the widow is as hard it was back then you know how she is. She's everywhere but no were to be found. She also the same hatless type person that would even kill her own children and kill her husband if she ever got one." Draken just laugh at what I said. "So what your doing i heard you have plan going on." I just smiled as I drank some more tea. "yes, I do have plans set up and well since i got you back and knowing you want to get back at your brother for all the
chaos he throw you into. Your mission is Bring kain back here alive and kill the widow she most likely will go to the fight for... Kain was one part that help her and she is going to try to seal you away with the help of Kain." Draken smiled as he heard. "this should be fun. Neferet you know how to sure give your old friend a welcome gift." I just smiled "oh this isn't nothing compare to your main gift." I said with a smile as I got up and walked to the door and open it. "if you need help Take Rosalind with you she doesn't have a master yet." Draken smiled "no thank you. I can take care of my self and pules ill have lot of fun taking Kain out along side that b***h." I just smiled and walked out. "just as i thought old times dont change much." I said as I walked throw the hallway. Two figures appeared next to me. "not yet to you and well you just be ready." I said as both disappeared as fast as they had appeared.
I was back in my work room working on a new doll(one of those old looking type of dolls). I just smiled as i work on its legs and arms. I felt someone walk into the room I slightly smiled as i listen to the foot steps. "whats wrong vayne?" Vayne smiled as he looked at my back. I could always tell how he looked when not even looking at him. "Are you sure that Draken is ready to go to the school you dont want to send anyone to help him?" I just smiled i could see he was worry about my old friend. "he will be find dont worry to much about him. I already sent Calera and Elda out to keep an eye on him." I just slightly looked at him. "There's something else on your mind isn't there?" He just looked at my eye's as i looked at him. "Yes, the seals are still on her do you want me to do anything to speed up this process?" I just slightly smiled as i looked at him. "No in do time they be gone at the end you'll have your fun so will Mira." He just nodded as he turn around,"I trust what you have plan mother." I just nodded as he left. I just got back to work then a felt a cold blade close to my neck I had a smile as i just looked at the doll i was working on. "Stop this or else you'll forces manny other groups into this mess. You know full well she's watching this." I just smiled as listen to her," Great Grandmother shouldn't mind what im doing after all im just trying to get her daughter back or should I say Grandmother." The blade was push closer to my neck. "Listen to me lady stop this now before it gets out of hand and we have to step in." I just smiled even more "Oh shut up mother or should I say shinda." I started to feel some blood run down my neck. "You dont call me by my name daughter." I just smiled and slight nodded my head as I felt the blade move away from me. "were watching and so are they so stop this before we are force to act on you and your little so call family." I just turn to see a cloud of black smoke. "I wont stop... i wont never stop until we are in control of this world." I just turn around and went back to work the main game was about to fully start.
Ch 3 swift wind
As I stopped working on the arms of the doll i just looked slightly up. "she's ready to be taught a little bit more?" I asked with a smile as i listen for a answer. "Yes my lady she is waiting for you at the same location." Shino said as she was standing at the door i slightly looked at her. "Keep an eye out for my mother and the others... it seem's were getting closer to are goals." I said with a smile as i stood up and just gave shino a slightly smile. She just nodded her head as she turn around and walked out the room. I just close my eye's in a slight moment I could feel the wind blowing throw my fingers. "well its time for lesson two my young lady." I said as I looked at a tall girl in a black cloak. I just smiled as i let my red hood move a little bit. My eye's meant her blue eye's thats was all i could see but i new who i was going to be training here she was working with me as an unknown group and there was one other member but that member didn't need any help at all. I just smiled as I looked at her hands she quickly move them to her side and pulled out a couple of needles and throw them at me. I just smiled as i slightly move my head to the left i could see the needles pass right by me. I just smiled as my eye looked at her she was starting to run. The wind was blowing slow around us i just smiled as i jumped back right when i did a large carter appear. "so you learn how to launch wind attacks fast with out me seeing your hands moving... nice." I said as I just started to move to the right then the left and back seeing manny more carters appear were i use to be at. "Yes I told you i would learn fast." I just smiled as i move to the left and pulled out a couple of needles. "yes you did." I said as I throw my needles at her and did a back flip avoiding another air attack. She move quickly to the side i smiled as i just looked at her. Right when one of the needles pass right past her it explosion causing a shock wave that nock her off her feet. I started to run to her as I did my red hood flew off of me. "well lets how good your defense is." I said with a smile as i move my hand pulling out my katana. I saw a smile on her as she just started to move back every time i got close to slicing her or even close to her body i felt a strong wind pull making me have to use more force to get close to her body. Hum... she's gotten better its almost about time to send her in the filed i would think? I thought as I put my Katana back and just close my eye's as i just thought on my next move i smiled as i got my next attack ready to use on her. "well here were go avoid these moves and you will be allow to work on your own from here on out." I said as i smiled i could clearly see her smile she was not going to give up after all it only took the first one one try to get the rights to work by her self.
