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Expecting the unexpected is impossible. If you expected something, that would make it something to be expected than be unexpected.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...
Yar har har pirate You may choose to donate heart I wouldn't mind creating an avatar for you either. You don't need to pay me for that 3nodding You can just tell me what kind of character you want your avvie to be--OR you can just sit back and relax and let me figure out an avvie for you! mrgreen
Here is a link to my art shop!

Likes Vs. Dislikes

*Ice cream
*Rice (in almost any form)
*Dogs (along with the whole canine family...ESPECIALLY WOLVES!)
*Hm, that reminds me--Shigure Sohma heart
*I like greens and blues--except for navy, blue, puke green, and a different form of the color olive
*Julius is nice (strawberry banana!) 8D
*Smoothies in general I guess (hints the Julius)
*I like nice people domokun
*My family heart
*Hats (most of the hat families...)
*Chopsticks (although I can't hold them, my further research on them will have to step aside as I stare in astonishment) OoO
*Shoes (yes yes--boots, some heels, flats, sneakers, some sandals, etc.)
*Anime (Fruits Basket, Bottle Fairy, Love Hina, and Fruits Basket heart )
*Manga (Fruits Basket heart ---I WANT to read Yume Kira Dream Shoppe but I. Can't. FIND IT!.... ._.)
*I like to LOOK at spiders and bees, but I DARE NOT get near them... emo
*Creepy smiles (like so) surprised domokun twisted
* pirate
*I do like cats..but I'm alergic to them 3nodding
*Mushrooms (NOT cooked or on my pizza--I prefer them raw)
*Toadstools (I like to look at them) 8D
*Pokemon (it makes me happy XD)
*Smoomy heart
*Mrs. Shmoogens and Mr. HM
*I like my imaaaginaaation eek

*People who curse in every sentence and say the "f" word (I just think it makes them look stupid, really. I mean...don't you have a vocabulary? Couldn't you have thought of another word to replace such crude language?)
*Mustard (umm...I don't like it personally)
*People who steal things (like burglars...Oh come on! Get a job or something you bum! You know you're going to get caught, so why bother?)
*Raisins 8D (I like other dried fruits, though)
*txt tlk (What the heck is that? Either people need to learn how to type faster or they need to read a book)
*People who use the wrong "there" in sentences (same with your and you're--COME ON PEOPLE! WORK WITH ME HERE! YOU'RE REPRESENTING YOUR KNOWLEDGE scream )
*Shrimp (the texture squeams me out a lot--crab and lobster doesn't have the same texture)
*People who say things to others to make them feel bad (now really...if you can't say anything nice to your neighbor, then don't say ANYTHING--just smile and wave and show them that you are a respectful person cool )
*Boys who wear their pants hanging down ( burning_eyes That is SO NOT attractive--I would love to go up to one and just pull 'em up, but I think that would be invading something called PERSONAL SPACE) XD
*Heavy metal (derrrrh...why become a singer when you can just scream into a microphone at home?) OuO
*Rumors (I so DID NO pick my nose and wipe it on my pants! It just looks like that when I'm stretching... rolleyes Just an example--rumors invade personal privacy and they can ruin even the strongest trust bond between a friend)
*nmmm....surgery.... ;-; (I'm trying to avoid anything dealing with shots, IV, blood, organs, blood, etc. I'm too squeamish. Waaah!)
*Snakes (fun to look at, but not fun when encountered..)
*Scorpion (ditto)
*Mosquitos ( exclaim These are the only living things on Earth that serve no purpose in life exclaim They spread Malaria AND-...shall I go on? They suck your blood and leave poop on you! DISGUSTING!! scream ....they're annoying too)
*Feces (no comment)
*Armpit hair (no comment either...except the fact that that is one of the reasons why I love anime. No one has armpit hair--or leg hair for that matter, but that isn't a problem for me) 8D
*.....Hmm, besides the truth that I hate onions and spicy things, that is pretty much it....


