when i was in group called the Prince's Trust Team aka PTT we raided up money so we could go to places and help out or take people out for a day. on one of these days we went to the hospital in the childen wourd. we bort with use alot of card, paper and lots of other things. we went round helping these kids make cards for home cause it's was close to Christmas at that time.As i went around i stop at this little girl her mum was there next to her bed we started talking and maed lots of nice cards and modals as seh was makign her mum a card i started to draw her she saw what i was doign and she draw me, when it was time to go she asked me if we could stay friends and her mum fort it was a nice idea so we wrote down each other home addresses.
2 years has gone by and i found her address cause it was lost when my family moved house last year.i wrote to her and she replied and i fort i would draw her a new pic since my drawing skills have got alot better with in these 2years.if Shannon was an anime character i thkn she would look like this
Shannontell me what you think of the pic plz.