I just smiled as i jumped back in the air i looked at her and move my hand right in front of me. "Sprite trap katana." I said with a smile as blue katanas appeared all around me in the air. The girl with the smile looked at me she still had her smiled as she just looked at me. "Lets see how good you really gotten." I said as i move my had to her. As i move my hand all the katanas flew at her. I heard class of noise but didn't have time to look i just land on my feet to see a large cloud of dust in the air. I smiled as i could see she had made it clearly with out getting hurt. Tie girl started to rush at me as i looked at her hand i could see a glow in a shape of a blade. "Hum.. you learn fast." I said as i quickly pulled out my katana and stopped her wind blade. We both looked at each other's eye's i could see her blue dark eye's she was ready for operation and she had prove it to me. I push her back with half of my force and looked as she land on the ground and just kept her same look. "You have pass... your mission is get close but dont be found out by the others that are close to lin. Your target is lin's heart... get close to her and get her so call friends away from her and once that is done.. its all over lin gets her power from her friends and if she has a lover. Take these things away from her and you make her weak and easy to destroy. Unlike Sander or as we called her the perfect one she needs no one for her power is just pure power." the girl smiled as she listen. "this mission should be easy. I will work at my speed my lady and i will not fail you." she said as she disappeared. I just smiled as i started to walk. "Part two is set and has started. Its all up you." I said with a smile as Vayne appeared right behind me with mira in his hands. "Let me guess the seal two has fail thanks to calera." Vayne nodded his head. "Good you'll take care the last seal... ghost... this should be fun for you target a kid name Riku and take his power for a while and give lin's body a little hug with his ghost power." I said with a smile. Vayne smiled as he heard me. "Ill be glad to do that mother... it while be done." He said as he disappeared. I just smiled as i looked at shino. "Everything is set and the game is moving as we plan. Whats my mother and the watchers doing?" Shino just looked at me, "Watching and planing a counter attack on your operation my lady." I just smiled as i started to walk. Shino fallow me as i walked. "Yes but shouldn't we take them out they are a major threat to are operations." I just smiled as i slightly looked at her. "Its nothing to fear at the end they shall be attend to."
Shino just nodded her head "I understand my lady." she said as she kept walking with me. "Dont worry... as soon as the seal's are gone everything will be a lot faster. Get Elda ready to go in and also Calera they are going to also be need to get ride of any threat that most likely appear at the school. As long as lin is still there people will do everything to make sure that the perfect one will not come back again and i cant allow that." shino nodded her head as she did she jumped back. a load noise could be heard i turn to see a cater were shino would have been standing. I just smiled as i had my red hood back on and looked up to a tree to see a girl with light blue short hair. One of her eye's were red. "aw... Rankoko i never thought you come looking for me. So how are you doing Step sister." Rankoko jumped down right in front of me. "Im doing find step sister. Just hear to tell you one thing. Dont you dear do what your planing to do. Ill be there to stop or try to stop your plans." I just smiled as i looked at her. "Then we will have to crush you with the others." I said while my eye's sharpen. Rankoko just smiled as she close her eye's an other girl appeared right next to her in a ghost forum. "Dont thought are ability to fight Neferet." I just laugh as i looked at the ghost figure, " So you master your ability and wait three years to get this little girl in your head... how sad." I said as shino walked right next to me. "Should i get ride of the trash my lady?" I just nodded my head as i looked at Rankoko. "Not yet they will go down with the others unless she wants to fight right now then I wont mind." Rankoko open her eye's as she did the ghost disappeared," I would love to fight you right now but... i cant i have to attend to some other matters. See you soon sister it was nice to see your lovely face again." she said as she fade it away in the wind. I just nodded my head. "oh i cant wait to kill you sister it will be fun to rip you into pieces." Shino just looked at me. "Do what your told things are starting to get fun." shino nodded her head as she disappeared. I just started to walk again in the cold dark forest.