Okay...here is how it all began....
Mrs. Shmoogens-- a part time gardener and a full time wifey.
What she looks like-- short white hair and yellow eyes...fair skin.
She likes to-- garden, play violin, cuddle, pet Mr. Shmoogens, play with her hose, watch Mr. Shmoogens work, and count to the number 512 including all decimals in between.... neutral yeah.....
She hates it when-- people don't pronounce her name right, the Tarffleninnys throw rocks at her pet Smom and its Smomlettes, it is time to take Jason to the vet (he throws tantrums), she doesn't have enough for a present for Mr. Shmoogens, when Mr. Shmoogens doesn't get a normal sleep pattern, and when STUPID BIANCAMELLAS DO NOT EVOLVE!! scream ...
Mr. Shmoogens (a character based off of Shigure Sohma from Fruits Basket)-- a full time novelist and hubby to Mrs. Shmoogens.
What he looks like-- Oh you know.... sad You don't?! .... scream ....Alright alright, he has black hair and brown eyes....fair skin.
He likes to-- write (well he SHOULD anyways; it's his job!), eat Mrs. Shmoogens food, use his feather pen for pictures, and Mrs. Shmoogens work (in her garden dress...pervert stare why am I not surprised?).
He hates it when-- Mrs. Shmoogens gives him a bath, he has to take Chay Chay and Yumsworth to the vet, when he has to take the Smomlettes and the Smom to the vet, he gets stuck in coconut trees, and when Mrs. Shmoogens yells at him.
Jason-- the blue stuffed plushie. Mister and Mrs. Shmoogens think that he's their child still accepting the fact that he's a toy that can move around.
Chay Chay-- the pixie. Chay Chay was the one who brought Jason to life in the woods (read the story below for details). Chay Chay also helps Mrs. Shmoogens wardrobe and garden.
Yumsworth-- the dragon. While he is still a baby, he tends to act somewhat ferocious at times. He thinks he is a guard dog. Mr. Shmoogens found him on Mt. Fuji while searching for peaceful inspiration to write, and then he found Yumsworth practicing whistling but instead sounded more like a yodler with a sore throat. rolleyes
Smom and her Smomlettes-- the flying rabbit-like creatures. So small yet so powerful. They were found when Mrs. Shmoogens was little and had planted white roses in her garden.
THE MISSING LINK! -- Jason is on a quest in search of his cousin. But horrible news struck him when reading the newspaper one day. He cousin was being sold on eBay for over 60,000gg! gonk Mister and Mrs. Shmoogens had never heard of eBay... eek ....but good news came when they saw his cousin sitting in the marketplace---STILL 60,000GG!...Jason is trying to save up his monies.
Mooko Mooko and Mika Masayuki-san-- This duo is sometimes hard to see...b-but that's okay...if you aren't their enemy. ninja ........ twisted
Shimaya-kun --Shimaya is Mrs. Shmoogens falcon. She uses Shimaya-kun for deliviering and recieving her mail.
Mrs. Shmoogens (and her big fat secret)-- Hm, I wouldn't call it much of a secret, but she likes to call it that. Everyday Mrs. Shmoogens likes to cosplay a character she makes up (they are mostly from her hubby's novels). !!{my avatar represents Mrs. Shmoogens}!! ---and that's Mrs. Shmoogens big fat secret. ... neutral *looks at emoticon* I don't get it either...
Another freak-ish thing about the Shmoogens is that they do not see people. Uhm...let me put this is another way. The reason why they think that the plushie is their child is because they see its aura. They see things as what they truly are--even if what they look like on the outside is what they look like on the inside; that's what they'll see. That is why they love their friends so much. Their friends are Mr. Fluffles, Fluff, Button, and Swoony. They all like to go to raves together...whoops! Did I say that? xd Hee hee ....

Today, Mrs. Shmoogens is Chaos Warrior Unknown.
Mrs. Shmoogens is not baby-sitting Fluff's baby biancamella anymore. But it was so cute when it's hiding inside of that shiny shell NOT EVOLVING...uhum. Sorreh stressed errrrr...

8D ...... D8

Words I know in Japanese....um

Hai (erm...spelling?)
Teru teru lol
Origotto (again with the English spelling)
Sempai .......hmm I think that's all.

Hmm...not sure....Ris doog ym yawa ti ekat -- !! _ !!
RAWR! Lreight! Eat your yams boys and girls! domokun
Hai Hai!! mrgreen mrgreen
Never play with matches, you will ever regret it! scream *drives land rover into Corneria's advertisement building* 8D IT'S GOOD TO BE ALIVE!!!

Um...okay... eek
Yeah. Why am I not surprised? stare arrow pirate
Pirate- Yar har har!


He will rule the world.

Keep breathing, keep breathing,
Whatever you do,
Do not stop breathing,
A breath of air,
Is a breath of life,
Don't stop breathing,
Or your mind will stop,
Don't stop breathing,
Life has just begun,
Life is short,
Don't stop breathing,
Keep dancing,
Keep shouting,
Keep walking,
Keep singing,
Keep writing,
Keep drawing,
Keep laughing,
Keep hugging,
Keep kissing,
Keep smiling,
Keep crying,
Keep scowling,
Keep breathing,
Don't stop breathing,
Or you won't be able to look at us.
You won't be able to laugh with us,
You won't be able to breath with us
Look at us,
We are the world,
Do not look toward negitivity,
Look toward light,
Look at us.
Walk backwards,
Run and JUMP
Laugh and FALL
Work and SWEAT
Push and PULL
Yes and NO
Sing and DANCE
Resist and COLLAPSE
Walk forward.
Be sad,
Be angry,
Be upset,
Be happy,
Be joyous,
Be respectful,
Be bright,
Be our light,
Be considerate,
Be passionate,
Be kind. And you will be successful.

"Do good, children."
"You mean do well."
"No, I mean do good."


