My computer started acting wonky Monday morning when I went to turn it on. I managed to trun it on, twice actually, but my desktop just looked... wrong. Most of the icons were missing and nothing popped up like it was supposed to. I figured I'd just restart a couple more times before I tried some torubleshooting, but it stopped completely starting up. I'd get to a screen that would give me these different options to start up. No mater what I tried, nothing worked. This happened once before, minus the starting up witout icons. It worked just fine the next day after I left my computer alone for a bit, I guessed I would do that again.
Tuesday, it still wouldn't start up. I told my dad about it, with him being the top-techy in the household and all. He had a raidgroup to do with some friends that night in WoW, so he said he'd work on it tomorrow.
Wednesday, he got to work on it. Said that it didn't look like there was a problem with the hard drive, and that maybe some of my hardware was corrupted in some way. So he opened up my machine and replaced the parts, one by one, to see what might be wrong. Luckily, being the family it is, we had spare parts for everything in my computer.
Thursday, he was still working on it, but apparantly he amanged to do something, because he told me he wasn't able to pull anything off my hard drive. Took an hour or so for it all to hit me completely, that that means I just lost -everything- I had on my computer. All of the 500+ pictures I'd taken of my friends and I, or just anything. All of my artwork, including quite alot of finished peices I hadn't had the chance to host and show off, as well as unfinished peices. All of my bookmarks, some which I desperetly need but cannot retreive. Just everything, gone. D:
Friday was orientation for school, when we'd get all of our pictures taken and receive our schedules. I thought this year would be a good year. I signed up for all these calsses I wanted, classes that were good. I signed up for four different computer classes, with a hope that I'd get maybe one with a certain friend. I got my schedule, and it wasn't untill after I had my school photo taken that I realized it didn;t include my third period. I went to go see somebody about that, and apparantly I just didn't -have- a third period. I don't mind that, I have more than enough credits to pass the 9th grade, maybe I could spend the period like a study hall, or as a Teacher's Assistant. But, no, they just didn;t me two of the computer classes I signed up. I'm taking classes over the summer, right now, just so I could get those classes. But it seems that they just don;t have any of those classes for that period. I guess I understand, but they had to fill the period with teo elective classes, once for each semester. All that was left was weight training and Leadership. I don't want weightraining. I don't want Leadership. And I didn't get a single class with any of my friends.
gonk It's bullcrap that I'm being forced to take classes that I know I'm going to fail, never wanted to take, and don't have to take. But hey, at least my school picture seems like it'll turn out nice. ; 3; On top of all that, my friend lost my cell phone at the movies today. D: And she left her cell phone at the Mall, as well. We also lost my ther friend's backpack at the Mall, but we managed to get that back.
Also, I got my computer back Friday. And here I am, typing up a journal post. D:
Leamony · Sat Aug 27, 2005 @ 06:41am · 2 Comments |