Ch 4 Chikane
I just smiled as i looked at the moon. "Such a lovely night for blood to be drank... dont you agree." I said as i looked slightly at a figure. The figure smiled a little bite red highlights could be seen. "Yes my lady it is a lovely night to drink some blood.. or to have a fight with some old friends." She said as she walked next to me. I just smiled "you ran into Draken didn't you?" She just nodded her head "You almost trapped him again didn't you?" She nodded her head again. "I guess he had a fun time fighting with everyone else how bad is he hurt?" She just looked at me with the same smile "Not to bad but i do wish i could have play with him a little bit longer... whats your orders my lady?" I just smiled as I started to walk. I Love the forest for it was home to me she fallow me as i walked. "Your next orders are just to keep your self alive until need... Oh wait there is a mission i could use you for. The higher ups are down to two and well get ride of one of them dont care who it is any will do. As soon as the dirty low life humans find out there's only one higher up they will attack us and try to wipe us out allowing the last higher up to call war on the humans." She smiled and slightly laugh as she remove her hood that cover her face. "I understand i should have fun with this mission am i right my lady?" I just smiled as i looked at her. "Widow just dont fail you have done well and things are about to pick up so you'll be having as much fun as back then the secret wars will never end." I said as she just nodded and disappeared. I just close my eye's and kept walking as i walked i heard something opening my eye's fast to look around saw no one but i new there was someone out here. I just smiled as i listen closely to the sound. "Charily, Delta you see the target?" There was since for a while. "yes we see the target... OPEN FIRE!!" I just quickly dash pass a couple of trees as i heard bullets hit the trees. "Aw so they found me well i should have some fun ripping these weak black and whiteops into pieces." I said while my fangs grew. I grabbed a couple of needless from one of my back pocket and looked at the tracers as they flew behind me. "Found you." I said with a smile as i dash straight to them. "Charily team been found Delta your on your own pulling out." could be heard beside the bullets passing all around me.
I could see 4 soldiers in black uniform with inferred goggles on running away at high speed. "Aw dont run i just want to see what color is the blood of a cowered." I said as i turn slight as the gunshots stopped and 4 more could be seen running. "They both are running they are making this not so fun." I said as i just stopped and throw the needles on the ground and just close my eye's. "Deveined Spears." I said as a couple of spears appeared around me mix in colors. "Well time to end this." I Said as i grabbed the red spear and throw right up as soon as it went up started to run away the other spears disappeared. "I hope you like fireworks." I said with a smile as i just kept running avoiding threes by a couple of inches. Right when the spear land a large force could be felt as a load and enormous exploration happen. I slightly looked back to see a large fire ball coming at me i just smiled as i quickly took my hood off and stopped and looked at the fire with my crystal eye. As the fire rush at me like a insane and made bull. The fire came in inches as it did my eye's started to suck in the fire that was coming at me. Fire rush pass me
engulfing the forest i love so much but really didn't care what happen to it. Soon the fire stopped when it did i just put my hood on the ash's of the once beautiful forest were all around me as i looked around i saw nothing alive for miles and miles. "I guess i wont be seeing there blood." I just said as i turn around as i did i could hear a noise it was a noise that anyone that had been on the run would remember i a heart beat. "Black hawk... pilot Danny." I said as i just looked to see a red light getting closer. "So she's came.. i wonder if she's going to try to stop me this time i so hope so i haven't have a good fight for a while were i could unlock them." I said as i saw the black hawk land and a shield of the higher ups on the side door that open. A young and tall lady walked down she had blue hair and a blue rope with blue eye's. "Neferet you have ran your terror on both humans and vampier alike its time to end this." She said in a demanding voice. I just looked at her with both of my eye's "Well my higher up of water aka Chikane what your going to do about it. You already know that the black and whiteops are no match to my ability's right. So why send them to there death or you just hope for a brake. Just to hope is a wast of man and resources." I just move my hand to my side were my katana appeared at. "Well My lady what shall we do?" I said with a smile as i looked at her her eye's were locked on me and showed no fear an worth enemy had finely come to fight against me i was about to have my fun. "I will have no other options left. You must die." she said as she kept her hands by her side. The black hawk pulled away from the speakers could be heard. "Good luck my lady and may the darkness shield you." I just laugh slightly at the last thing that Danny said.
