Okay, so here we go....time for the amazing cosplay update.
I like saying "of doom." I've been saying it a lot lately. XD
Okay, so for one of my cosplays that I am working on, I am doing Kalastaa, or my Gaian.
So this is the outfit that I plan on making. And yes, I know that I don't own all of these items, but I want to damnit so good enough! XD
So, the items are:
Total Value: 232,721 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gray SKA Shoes
Frostbite Blade
ORLY? Hate
Long Stem White Rose
Winter Rose
Classic Partition Top
Maid Collar Necklace
Mythrill Halo
Gray Peasant Gloves
Black Catscratch Pants
I've got most of them. I still have to draw on my white shirt and make the pretty music notes. I'm also going to write "FREE HUGS" somewhere on it. For the frostbite blade, I have no idea. I may do the staff version, but I dunno. I may just x out that item. Gills are easy: eyeliner. And so is my scar of the duelist that I'll have (but I forgot to put on my tektek). I still have to make the pixie and halo, so those will be fun. I made the orly hat, but I gotta fix it. >.< Yeah, I've got a lot of work to do. For the roses, my friend made me a white duct tape rose, so I'm set with that. (it amazing).
Anyone wanna buy me a grunny from online?? XD
Got any ideas for any of them? I'd love to hear them. ^^
kalastaa Community Member |
Community Member
I mean, uh, *cough* because I love reading the inner workings of your mind. Yes.