Character Name: Lin Amaya
Age: 21
Skull Gang: Candy Skulls
Rank: Smarties
Personality: Lay back (at times), Playful, and has twisted idea's
Weapons: Nano Suit, S.M.T.T., dagger, S.I.B.D., Hand Gun(45 colt),
Weapons Description:
Nano Suit: As you would guess by the name is a suit that has been made out of Nano bots. The suit is able to increase the user strength after the nano bots have infuse into the spin (which is very painful and sometimes can lead to death). It is able to increase the strength of the user by about 50% more than their normal strength. It also increases the speed of the user by the same amount. Many would think this to be the stander items that the suit has but with Lin’s tinkering the suit is now able to go cloak almost perfectly, as long as their isn’t no rain or water in the area it be hard to notices her or see her. The suit also changes her smell that would give her location away, by masking it as the area around her. The only drawback is if she doesn’t have the helmet on her head will be noticeable. The suit has a self healing system however it’s slow and can only cover small wounds for now. The way this works is the use of nano bots work on closing the wounds; however its very limit on the size of wounds it can close. Lin is still working to make it heal more dangers wounds but it’s still in testing and has not been applied to any of her nano suits.
S.M.T.T.: (Small. Motion. Tracking. Turret.) As the title would say this is a small turret that has been designed to be hidden in plan site. It is kept inside a butter finger box and seem to be harmless but once it’s activates it constructs a small turret. The way it builds the turret is the use of nano bots; however this takes a few seconds to build which leaves the system open to be destroyed or badly damage. Once built it has two barrels and holds about 600 up to 950 rounds. Each round is custom made due to her packing a small amount of C4 into the rounds which have a delay fuse inside of them. The delay fuse is only activated once the bullet hits something and goes off in three seconds later. The system also has laser which is how one would know what the system is aiming and is able to turn around but unable to move once it’s been place unless it’s been recall. The system cannot keep a stain fire rate without risk of overheating or causing a round to go off in the chamber and thus it fires in burst mode sending fours each time it burst fire. If the system is recall it can’t be redeployed for four minutes. This is still in its early stages as Lin has been trying to add rockets and even cloaking to the device.
S.I.B.D.: (Study, Information, Break, Down) This system is normally not use as a weapon but a system that she uses to gather information or data on a target or on an item. These are designed as her glasses that she has always on her and to everyone else look normal glasses. She normally turns them on by the use of pushing her glasses or adjusting them. The only reason why this would be a weapon system is it can activate the S.M.T.T. remotely. It can also show what she sees to other people in her group as long as they have the same system or if they are behind a computer screen or tv screen.
Computer System:
Sever System: Designed by Lin to be her main tool of attacking and defending the Candy Skulls Information and resources. Many would believe it to be a one system type operation. However the severs themselves are not really one. When she has order to do her full package operation or is out for information she always uses the severs as its a multilayer platform. This system is made up of 3 severs for the time being. The primary sever which is the one she normally used the secondary known as the backup system, and the last one know as Last Ground. In the event Lin is caught in a trap or is target of attack her Primary system will enter a cut off face severing its line to the other two severs and preventing any information to be stolen right when Primary sever goes down the back up kicks in taking the date of the first sever and running deep scans designed to detected danger files that cause the first system to fail.
Backup system after finding the threat destroys it by removing all files related to it and replacing it with a clean copy of it in the event that it doesn't have one it will simply remove it all together. Backup system execute Lin's War Games programs which kicks into gear all tech that Candy's have in this case their phones to their personal computers will activated their defends system to prevent someone entering them and gaining any more information. In this system traps are place throughout the system in sensitive areas and normally easy areas are seal off by 2 changing encrypted algorithms that change every 24hrs. The traps in place in the system will either slow down another computer that is trying to break into the back up sever, cause them to crash or if they actually somewhat make it deeper back into the sever itself cause the cpu of their computer to ramp up and cause the pc mother bored to over heat and burnout. As the person is trying to hack into this sever or the one who cause Primary sever to go down information is automatically started collecting and trying to find the location of the hacker to deal with more directly.
In the event that Backup sever is brought down Last Hope the last sever cuts the last tides reboots the system back to a default save which Lin does ever week and turns on Lin's Code Red which all tech of Candy is either erase or destroyed to prevent damaging the group or allowing anyone to learn anything to much about them. Lin having save ever week is able to reboot system with her computer from her room using this system but wont right away as more deep level scans are to make sure the threat is rooted out and dealt with. After that she restores systems to the other users and goes on the attack launching many attacks on to the computer or source of the attack that has now push her to her last sever. Using the same complex algorithms that help designed the many locks on this system she goes after the source to destroy or shut them down and prevent them from harming them anymore. In this mode Lin is using all her tricks she has and isn't allowing much information into the port of their system thus making it much harder to get in as she is keeping an active scan while she is attacking the enemy system and trying to breach through their firewalls and defenses.
Cell Network: All high rank members within the gang have their cell phones and phones in their rooms encrypted with a code that changes every eight hours. This is possible by the complex algorithms she has created. There is much more to the Cell Network as she able to located the user and the person they are talking to by simply tapping into their lines. Along side she can use the phones as a base to launch a cyber attack in the local area of the phones location thus allowing her a chance to take over system without her needing to hit the main system. This however will only last for a short time and thus she may need to go after the main system themselves.
Apps/Programs: Lin has been into computers for almost her whole life and thus like most programs at her current age she has created apps and programs which has given her some money and still are. However inside most of her apps and programs she places a way to get into the computer or device that has the app or program installed on. She's able to use their system power to aid her in an attack on harder targets such as government run places and such. Where her normal computer power alone wouldn't be enough to breach the fire walls. Unlike most hackers or people that have done what she has done she doesn't steal from these people just simple use their IP and their devices power in help cracking or by passing firewalls.
Special: Human
Bio:Lin has always enjoyed computers at an early age and that show as she normally chose to do more tech stuff than anything else. She however seem to enjoy partying a little too much at times. This what lead her to have some major problems with her family as they want her to go to college and become something she couldn’t care for. She wants to enjoy her life doing her two favor things which were computers and parties. This is how she ran into Lovie the leader of the Candy Skull and well things happen that would lead her to become a member of the group. She knows few other members in the group as she attends to be focus on her work in the day and parties at night; she attends to forget what happen during that time. She is currently working on trying to understand the vampire power. She views her work to be key to the group and understand she had to get as much of it done as soon as possible. Once she is able to understand this power she plans to use this to help make the group stronger.

Nano Suit 5A
Nano Suit 5B