"Shield you... we are the darkness." I said with a smile as i looked at Chikane she just nodded her head. "Neferet we held such great pried in your ability but now you have become a threat that we cant leave alone any more... you must be dealt with." I just smiled as I rest my hand next to my katana. "Well well i finely caught your guys attention after i plan everything out for more then a thousand or hundreds of years. Well my lady I would say its time to get this start." she just nodded her head "We had great problems back then... Okay time to get this over with." she said as she move her hand to her side she move it towards me as she did a ice wipe forum in her hand. I quickly pulled out my katana out right in time to stop the wipe from hitting me. "This will be a great mach." I said with a small laugh as my hood fell down. She just nodded her head as she move her other hand forming another wipe. s**t i said in my mind as i quickly move my hand to grab the wipe right when i did spikes appeared. "********!!" i yelled as i saw some blood run down her wipe. Her eye's never change as she looked at me i just looked at her and smiled as i pulled both her wipes at me. She quickly broke the wipes sending ice flying to the ground I just move back as i did i saw three ice needles fly over my head. I land and turn quickly as i grabbed my needles and throw them a noise could be heard as i saw my needles shatter not to fare from me. I dove to the ground and got back up. "Well it would look like you got ready for this fight... well time for me to strike back." I said as I jumped into the air and move my hands to my side as i did spears along side katana appeared at my side. She just looked at me with a cold look in her eye's. I move my hands in front of me as i did everything that had forum flew at her. She just kept looking at me right before the spears and katana hit her a large sheet of ice appeared right in front of her. "Just as i thought." I said with a smile as i quickly pulled out a red dagger and throw it with the others as soon as it hit the sheet it explode sending ice every were. Chikane flew a couple feet back she shock it off and got back up. She just looked back at me as she move her hand to her side making a Ice cover katana appear in her hand. She just held it in one of her hand she just started to run at me as i land on the ground ice and dust were kick up into the sky. I just smiled as i pulled out my katana," You know you cant beat me in hand to hand or weapon to weapon." she said nothing as I talked. I just nodded my head and dash to her with a smile right when both are katana's hit each other a large shock wave could be felt as ash and ice flew into the air.
chikane frozen like eye's looked at me. I just smiled as I looked at her. As i looked at her hand it was as if time had frozen it self i could see her hand slowly forming a ice dagger. I just nodded my head as i quickly pulled out a needle at the same time we move are hands and we stopped each other. "Neferet i wont lose not this time. The world has the right to live free after all you taught are goddess that and now look at what your doing your aiming to enslave both your and the human race just to get the perfect one, Why she would most likely kill you when she's free so why risk your life for her's?" I just laugh slightly as i heard what she said to me. We both were adding more force trying to put in a blow that would destroy or morally wound the other. "I did say all that i was just trying to get are goddess on are side and well i guess she saw throw me i guess she saw my plans for this weak world. So she never join us and that what lead to her death." I said as i move my leg up and push chikane back. she flew about 20 feet back but was still on her feet. "You lie you believe your own words i could see it when you told her Neferet stop this it doesn't have to end like this. I know about the repeat this is the 8 time we all go throw this and you and I know full well that you cant win." I just laugh," So you figure it out also.. then you know your going to die soon will you try to change that save your weak life or will you allow your self to die when you have become such a master of your ability." Chikane slightly laugh as she just looked at Neferet," No i wont change that for i know full well he will take over the place of me and the new god will help are miss led and lonely goddess out..." She said as she slightly looked down a tear could be seen going down her face. I just smiled as i looked at her. "Weak weak leavening the others to fix the mess that was left behind you'll only destroy them." Chikane just looked at me with her light blue eye's. "Maybe maybe we will but this is what we can only hope for." She said as she made her ice katana re-forum in her hand. I just smiled as i rose up my katana. "To the bitter end my lady." I said as i ran at her. "As I said i wont give up here not now not never." Chikane said as water turn into ice and shot at me like vines growing on a tree. I just smiled as I dogged one by one everything seem so slow to me because i was moving so fast. I finely got close to chikane to see her eye's just looking at me and her lips slowly moving. I slowly read her lips as i got closer. I stopped couple of feet from her and jumped to my right. As i jumped a larger explosion happen i was sent into the air at less 43 feet. As I started to fall back to the earth i looked around to see a squad of black ops with an artillery pieces.clever little b***h she kept me focus on her so they could use that against me... i'll have to let her have that one. I thought as i hit the ground causing a small carter to forum. I struggle to get back to my feet as Shino appeared right next to me. "My lady." She said as she looked at Chikane and the Black ops with deeply angry and hateful eye's. I just smiled as i looked at chikane, "Ill give you this one My lady... but dont forget your time is slowly coming can you stop me if your not willing to change your road?" Chikane eye's were back to a cold frozen look. I just slightly nodded my head. "The knight will fall soon." I said as shino just help me hold my self up and we both disappeared in a black thick heavy fog. We both appeared back at the mansion. "My lady i will not leave your side again." I Just smiled and looked at Shino," Its okay my friend when i tell you to leave go i got careless that is what lead to this hole mess. I wont plan to let that happen again." I said while my eye's sharpen. Shino just nodded as she place me in my black softy chair.
