Name: Kohana Nara
Her parents abanded her when she was just two years old as their house fell. But don't worry they happened to go over a cliff and into some danerous waters. Kohana has no memory of this. It was as though someone had done it for her and left her no memory of it. After her parents death, a couple, two scientists, took her in. They had no idea how powerfull she was, they just wanted a child to experiment on and to help out around the house. A little bit after her birthday, which went unnoticed by her foster parents, Kohana was on the metal table. Already strapped in, her foster parents proceeded to force her to drink a nasty yellow colored potion. They had designed it to give the drinker great speed. After the last drop had gone down her throat, her skin started to bubble. They didn't freak, after all she was just a lab rat to them, they could surley get another one. Her skin returned to normal, and that's when the pain started. It was a great pain, even greater than her foster father's whip. Her eyes glowed red and the house seemed to shake. Her foster parents started screaming like she was. The straps melted off her and it seemed like the lab machinery was melting too. She sat up, no longer screaming, the pain had seemed to go away, but her foster parents were still screaming. Kohana felt weak and her vison swam before her eyes. She collasped on the metal bed and fell into a deep sleep. When she awoke, the lab was a complete mess. Her parents were dead, slumped on the ground. She didn't remeber what had happened, she just remebered the pain from the potion, after that she recalled nothing. But Kohana knew she had had something to do with it. Don't be silly, YOU didn't it do that, I did. "Who's there?!" she yelled out into the darkness. Just me Ashi. After learning who ashi was, Kohana ran from the house, and Jomi. She plunged into the forest, and was never seen by another person again. By eleven, she started going into another town far away from Jomi. While she crept around the market, stealing from food and clothes booths, Ashi kept trying to take control. But in the forest Kohana had learned to keep that from happening at least most of the time. Having taken what she needed, she walked fast to the forest. She had found a nice cave and lived there.
Okay anything more on Kohana will go in my Journal but first her whole story. That's right I'm gonna right about the first time Ashi appeared and all that went on at her foster parents and of course the whole forest thing.