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Uhh.. yea the name pretty much says it all..
    Nick: today's turned out to be a pretty crapy day for me
    Nick: except for talking to u
    GhiaccioBlitz: I see..
    GhiaccioBlitz: well at least we're here for each other eh?
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: u seem to make me feel better when crap is happening around me
    Nick: that's y i call u so much
    GhiaccioBlitz: I see
    GhiaccioBlitz: well...looks like we're screwed now eh?
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: but it's ok
    Nick: we can still see each other
    GhiaccioBlitz: i hope..
    Nick: yeah
    GhiaccioBlitz: i seriously hope we can.. i feel really depressed bout this all
    GhiaccioBlitz: *all this
    Nick: lol
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: me too
    GhiaccioBlitz: no i'm serious..i started feeling suicidal again..something i thought i convinced myself i would never think again
    Nick: chey... it's ok
    GhiaccioBlitz: nick..i've never been this close to someone before..this really hurts even though it seems like no big deal..
    Nick: it really hurts me too
    Nick: u're a really special girl to me
    GhiaccioBlitz: nick...
    Nick: hmm
    GhiaccioBlitz: thanks.. thank you so much for being my friend
    Nick: u too
    Nick: u're a great girl chey
    Nick: i'll always be here for u
    GhiaccioBlitz: thanks and if you ever need me..you just gotta find a way to reach me lol
    Nick: lol
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: come on
    Nick: we don't need a phone to keep us together
    GhiaccioBlitz: heh..yea
    GhiaccioBlitz: n____n
    Nick: that's the spirit
    Nick: u know what sucks
    GhiaccioBlitz: ?
    Nick: it's already the end of the school year
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: i kno
    GhiaccioBlitz: man..
    Nick: o well
    GhiaccioBlitz: normally i'm fine not doing crap during the summer.. but now i'm seriously gonna be bored
    Nick: we'll make this week our best
    GhiaccioBlitz: yea
    Nick: let's put all this crap behind us
    Nick: even though i can't call u for the finale of american idol
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: hehehe..
    GhiaccioBlitz: was looking forward to that..oh well
    Nick: yeah
    GhiaccioBlitz: ..man..hurry up and be tomorrow already...
    Nick: lol
    Nick: only a couple ours
    Nick: go to sleep early
    GhiaccioBlitz: heh yea..
    Nick: like i said before
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: finally this time you'll win..
    Nick: yay!
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: n_n
    Nick: now it's best for u
    GhiaccioBlitz: yea it really is
    GhiaccioBlitz: you are officially tied for the spot of bestest friend in the whole goddamn universe
    Nick: yay!!!
    GhiaccioBlitz: so if you go to a different school i shall die cause that'll be twice my bestest friend left me..
    Nick: ic
    GhiaccioBlitz: so stay here! ^^
    Nick: i will not then
    Nick: k
    GhiaccioBlitz: yaaaay
    Nick: but u have chris
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: you know..i thought i'd never say this but..i seriously wanna live at the school now
    Nick: lol
    Nick: me too
    Nick: then we can hang out all the time
    Nick: but what if mr. heirs is sleeping on the couch outside?
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: xP
    GhiaccioBlitz: i would say hide somewhere but he probably took down all the walls by then
    GhiaccioBlitz: =P
    Nick: lol
    Nick: true
    Nick: u make me feel so unsafe chey
    GhiaccioBlitz: hehehehehe
    GhiaccioBlitz: but at least i'm also making you laugh
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: that's why u're the most awsomesst person
    GhiaccioBlitz: ^^
    GhiaccioBlitz: yaaay this night is definately making up for the totally crappy weekend this has been
    Nick: it is
    GhiaccioBlitz: you know..since i'll have less phone time for next school year.. i can really be able to do ap class..i'll have like..all that free time so i'll be able to concentrate.. and who knows i may just be able to pass XD
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: being positive i see
    Nick: good
    GhiaccioBlitz: pluuuuus..that means more computer time
    Nick: yay!!!