Ch5 Hazard
As i sat in my chair recovering from my wounds which were nothing to dangers I started to re-read my papers. "So much has been done and yet were so fare from are finely goal... I cant wait until she's free." I said as i read all the paper and pick up another one. I just smiled as i put the paper down. As I close my eye's i just thought of everything that was about to happen. "My lady is everything okay?" Shino ask while standing at the door. I just smiled and slightly looked at her and nodded my head "its time for my tea." shino nodded her head as she walked out of the room. I just sat back in my chair and thought about what was to come what was need to be done to make sure everything went as plan. I just smiled as i went back on the doll again. "Your soul will be in this one... I already know how you want it." I said with a smile as i felt something in the air it was the smell of blood. "So its done..." "Yes, mother its done." Vayne said while standing behind me. I just slightly looked at him he had a couple of scrapes and some blood running down his ear. "I can see that she got you at the ear do you wish for me to heal that for you?" Vayne just looked at Mira who might have been yelling in his head telling him to get it fix. I just smiled for Mira was almost an easy person to read but in battle could be an evil witch to a along extend. I just slowly got up and walked to him and looked at his eye's. "Its okay i know what the little one wants." Vayne slightly smiled as he hard me. I just move my hand to were his ear would have been and close my eye's as i did my hand glow dark green. Re-forming a part of a body wasn't easy only few could do it. "thank you mother." I just smiled as i looked at him. "go and get rest both of you must be warn out... im sure the clone gave a strong fight and so did the body but from here on out the rest will be inside jobs so be ready." Vayne nodded his head "I wont fail you no matter what mission's it is mother." He said as he turn and walked out at the same time Shino walked in with a tray in her hands. I just smiled as she sat them were i worked at "Shino... she's coming the mother of Tenshi...Chi." I said with a smile as I just slowly started to drink my tea. Shino nodded her head "Whats her reason to come here?" She asked while standing at the door. I just smiled as i looked at her. "she's coming to find out if i have her daughters soul... foolish woman. Tenshi is an angle that is watching for the right time to stop me." I said with a smile as i drank some more tea for it was the truth. I new all the main people who were going to be in my way or plan to kill me. I wasn't about to let anyone get in my way.
I just slowly stood up from my chair and put my hood over my head as i just smiled ready for what was to come. As soon as Chi found out I didn't have her daughters soul she would most likely call me lier and start to attack me. This was so lovely for Chi was also another problem she was the first generation and would most likely be no pushover. I just looked at shino and nodded my head "Your not need my dear friend... stay here and watch out for the other." I said with a smile as i looked down at Shino she just nodded her head. "I understand my lady. May the hater burn strong and bright." I just nodded my head. "Let the hater burn bright and strong in everyone." I said with a smile as i just close my eye's and fell into a portal that i made under my feet. As I went throw the portal world i just close my eye's and thought head. The gears cant be stopped by anyone at the end even if I die it will be to late. The gears of fate cant and will not stop this time or make them go backwards. I said as i appeared on top of a building hearing an exploration not to fare. "Aw lin's more evil side... its nice to see her trying to take over again... even if its mostly a mix with sander and lin she will never be able to active her goals." I just looked at the dark night to see some smoke going into the air. "... Just a few more minutes until she comes." I said as i looked down the side of the building to see darkness all over the place. so thick that you couldn't even see your hands if you held them right in front of yourself. "Aw Elda hard at work hum... it seems everything going as plan." I just laugh slight as i looked down. "stop your laughing you b***h." Right when i heard a anger voice I just slightly turn to see a girl in a red and white T-shirt with a black skirt and black stockings. I just nodded my head. "Oh... Chi you finely made it." I said while turning to look at her. Chi kept her hands at her side as she looked at me with very strong hateful eye's. " Where's my daughters soul were is Tenshi's soul. I know you have it i cant find her soul in the spirt world so what have you done?" I just nodded my head," Now, now what has gave you the slight's thought of me having your be-love daughters soul? I have no use for her she was a weak human soul that got killed trying to defend her daughter. So why would i need such weak soul for my doll's why would i even waste my time making her a body?" Chi hand got stiff at the same time her fingers got tightly close to each other as she looked at me. "How dear you talk about my daughter as if she was nothing." She said as she started to run. "As I said weak mortal human who die defending her daughter... nothing else nothing less." I said as i just looked at her run at me. I just pulled out a couple of needles and throw them at her. She quickly dash to the side it was in less than a nano-second. she's as fast as i thought... this should be fun I thought as I started to run back throwing needles at her but she just kept avoiding with easy as she ran at me with her hand raise up.
