So Lindz told me today that you can get the GO Player and PHONES for free. You just have to go onto, create an account, and add the application for Gaia. All of which I had previously done, but had given up because my computer is too slow. >_< So today I went to the downstairs computer, which has an OS that is usable and isn't old (coughcoughwindows2000suxcougcough). So now I have two GO players, and I'm trying to get the phones, but its all glitchy and such so its not really working right now. I may sell the player later, depending on how much it goes up. ^^ It already went up 400g, so yeah. ^.^
I'm working on homework. BLEH!! English stuff actually. (ARA!!!!!! DO YOU HAVE THE ANSWERS?!?!?!?!?! ^///^)
Anyways, if you get a bebo account, tell me! (my un is just Kalastaa) and go add me <3
kalastaa Community Member |
Community Member
lol we ended up using my answers in class anyway...