    GhiaccioBlitz: cause i'll have essays to do..
    GhiaccioBlitz: seeee bright side to everything n_n
    Nick: and i have like 400 tx messages
    GhiaccioBlitz: XD
    Nick: and i'll have time to maybe pass that ap english if i even get in
    Nick: which i probably ain't
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    Nick: but i am on miss bright
    Nick: gah
    Nick: stupid
    Nick: i am on miss bright's good side
    GhiaccioBlitz: xP
    GhiaccioBlitz: yea ok..
    Nick: still doesn't sound right
    GhiaccioBlitz: i was wondering
    Nick: but yeah
    Nick: huh?
    GhiaccioBlitz: no cause you didnt finish the sentence and i was like umm..
    Nick: lol
    Nick: yeah
    GhiaccioBlitz: yea erasing that from my memory..
    Nick: lol
    Nick: i'll print that out and show it to u tomorrow
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: xP
    GhiaccioBlitz: tralalalala..
    Nick: this is actually the most interesting and add conversation we've ever had on aim
    Nick: i should save this crap
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: yea
    GhiaccioBlitz: i'm definately saving this
    Nick: we could use this to write a book or something
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    Nick: o crap
    Nick: i'm not on my computer
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: um..email it to urself XD
    Nick: lol
    Nick: true
    GhiaccioBlitz: n_n
    GhiaccioBlitz: wow..its so weird..at first we barely talked and now look how close we are
    Nick: i know
    Nick: when i met u and ash... i was closer to ash for some reason
    Nick: now u're the closest person i've ever met and ash hates me
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: funny how things work
    Nick: well, she did give me a plant
    Nick: i know yeah
    Nick: ok, on the popup ads for aim...
    Nick: i saw a t mobile add
    Nick: and a find a career add
    Nick: wow
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: wow..
    GhiaccioBlitz: maybe its telling you that my plan will work XD
    Nick: yupz
    GhiaccioBlitz: i just got a university of pheonix and blockbuster...soo..apparently i'll go there instead of uti and work at blockbuster while im there...?
    Nick: and stay here with me?
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: nick...i dont know but..perhaps i will stay
    GhiaccioBlitz: i dont wanna leave ya
    Nick: well, i think you should do what's best for u're life
    GhiaccioBlitz: mm..but.. it wont help me if i'm super depressed about leaving you
    GhiaccioBlitz: mm..maybe things will work out in time
    Nick: yeah
    GhiaccioBlitz: just cant have it all can i.. heh
    Nick: lol
    Nick: yeah
    GhiaccioBlitz: but..i do have a back up..
    Nick: that is?
    GhiaccioBlitz: major in science. not sure what kind but some sort. so i dont necessarily hafta go to the mainland for that
    Nick: i think u shoulld go and do as u planned
    Nick: if anything u can come back
    GhiaccioBlitz: heh yea
    Nick: or i can fly up there a lot
    GhiaccioBlitz: its just one year anyway XD
    Nick: ah the privilages of my mom being a filght attendant
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: alright! one year in arizona i move back..in the mean time you can visit me whenever you can n__n
    Nick: awsome!
    Nick: k
    GhiaccioBlitz: hehehehe
    GhiaccioBlitz: ya know i was just about to say nothing will ever come between us but.. i just thought what if something does happen..like..ya know how some people are really close then they just grow apart and never even talk to each other..
    GhiaccioBlitz: waaaah bad thoughts must stay positive..
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: i'll never leave u chey
    Nick: i told u already, i'm always here for u
    GhiaccioBlitz: n_n thanks
    GhiaccioBlitz: that really means a lot to me..
    Nick: u're the most special girl to me chey, u always will be
    GhiaccioBlitz: ..you know what i just realized..
    Nick: what
    GhiaccioBlitz: if someone were to read this they would think we were like.. MADLY in love with each other
    Nick: i know yeah
    GhiaccioBlitz: hahaha
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: funny
    Nick: man... i wish everyday was like this
    Nick: just u and me talkin all day
    GhiaccioBlitz: that would be so cool...