She got closer and closer to me to were i was barely able to avoid her. She got in range and trust her hand straight at me. I just kept looking at her anger and full of hating eye's. Her hand went right throw my left shoulder i slightly looked to see blood going in the air. I then slightly looked at her she had a grin on her face. I just quickly grabbed her hand before she could pull it out. "... Game set... you lose chi." I said with a smile as I pulled out her hand and litter twisted it in a 360 i could hear the bone snap and her yell. I just smiled as i kicked her back she rolled on the ground for a while and then stopped. She slowly got up as she held her hand that i had broken. Her eye's were still full of hate as she looked at me. She close her eye's slowly as they close i could see a strong green glow around her broken hand. She's healing her hand... well i should seen this coming she isn't going to give up so easily is she? I thought as i quickly put my hand on the ground and close my eye's. My crystal eye was starting to hurt slightly but that wasn't something new. It has always been like that ever since i got it at age 23. I open my eye's right when i did the floor under me started to brake apart. I just slowly looked at chi as i saw her hand was already heal. Chi still had that strong hate in her eye's as she got ready to attack me. I just smiled as I got my self ready my shoulder was already heal. Chi jumped of the ground. She was 20 or so feet in the air. Her goal was to most likely take me throw the whole building and hope that end it. what a foolish person she is. I just move my hand in front of me right when she got close I just smiled as i jumped at her and grabbed her hand. "Not this time." I said to her with a small smile. I throw her straight down. She slice throw the roof top along side couple of floors. I just looked down the hole and smiled as i jumped down. I land on the ground to see Chi no where. I looked around seeing is she was hiding but she wasn't she wasn't here any more. I got ready something wasn't right. I then heard a small laugh. "Well Daughter it seem's that you haven't change over the years." I quickly turn to see my dad. I took a step back."Tsukai... dad." I said in a low voice as I took a couple of more steps back. A young gentleman walked out of the shadows. His shot white hair slightly glow. He had on a black coat with white T-shirt on the T-shirt was a red rose. He had also black gloves and pants on. He just smiled at me. "yes, Its me your dad." He said with a smile as Chi walked right next to him. "Well does she have her soul or not?" she was asking my dad. He just nodded his head. "Nope she doesn't have her soul." He said with a small laugh. "It seem's god had another plan with your daughters soul... sorry Chi i cant be any more help..." Chi just slam her hand into the ground braking the tie flooring that was close to her. "Fine.... but thanks Tsukai... ill find her some how and i hope she's find still." she said as she just started to walk to a window. she smash it open and jumped down. My dad just looked at me. "well daughter or do you want me to use your name?" He was asking me. I just slightly laugh. "what ever suits you well use." I said as i just kept my eye's on his hair and his hands. "Find Neferet. It would seem's your getting the whole family upset all but Great grandmother. You know this plan of yours wont go as you want. ITs bound to mess up sooner or latter so i would stop it before it got to out of hand and to the point were you'll get everyone involved. Trust me that would be bad." I just listen to him and slightly laugh a little bit." It wont as you already know that this is about the 8 time we have this talk and it doesn't change anything right." He just nodded his head," yeah i know.. i was the first to know about this but chose to do nothing to change it." He said while looking at me. His eye's showed no feelings which kept me on the edge. My dad was a very tricky guy who you never left your guard down or else you'll be waking up in the sprite world.
He just slightly laugh a little bit. "As you said it doesn't change anything." He said looking out side seeing a black beam being forum. "It would seem your family have gotten stronger and stronger... are you hoping that they ill be able to stop the whole family?" he asked me with a small smile as he just looked at me. "no i hope that we will be able to set what should be rightful ares and not make these weak humans believe they control everything that they are the top race." He slightly laugh at me. "daughter... you might one of the wise of all of us... but you cloud your self." he said with a smile as his hair still glow. "I am the smartest out all of the family so dont act like you can read me." He just nodded his head. "Your right most likely your right... but you forget that we all have a will and that cant be read or seen." he said as he disappeared. " you see i intend to stop you one way or another like it or not you must answer to mother and the others for your actions." I just nodded my head as i jumped up dogging three long white spears. "Sorry but i dont intend of this day being my judgment day." I said as i pulled out my Katana and move my arm to the side sending a small trust of wind pushing me to the side dogging another set of spears. " I see you have learn well my daughter." His voice echo from behind me i slightly turn to see him right behind me. "But you still fail to keep your self not to focus on one person." I just smiled, "I learn you can thank Lady Chikane for this lesson." I said with a smile as i just saw my clone grabbed his leg and sent him to the ground. Nothing could be seen no in pack creator of any kind. what the were the hell is he? I asked while looking around. "You seem to learn fast my dear daughter but remember a master isn't forum over night or in days but years or thousands." I looked around as i land back on the ground. My clone was right behind me. "I see but you thought me everything about my powers and the art of combat so i should be at your level." I heard a