Oh and just so everyone knows...sheep are welcomed here too
I have just read the last entry in my best friend's journal. I don't think she ever reads mine...not that I update it so there isn't much to read anyways.
I found it rather disturbing. I believe love can be unconditional and just all out wonderful but to have an obession over the one you are with is wrong. It's perfectly fine to be crazy in love, fascinated and down right "I can't live without you" over someone but to be obsessive where you can't sleep because you're not around that person seems unhealthy. I am not disputing her feelings for her boyfriend but I think she might want to take a reality check, CHECK her priorties and see how much of her life centres around him instead of herself. I fell into infatuation with someone and all I could think of was them, couldn't sleep without them, my mind always wandered onto thinking of them...it is not healthy, it distracts you, and often times it means that you don't love this person you just have a dependancy upon them and are afraid to lose them. It's like a drug, you feel so euphoric and out of control, happy and just perfect that you don't see what is really going on and you don't really know what you're feeling deep down.
Again, not disputing her feelings...she just needs to make sure she isn't as obsessed as she makes herself sound and that she truely loves and can't be without her boyfriend in the way that life will forever be theirs if only they reach out and grab it TOGETHER.
Love is beautiful, more beautiful when the 2 are so in love that they don't need to be sewn together to feel like their close. A relationship is 2 people with a life together and life apart, time together and time apart. When you are with that person you love them every moment with every touch or lack of and you show as much passion towards that person as humanly possible. When you are apart you love them and miss them a little but celebrate your individuality and be happy. Being away from your loved one for a little while should be as great as being with them, accept that they are somewhere else and enjoy your time away from them; when you come back you'll be refreshed and enjoy your relationship even more.
... sweatdrop Oh, and as much as I sound like I'm being mean to her...I'm really not. I'm just concerned...trust me, I have my love ballads and banters in journals myself...it's just the 'not sleeping since he's not there' that disturbs me...it's like a big flashing light saying "WARNING: BOYFRIEND OVERLOAD"...I'm too protective sweatdrop sweatdrop
krysil · Fri Jun 17, 2005 @ 05:54am · 0 Comments |