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: man... u wear me out chey
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    Nick: damn
    Nick: i don't wanna get off the comp with u
    Nick: o wait...
    Nick: phone aim!!!
    GhiaccioBlitz: xD
    Nick: yay
    GhiaccioBlitz: hooraaay
    GhiaccioBlitz: cause.. i have an hour and 30 min left with the comp
    Nick: i don't know how long i got
    GhiaccioBlitz: I see
    GhiaccioBlitz: well lets just make the best of however much time we got left then hm?
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: then go to sleep
    Nick: lol
    Nick: u made me tired
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: oh yea well i'm seriously drained from all this crying i've been doing lately
    Nick: yeah
    Nick: i'm sorry
    GhiaccioBlitz: its ok
    GhiaccioBlitz: you know..i never knew i could cry so much 0_o;;
    Nick: i wish i could be there for u this weekend
    GhiaccioBlitz: eh its ok..this just had really bad timing
    GhiaccioBlitz: like..for real
    Nick: yeah i know
    GhiaccioBlitz: especially since my time of the month probably made me a hella lot more emotional than normal
    GhiaccioBlitz: xP
    Nick: ic
    GhiaccioBlitz: oooo so thats why i was so damn dizzy..
    GhiaccioBlitz: ok ya sorry add
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: lack of food+lack of water+lack of blood=very bad combo
    Nick: o yeah
    Nick: that's right
    GhiaccioBlitz: i was so close to 24 hours too T___T
    GhiaccioBlitz: yes that was my goal
    GhiaccioBlitz: hahaha
    Nick: omg
    Nick: chey
    GhiaccioBlitz: yes?
    Nick: huh
    Nick: o
    Nick: just saying ur name as a omg tone
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol I see
    GhiaccioBlitz: well hehehe i'm just jokin... n_n
    GhiaccioBlitz: though i really wanted to see how messed up i was after 24 hours..
    GhiaccioBlitz: but whatever
    Nick: wow
    Nick: chey... don't die
    Nick: then i'll die
    GhiaccioBlitz: dont worry nick no way am i dying just yet
    Nick: good
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: actually music and you are probably the only things keeping me alive at this point
    Nick: wow
    Nick: me too
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: wow..i'm surprised time is actually going slowly for once..so happy
    Nick: i know
    Nick: god loves us loving each other
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: thats kinda..weird to say but ya
    Nick: lol
    GhiaccioBlitz: so happy now
    Nick: me too
    Nick: like i said
    Nick: u make everything better for me
    GhiaccioBlitz: n__n
    GhiaccioBlitz: so glad your my friend
    Nick: me too
    Nick: ur the best girl i've ever met
    GhiaccioBlitz: and you're definately the coolest most awesomest guy i've ever known
    Nick: yay
    GhiaccioBlitz: ^^
    Nick: Damn
    Nick: Can't wait till tonight's over
    GhiaccioBlitz: yea
    GhiaccioBlitz: dammit...
    GhiaccioBlitz: this is my last minute
    GhiaccioBlitz: nick i'll see ya tomorrow then..
    Nick: Damn
    Nick: But i'm really glad we had this talk
    GhiaccioBlitz: yea me too
    Nick: K
    GhiaccioBlitz: night!
    Nick: Goodnight

(PS Ok I went through and changed nick's sn to nick which isnt much of a change..but whatever and i gotta go so i left my sn...)

Yeaaa...those are parts of the really long conversation I had with Nick yesterday. Highlights if you will. But yea.... it was fun.. n_n without nick..well i definately wouldnt be in this mess..but yea without him right now i would die.

Oh yea I'm back in stable condition. ..for the most part..kinda pissed everytime i hear my parents' voices.. but yea. i'm fine. Me and Nick had a lot of fun today. We're doing our best to make this the best last days of our lives. hahah.

oh yea..my friends noe and jessi do not get what the song Animals by Nickelback means..me nick and rinota..all tried explaining...they still dont get it....we gave up. they...are so clueless even though they get a lot of other stuff....god they are so weird.. but whatever....man i keep rereading this im @__@ i just can't help it.

You'll never know how much I really love you
You'll never know how much I really care~

K well..got homework to do...and yea..


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