Here is a list of the Pokemon I heavily adore heart
(No, these are not all mine, nor are the ones showing names the only ones I have, I have a lot of Pokemon, but I only use the ones that are my best and the ones i really REALLY like...)

Mightyena {Black Mask} I was thinking of renaming him, however.
Darkrai {Darkrai} ....how original.
Blaziken {Scarlet} She pwns on my Sapphire.
Shuppet {I forgot its name eek } Gaspeth! I'll add that later... sweatdrop
Mew (have in pokedex)
Celebi (have in pokedex)
Miltank {Moomy}
Tokepi {Tokepi}
Rotom {Shokela}
Dratini (It turned into Dragonite named Dragonite)
Cresselia scream Still tryin' to catch that thing!
Ditto {Ditto}
Castform {Marshmallow}
Delcatty {Amika}
Lileep {Haip}
Minun {Negative}
Plusle {Positive}
Misdreavus {Sipherod}
Mismagius {Sipherod...again} He pwns on my Pearl.
Blissey {Penelope}
Absol {Ichiko}
Claydol .....My Baltoy has yet to evolve. emo
Froslass (No, but I have a Snorunt...it has yet to evolve. emo )
Glalie {Mooko}
Ralts {Odessia}
Kirlia {Zeek}
Deoxys {Deoxys} (I luff the Speed form the most, but he is in Attack form right now)
Lunatone {Lunicia}
Chimecho {Salami}
Wynaut {Eclipse} It evolved into a Wubbafet...
Azelf {Avandria}
Uxie {Odessia}
Mesprit scream I'm following that stupid thing.
Igglybuff {Igglybuff} I dun like it anymore!! MORE LIKE UGLYPUFF!
Eevee (all of the evolutions of Eevee...Hmm I might as well write those down too)
Vaporeon (water) {Eclipse}
Jolteon (electric) {Razor}
Flareon (fire) {Noodle}
Espeon (physic) {Sol Ex Opa}
Umbreon (dark) {Bark}
Leafeon (grass){Ichigo} heart
Glaceon (ice) {Solcist}
Dragonair (evolved)
Kingdra --HATORI! Mine has yet to evolve... emo
Giratina (Almost had it! >.< wink
Chinchou {Uhh...I forget}
Gyarados {Tiggle (on Pearl)} {Minnow (on Sapphire)}
Milotic {I FORGETS! gonk }
Lumineon ...My Finneon has yet to evolve. emo {Papillion}
Phione {Phione}
Steelix {Iridescent}
Palkia {Alaquess}
Raichu ....My Pikachu has yet to evolve. emo {MuffinCake and Pikachu}
Manectric {Ektrow}
Luxray {Sparkles}
Tropius- {Chor}
Ninetails- gonk

Phashionable Phrases

Cow- You were never a sailor! stressed
Pig- I believe it and that's all that matters. cool

Red Kirby- Bomb in the forest! Bomb in the forest! gonk
Purple Kirby- Is that a code? xd
Red Kirby- Yeah. It's code for: Get your a** out of the forest! scream
(Yes...frustated Kirbies start to cuss... eek That's scary)

In a bit of a nasty dingey there aren't we, Chobby?

Ms. Bitters- Here's a can of tuna.
Zim- Curse you Poop Dog! CURSE YOUUUU!!!

Children- Why is Smoomy disappearing?! gonk
Narrator (me)- stare ... 'Cause Smoomy doesn't wanna disappear! scream

Sausage thing child- I don't get it. Why does Zim want to ruin Christmas so badly? It totally eludes me from the story!
Snowman- neutral
Sausage thing child- *blink*
Snowman- *shoves him under a bed* As I was saying... confused

Kyo- Here! Eat your freakin' muffin. stressed
Hatori- *looks at muffin* I'm allergic to blueberries. stare
Akemi- He's allergic to blueberries, Kyo! Can you do nothing right?! gonk
Kyo-...SHUT UP! scream

Kureno- Don't yell at me! *running around life guard tower* gonk
Kurenai- stare ... surprised Anyways. You should join us.
Taiki- Uh. I dunno.
Kurenai- But it will be fun. biggrin
Kureno- Stop yelling at me! *runs into bush*

Meany Beans?! gonk
No! I said: Weenie Beans! rolleyes

More will be added...

-Akemi the Enchantress heart

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Akemi the Enchantress
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  • User Comments: [2]
    Edi Gammon
    Community Member

    Tue Apr 22, 2008 @ 06:43am


    Ahem.. ok my place is saved so I can come back to this and make a proper comment when I have the time... so much stuff here that needs attention whee

    Be prepared!

    Edi Gammon
    Community Member

    Mon Apr 28, 2008 @ 03:16am

    I really love the "Keep Breathing..... do good." thing you wrote there.

    Did you write that? Or is it from somewhere?

    Ok... so wait.... Your avatar is supposed to represent Mrs. Shmoogens?
    *runs back to read about the Shmoogenses*

    Ooooooh 4laugh


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