little laugh. "Should is the key word my dear and thats why your not. See you never learn one key thing. No one will ever give up in the fast of death or fear they will just fight harder and harder. What you plan to do will at the end unite both humans and vampires against one person... at the end everything you plan will fall and you will be nothing." I just smirk as i heard him. "It wont happen like that i wont allow it to." I just heard him laugh again at the same time i could hear foot steps coming to me i looked to my right to see him. He move his hand to his head and pulled out one hair. when it was pulled out a spear forum in his hand. "Daughter it will. Like it or not its going to happen." I just nodded my head. "foolish just like the rest dad." I said as i move my head down at the time he throw his spear. As i kept my eye's on him he appeared right behind me i could see a white cloud behind me he taken out the clone. "daughter the gear of life will not be consume by darkness there will always be a small dime light of hope no matter how hard you try to cover it. It will never go out." He said while looking at my eye's i could see that he wish that I would change that he didn't want to fight me didn't want to hurt me but he new and i new i wasn't going to change. He just nodded," I wish I could have done something to change your road but i didn't and now were lock in a battle and your dragging both races into a family war." I just nodded at the time I felt his a large amount of pain run throw my body as i could only feel my feet off the ground. I looked to my side to see my self littler flying out throw a window of the building. Then things got crazy as i felt my body go rag dolly like. As my body finely came to a stopped i could taste blood in my mouth. I slowly got up to see my self on the street. I just shock my self as i felt numb in one of my arms. "s**t." I said as i slowly started to walk. I felt the wind behind me change as i turn slightly to see my dad standing there. He had his same look,"One day dad you'll burn and ill make damn sure im there holding the torch." He just nodded his head. "I'll be smelling while you burn me dear... at less I would know i gave you some forum of happens at the end of my life." He said while he pulled out another hair that change into a bow and then he once again pulled out another hair that forum into a arrow. I just quickly pulled out my katana. He just took aim and pulled back. "At the end are family should never been made." He said with a small laugh as he shot the arrow at me. I just smirk again as I quickly slightly move to my left seeing the arrow pass right by me and then I dash at him with full speed. Holding tight to my katana fearing that if I didn't it would slide out of my hands. He just smiled as he quickly took off at me holding on to only a bow. I swung my katana down at him at the same time he move his bow in front of himself. A load noise could be heard of two metal's hitting each other. I looked to see that he had stopped my attempt to slice him into two. "Sorry dear I still have my role to play and until then i wont allow myself to die." He said with a smile as he just push me back a little. I just looked at him with my normal eye as it got sharper. "hate fills your eye's my dear hate will be your own death." He said with a small laugh as he just turn around. "Time might reset it self but the mind never resets." He said while a white fog appear around him. "Next time dear next time we talk will also be my last." He said with a laugh that fade away with the fog. I just looked at were my dad had stood once. "I'll kill him and make him regret his actions on this day." I said as i turn around and started to walk again. I had feelings back in the arm that went numb. I was stunned to see I didn't have any major wounds or cuts. As i walked I heard nothing in the city anymore as if everyone was dead. "It would seem someone has taken lin... just as i thought... he wants her back to he might soon come looking for me but until then we wait to see whats going to happen." I said as I felt the clod wind blow throw my hair. "...hope." I said in a low voice as i fade from this empty city and appeared back in my mansion.
CH 6 Vines of the pass
I just sat at my desk looking at old and out date papers that talked about seal's and other things. I just sigh as i looked at one picture and kept thinking over and over again.This is the seal that has her trapped that is stopping her from doing great things. I thought as i just put the paper down and looked at the doll thats were unfinished. "Your soul's are not as strong as the others i will not finish your bodies." I said as i just looked at the doll's and throw them on to the floor. I just close my eye's as i felt a small movement in the wind. "What is it Shino?" I asked knowing only Shino move like that. "My lady it seem's the family is starting to move a lot more as the time moves on how long will you think it will take them to find are base of operation are home?" I just smiled as I slightly looked back at her to see her normal no smile face. "Dont worry they will never find it only the Watchers and they dear do not make a move." I said as I just sat up and started to write down a couple of things on a pieces of paper. Shino just stood by the door. "My lady may you tell me how and why are family is at war with basically you and Sander?" I just smiled as I looked at her. "This family is a vine that never stop growing. I hate to say this but even the humans are some what related to us which sicks me." I said as I just close my eye's and thought back of everything that had happen in the pass everything that led to the seal of Sander to this very point. "I see my lady." Shino said as she just looked at my back. "Thats only tip of the things. You never heard about the other race that was also wipe out by the three who forum it. Such sad story they were better then human but since human and vampires were first this race threaten to bring more chaos into the world and the three couldn't live with that on there shoulders."
Shino just looked at me as she was some what confuse by what i had said. "So there were three races?" she asked again as if she didn't hear me right. "Yes three but there also the sub race's such as the guardian class and manny manny others. In this life everyone is tie to one person and even i cant denied that fact." Shino just nodded her head. "So there was a lot cover up by the higher ups by the goddess and gods." I just nodded my head "you are right my dear there was a lot cover up and to this day its reminds cover up. I dont know everything as i wish to but i know the majority facts and truths behind manny things." I said as i looked over an old picture. "Even to this day i miss some of my friends who die do to human wars." I said as i just slightly looked back to shino "can you leave me alone shino i must clam myself down before i do something i might regret." I said as i just looked back at the picture. Shino just nodded her head and walked out the room the same way she came in. I close my eye's as soon as Shino left. As i kept my eye's close i could see the wars the blood the killing the anger everything that had happen in the Secret wars that took place human vs Vampires. I just let the Images come into my mind freely as i remember mostly why i chose to do this why i throw away so much and even backstab some of my friends to get this fare. I remember the orders I gave to Claver, Nikku, and Elda to kill off Three higher ups which were all my friends but they had to go they were going to get in my way in the long run and bring are glory race down. I just move my hand to my crystal eye as i felt the marks that ran on the right and left of it. The marks were made by one solider trying to rip her eye out to sell it. I was glad to slice that a*****e into half. As the images slowly stopped i could now refocus on what was need. I sightly looked at my window to see a white beam head to the moon as in a call for someone and I new who it was." Shino get ready were going on a little house call." I said as i got my red hood on and walked to my door. I slightly stopped to look back at my picture and just nodded my head as i step out of my room. Shino was standing against the wall looking at me. "were are we going?" I just smiled as i heard her question. "Were going to see an old family member who doesn't want us dead." I said as i started to walk.
As I walked to the main door I stopped and smiled as i felt someone behind me. "Nikku you have your mission rip the school in half and take care of any problems that deals with lin we must keep her weak if we are to get sander out." I said as i just heard a laugh "No problem my friend this will be easy." She said as she just disappeared into a portal. Shino just stood there and said nothing as she wait for me. "Time to go." I said as i open a portal right in front of us. shino just walked right next to me as we both step into the portal. We appeared in a forest. I slightly looked at Shino which she just nodded her head and took off. she was going to make sure there was no one wait for us or that there were any annoying things close by. I just kept walking until i came up to a boy. Who had a long crave blade on his back. "Well Tsukiko you called?" I asked while looking at him. He slightly bow as i came up to him. "I have to ask how long until she's free not to rush but after i talked to her she's going to try to brake out soon." I just smiled as i heard him. "So she's going to get out of lin... oh well dont worry we been moving as fast as we can but there are something that we must do to keep things form repeating them self again." By this time Shino just walked next to me. "I know full well. I just dont like this my brother and sister will soon become active along side the rest of the family." He said while looking at me. I new were he was coming form he wasn't against the family like me and Sander but he want Sander back that much that he was willing to cross a line in which might end up being his death. I just nodded my head. "Dont worry we will take care of everything as we speak I have sent in motion the next part of my plan which will move fast." He just tilt his head as I looked at shino and nodded my head. Shino just nodded her head and disappeared back into the dark damp forest. "I do hope so things are about to get thrown into chaos." I just nodded my head. "Its only the start of things to come."
He just looked at me and just nodded his head," As long as I can get Sander back i wont mind. I did make a promise to get her out of the darkness she has been impression." I just looked at him and smiled "Dont worry were going to get her out soon. You can trust me to this for I had plan for everything that is to come." I said as I just lend on a tree and looked at the bright and pure white moon. "The moon is the fate of the world." I said in a low tone it was something Sander had said moments before she was seal into lin. Tsukiko looked at me and just smiled. "She said that before she went into darkness am I right?" I just nodded my head. "Yes, your right." I Just looked at him wonder what was going throw his very mind for he was someone i couldn't read at all he just was one of those people. The ones that were older and most likely stronger then me. "Neferet dont try to read me with out me allowing it. I have nothing to hid so you dont have to read me." He said in his light tone voice. I just smiled as i push my self off the tree and started to walk. "I see. Tsukiko I would advise for you to get ready for the family is about to start steeping in along side the higher ups that remained alive." He looked at me with a question like face. " Why do you say that. Beside i already know whats to come unless your doing something that i haven't seen?" I just smiled as I started to walk. "I done something no one in the family has seen yet to come." I slowly stopped and looked back at him. "Tides that bind are about to be shown. What you see will it change your mind whats about to happen." I said as I just started to walk again. I didn't hear any foot step which meant he was thinking about it. I just slightly looked at my hand as a mirror forum on it. I could see a crash black hawk with the higher ups shield on one of the doors. I just smiled as I saw the widow walk away with a smile on her face. "well done widow ones down one left." I said as i slightly looked up at a tree branch to see Shino there. "Now here we go." I said with a smile as an exposition could be heard not to fare away.
(Go to the new enter if you wish to keep reading what i have add hee ^^ leave comments also this is a copy right by me so dont you dear steal it.)